(报告加工时间:2016-11-28 -- 2016-12-12)


  • 全球氧化铟锡市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Indium is a soft, malleable metal with a silvery-white appearance. It is fabricated by the chemical reaction of tin-oxide with indium oxide and is used as a transparent conducting film and has high transmittance in the visible IR region. ITO is used in applications that require a transparent conductive coating on their surfaces. About 75% of the total compound consumed is used in the production of flat panel displays (FPDs) and liquid-crystal displays (LCDs).
  • 全球安全眼镜和眼镜市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Safety goggles and glasses are products that protect the wearer's eyes from potentially hazardous elements, ranging from airborne particles to chemicals. The global safety goggles and glasses market will be driven primarily by the increasing demand from APAC, where international companies are pioneering stringent safety programs in their countries of operation. A few countries in this region, such as Japan, Australia, and New Zealand, also have well-defined government regulations on worker safety that are contributing to market growth.


  • 钢铁行业:供改边际效果增强,把握结构性机会-2017年度投资策略
    2016 年产能过剩并未实质改善,但钢价和股价走势已逐渐趋于一致。2017 年需求预期难以明显好转,但供给侧改革边际效果将增强。2017 年趋势性机会不大,结构性机会仍值得把握,推荐国企改革、需求景气子行业和转型主题相关标的。
  • 南山铝业
    拟并购怡力电业,补足上游拼图。通过拟并购怡力电业资产包,公司将电解铝产能由 13.6 万吨扩大至 81.6 万吨,一方面降低了成本,另一方面保证了电解铝的稳定供应,同时还可以享受铝价上涨的红利。怡力电业的资产包盈利能力较强,预计 2016 年利润超过 6 个亿,承诺未来三年利润 18 个亿,将大幅提升公司业绩。
  • 钢铁行业:《供给侧改革推动钢铁继续上涨》-2017年度投资策略
  • 钢铁行业:一叶知秋,未来两个月钢铁产量将如何演绎?-每日钢帖

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