(报告加工时间:2021-12-20 -- 2022-02-27)



  • 全球睡眠枕头行业分析 & 竞赛研究 (2021–2030年)
    A sleeping pillow is a support for the head used while sleeping on a bed. The pillow is a kind of sleep tool. Generally, the sleeping pillow could provide sleep comfort. From the understanding of modern medical research, human spine is a straight line from the front view, but three physiological curves from the side view. In order to protect the normal physiological neck bending protection, sleeping pillow should be used. Sleeping Pillow refers to a support for the head used while sleeping on a bed. It contains cotton pillow, down pillow, memory foam pillow, and others. The sleeping pillow industry is characterized by a large number of competitors, none of which are dominant. As raw materials are easily available and downstream market is wide, so manufacturers of sleeping pillow are distributed around the world. With the rapid development of economy and people's living standards gradually improved, global demand for sleeping pillow is increasing.


  • 纺织服装行业:中国制造与中国品牌共舞-年度策略
    社零:受疫情后补偿性消费影响,21全年零售前高后低。2021年社会消费品零售额整体呈增长 趋势;上半年由于基数原因增速处于高位,4月份之后剪刀差逐渐收窄,全年社零增速水平相对 偏向稳定。 预计22年一二季度受基数效应影响有一定压力,下半年将得到缓解。22年零售数据波动将小于 21年,整体行业增长中枢回归到中长期稳态均速水平。全年来看,行业指数收益率良好。从全年行情来看,受益后疫情的消费恢复和4月份新疆棉 事件影响,服装指数在上半年尤其是二季度取得较好的超额收益机会。 ➢相对其他行业:纺织服装板块在全部行业中涨幅位于中游水平。对比历史来看属于行业相对 较好一年。
  • 涤纶长丝行业:春节历史行情回顾,需求带动长丝利润上行-点评报告
    春节期间,布伦特原油价格突破90 美元/桶,涤纶长丝POY、FDY、DTY 价格分别上调150、300 和250 元/吨。

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