(报告加工时间:2016-06-27 -- 2016-07-03)


  • 电力设备行业:电动物流车长风劲起-新能源汽车产业化专题之三
    电动物流车,迎来政策市场双重共振: 政策层面——推广目录准入、专用牌照发放等昡风劲起,市场层面——产销 V 型反转、运营模式创新等更是江潮涌动。5 月底,工信部公示新一批的新能源汽车车型公告,其中 50%共计 109 款为电动专用车型,标志着相应推广目录的落地及产销的放量进入倒计时阶段;同时,各地市关于电动物流车的推广政策,如专用牌照发放、运营补贴等有望于下半年密集出台。
  • 电子行业:OLED持续升温,半导体重大收购频发-周报(2016_06_19)
    根据 IHS 数据,智能手机端的 AMOLED 显示屏出货量在 3 月达到 3170 万,为历史新高。本周广东聚华与默克签订合作协议,默克将提供喷墨印刷用 OLED 墨水材料及印刷工艺,聚华将提供印刷 OLED 研发平台,旨在突破印刷 OLED 技术壁垒,实现大尺寸,高解析度的印刷 OLED 显示面板。此外,东山精密公告称与和辉光电签订合作协议,由和辉提供 OLED 基板及产品研发、 OLED 基板技术支持,借此东山精密有望及时参与到产业发展浪潮,直接响应日渐强势的国内手机品牌对于新一代显示技术的诉求,同时该合作也将助力公司在手机、智能穿戴设备领域开拓新的客户资源。 
  • 电力设备与新能源行业:风(新能源汽车_电改_储能)一直在吹-2016中期投资策略
    行业存在超预期可能,我们建议下半年优选投资板块,精选投资标的:三元锂电下半年将爆发,继续推荐三元锂电投资机会,看好上游高镍正极材料、湿法隔膜、 中游申芯制造及 BMS 生产:第二,电动物流车下半年放量,预计产销将超 10 万辆,三元锂电、电机电控最为受益;第三,各地充电桩补贴政策完善,充电桩制造与运营受益。 推荐上游材料沧州明珠,三元电芯领先者亿纬锂能、沧州明珠,具备 BMS 技术的 PACK 新秀金杯申工,配备物流车型较多的电机电控企业方正电机、和顺电气。
  • 无线充电行业:有望兴起-报告
    从2015年开始,各消费电子巨头纷纷推出具有无线充电功能的产品:包括苹果推出apple watch、三星推出gear watch、S6/S6 edge、S7/S7 edge等,我们判断后续会持续推出更多的配备无线充电功能的消费电子产品。 
  • 电力设备行业:电改并轨,电车换道-2016年半年度策略报告
    在宏观经济增速趋降、结极化改革进入攻坚阶段的当下,电力设备行业正孕育出诸多新的增长极,诸如新能源汽车、售电、储能等,其由 1 到 N 的变化有望带来持续的催化行情。目前电力设备行业的自身趋向为,全社会用电增速降低—>电网投资增速缺乏向心力。
  • 通信行业:数据流量爆发下的确定性机遇-2016年中期策略
  • 行业月度报告-电力设备201605
    1~ 5 月,电力设备制造业各子行业继续分化:发电机组、交流电动机产量分别同比下降 11.9%和 5.9%;电动工具和工业锅炉产量增速均由负转正,电动工具产量增速由上年同期的-0.09%上升至 1.70%;工业锅炉产量增速由上年同期的-11.34%上升至 8.9%。内外需求不足拖累下, 1~ 4 月,行业进出口规模均缩小,进出口额分别减少 11.74%和 6.21%。


  • 全球断路器市场报告(2015-2019年)
    A circuit breaker is an electrical switch that is used to protect an electric circuit from overloading and short-circuiting. If there is an electrical overload, the circuit breaker detects it and the power supply is turned off automatically. End-users prefer circuit breakers over fuses, as a fuse needs to be replaced after each operation, whereas a circuit breaker can simply be reset after every operation.
  • 全球气体绝缘组合电器GIS市场报告(2015-2019年)
    As industrial automation and smart grids become more prevalent, industries are purchasing and installing more expensive machinery to improve operations and efficiencies. Unreliable and poor quality electricity supplies are leading to a higher demand for switchgears. Switchgears are used to transmit and distribute electricity and to protect equipment and circuits from unregulated power spikes. They are composed of circuit breakers, current transformers, voltage transformers, lightning arrestors, protection relays, and disconnectors. Based on the material used for arc quenching, switchgears can be classified into four types: gas, oil, air, and vacuum.
  • 巴西通用照明市场报告(2015-2019年)
    General lighting refers to the overall illumination of an area at a comfortable level of brightness. It caters to both indoor and outdoor lighting needs by providing a range of lighting products. The global lighting industry has seen many transformations from incandescent lighting to fluorescent lighting, LED lighting, and tungsten photonic lighting. LED lighting is the latest transition that has taken place in this industry. LED lighting devices provide high-intensity brightness along with other advantages such as high reliability, minimal heat radiation, low voltage and current requirements, negligible UV emissions, and a longer lifespan than conventional lighting sources. This has led to an increasing use of LED lighting devices.
  • 全球EV牵引电机市场报告(2015-2019年)
    An EV traction motor converts electrical energy into motion that propels an EV. Traction motors form a major component in EVs such as cars, two-wheelers, light industrial/commercial vehicles, military vehicles, buses, and others. These motors are the primary determinant of the performance and affordability of an EV. The global EV traction motor market is a rapidly growing engineering market driven by the use of EVs worldwide. The APAC leads the market, followed by the Americas and the EMEA. The market is expected to post a CAGR of 18.57% during the period 2014-2019.

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