(报告加工时间:2013-10-14 -- 2013-12-31)


  • 服装行业季度分析报告——2013年2季度
    6 月中旬,休闲服饰龙头企业森马发布公告称,拟用19.8 亿-22.6 亿元购买宁波中哲慕尚控股有限公司71%股权。据介绍,中哲慕尚是一家主要定位于中高端休闲男装的自有服装品牌公司,旗下品牌包括GXG、gxg.jeans 等。一个月过后,九牧王也传出并购高端男装业务的消息。从行业角度来看,服装品牌整合是一个长期的趋势。
  • 2014年纺织行业发展报告——展望篇
    2013 年前三季度,纺织行业经济运行态势总体保持平稳,主要运行指标实现了稳定增长,行业持续回暖。其中内销市场小幅回暖,出口恢复至两位数增长,经济效益指标增速较上年同期平稳回升。
  • 2014年服装行业发展报告
    2013 年3 季度,在投资增长加快的拉动下,宏观经济增长小幅反弹,但消费增长却出现放缓,受此影响服装行业整体运行趋于放缓。3 季度,纺织服装、服饰业企业景气指数下滑至124.6 点,较2 季度降低0.6 点,较上年同期提升1.6 点,处于较景气区间[150~120)。服装行业景气度连续两个季度下滑,表明行业回升动力依然不足,需求疲弱、人民币升值、成本攀升等问题仍是困扰行业发展的重要因素。


  • 服装跟踪的有形及无形基准标记评估
    In this paper, we summarize and evaluate the techniques for detecting and identifying the detection patterns in the context of clothing simulation for PR2 (and any robot using Robot Operating System as its OS). We illustrate in this context, why the marker processing algorithm introduced in ARToolkit - Based Tracking[7] is the best performer for minimal detectable pattern size and under warping configurations.
  • LaundryBot的服装仿真
    We modeled a shirt by printing a number of markers over it and recording the positions of these distinguishable markers. We implemented a computer-vision based system that tracked visible markers on the shirt, and reconstructed the shirt using the world coordinate of each marker. Furthermore, we created a realistic physics-based simulation that accurately models the real world, including gravity, self collision, rigid body motion and so on, to generate instructions to PR2 by taking the configuration of a shirt as input and work out a sequence of actions to take based on existing algorithms.
  • 通过跟踪受托标记目的洗衣折叠成模拟估计和重建T恤的配置
    In our work, this generation will be done on visually marked up clothing so as to allow easier detection of important locations of the clothing article. Lastly, the simulation is used to generate the control inputs for the PR2’s motors and servos so that the PR2 will be able to act according to what the simulation outputs.
  • 立体主义女帽的结构
    In an effort to gain more insight into the geometry of this surface, various paper models have been constructed. The C2–symmetric, “cubist” version of an open-ended Girl cap, with polyhedral facets primarily parallel to three rectilinear coordinate planes, seems particularly well suited to gain full understanding of this intriguing surface.

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