(报告加工时间:2020-07-27 -- 2020-10-11)



  • 全球巡航导弹市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    Over the years, the influence of missiles in modern warfare strategies have increased, and countries have started emphasizing on preserving missile systems in their armory. Following the theory of deterrence and mutually-assured destruction, countries are procuring and developing more lethal cruise missiles having high speeds and ranges. From a strategic perspective, the possession of such lethal missiles will help the countries in keeping their potential adversaries at bay. Compared to ballistic missiles, cruise missiles are cheaper, more mobile, and more versatile. In addition, their low probability of interception due to their unpredictable flight path and and changeable trajectory, coupled with their capability to stay close to the ground evading a majority of radar systems, are some of the reasons for their increased preference for a variety of missions.
  • 全球工业手套市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Industrial gloves are protective wear that protect the skin from heat, sharp metals, and harmful environments. They are designed in a way to provide comfort to the wearer and do not obstruct the efficiency and competence of the wearer. It finds application in manufacturing plants, assembling plants, chemical plants, and medical institutions among others where they provide protection from heat, corrosive substances, and sharp objects. The report on industrial gloves focuses on various trends associated with growth factors of the industrial gloves market. Moreover, it provides information on various types of industrial gloves based on their usability such as disposable gloves and reusable gloves and focuses on their market potential globally. In addition, the report includes analysis of end-users that include machinery, oil & gas, metal fabrication, automotive, chemical, construction, plane manufacturing, food processing, office building cleaners, healthcare and others. Furthermore, the report analyzes the various drivers, restraints, and opportunities in the industrial gloves market, which further increases consumer acceptance across various regions. In addition, the volume and revenue of the market is provided in the report in terms of million pair and $million.


  • 高端装备制造行业:景气度复苏,关注工程机械和工业机器人-2020年中报总结
    Q2机械设备景气度复苏,工业、基建领域回暖明显。2020H1行业营业收入 /归属母公司净利润YOY-0.1%/+5.2%,相比于一季度(-18.2%/-50.9%) 情况有明显好转;整体毛利率和净利率分别为 23.5%/7.6% , YOY+1.0pct/+1.4pct。从细分行业看,工业机器人、机床设备和工程机械 板块上半年表现较好,营业收入YOY+20.2%/+0.2%/+15.6%,归母净利润 YOY+175.7%/+94.0%/+26.7%。主要原因是疫情过后,工业及基建受到 政策面较强支撑,中游产品需求加速恢复。受新冠肺炎疫情影响,上半年运 输、油气等领域相关设备行业受到较大冲击,油气装备、船舶制造以及铁路 交通设备表现较差,营业收入YOY-8.6%/-3.5%/-10.6%,归母净利润 YOY-24.9%/-104.2%/-83.7%。
  • 家用电器行业:集成灶修复趋势造好,线上优于线下
    白电行业集中度继续提升,龙头竞争优势加速扩大,增持业绩修复确 定性高的白电板块。首推白电板块,推荐顺序调整为海尔智家 (600690.SH)、美的集团(000333.SZ)、格力电器(000651.SZ)。海 尔管理优化持续推进,高端品牌优势不断扩大,全球协同渐入佳境, 本次私有化海尔电器,将从根本改善公司治理和效率,是我们长期最 看好的白电龙头。厨电板块推荐顺序为老板电器(002508.SZ)、华帝 股份(002035.SZ)、浙江美大(002677.SZ)。另外我们推荐底部反转 的照明龙头欧普照明(603515.SH)。小家电板块继续推荐苏泊尔 (002032.SZ)、新宝股份(002705.SZ)、九阳股份(002242.SZ)。

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