(报告加工时间:2017-07-10 -- 2017-07-16)


  • 石化汇编-第812期
    据金联创获悉,2017 年第三批加工贸易成品油出口配额已下发,本批次配额总量达 906 万吨,环比出现大幅回升,幅度在 172%,同比上涨 48.90%。其中,配额仍以航煤为主,数量 459 万吨,占比 51%,汽油出口配额 197 万吨,柴油配额为 250 万吨。从申请企业来看,中石化、中石油、中海油以及中化四家央企获得本批配额,其中下发给中石化的配额居多,在 505 万吨,占比 55.74%。
  • 行业月度报告-石化201705
    1~ 5 月,我国原油加工量累计为 22913.10 万吨,同比增长 3.6%,增速较上月上升 0.5 个百分点。成品油表观消费量累 计为 13203.24 万吨,较上年同期增加 188.76 万吨。进出口方面,我国当月原油进口量较上年同期上升 495.69 万吨至 3719.59 万吨,环比上升 8.16%。利润方面,行业累计实现利润总额 936.60 亿元,同比增长 37.40%,较上月低 9.10 个百分点。从价格来看,国际方面,国原油产量不断增长,原油库存高于预期,削弱了市场对油价回升的预期,导致国际油价小幅回落;国内方面,成品油价格调整 2 次。


  • 全球电活性聚合物市场报告(2017-2021年)
    This report covers the present market conditions and the growth prospects of the global electroactive polymers (EAP) market for 2017-2021. We have considered the revenue generated through the sales of EAP for applications such as electrostatic discharge (ESD),antistatic packaging, electromagnetic interference (EMI), plastics coated with electrostatic paints, and others to calculate the market size by considering 2016 as the base year.The report details the drivers that are influencing the market growth and describes thechallenges faced by the market and the vendors. It also examines the trends that are anticipated to be observed through the forecast period. It also presents the vendor landscape and corresponding detailed profiles of the six prominent vendors operating in the market. The vendors are selected based on their product offerings and geographic presence.
  • 全球化妆品原料市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Cosmetic ingredients form the base chemicals for personal care products, which include soaps, shampoos, lotions, perfumes, and a variety of other products. Some cosmetics are not only used for beauty regimes, but they also serve as vital components of wellbeing. Some examples of vital cosmetics are toothpaste and sunscreens.Historically, there had been several amendments in the cosmetics sector, which in turn, affected the global cosmetic ingredients market. Right from categorizing cosmetic ingredients as drugs, to the prohibition of marketing cosmetic products that have been animal tested, the cosmetics industry has always been under the scrutiny in terms of compliance and regulations.The field of cosmeceuticals, or, active ingredients in cosmetics, is increasingly gaining popularity. This trend of using active ingredients in cosmetics has greatly helped the cosmetics industry to expand its customer base. Manufacturers are encouraged to keep up with the pace of the industry with newer and complex demands. This has also made the industry highly competitive in nature.Changes in regulations will impact the cosmetics industry negatively. The implementation of REACH (Registration, Evaluation, and Authorisation of Chemicals) is also expected to have implications, which might limit the number of ingredients available to the cosmetic industry, thereby pressurizing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • 全球涂料消泡剂市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Chemical additives such as defoamers, coupling agents, levelers, thinners, thickeners,wetting agents, deflocculates, clarifiers, and anti-caking agents are widely used because they offer improved strength, resistance, appearance, and performance.Chemical defoaming coating additives are used either during the production or application of disinfectants, sealants, concrete, ceramics, cement, cleaners, paints and coatings, polymer resins, and adhesives to enhance the end-use properties of the latter.Defoamers are the anti-foaming chemical additives that minimize and stop the formation of foam. The defoaming agents are mainly used in industrial processes.Foam formation leads to flaws on surface coatings and prevents efficient filling of containers. It is a major problem during the production of printing inks, paints, and coatings. This issue is tackled with a number of defoamer-based formulations during paints and coatings production such as waterborne, solvent-free, radiation-curing, and high solid formulations.
  • 全球化妆品饼罐市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The global cosmetics packaging market is the parent market of the global cosmetic tubes and jars market. Cosmetic packaging refers to the casing or the primary packaging of various cosmetic products such as color cosmetics, moisturizers, creams,shampoos, conditioners, hair colors, perfumes, deodorants, and other toiletries. The global cosmetics packaging market was around $25 billion in 2016, posting a CAGR of 5% during the forecast period.Growing awareness about personal grooming is propelling the growth of the cosmetics industry.Increasing demand for more stock keeping units (SKU) sizes, a wide range of colored and innovative packaging products, and different packaging solutions for various products will have a positive influence on the demand for cosmetics packaging products in the market. Packaging protects a product from spoilage, improves the overall aesthetic appeal of the product, provides essential information about the product, and offers convenience for consumers in terms of handling/carrying the product. This has led to the growth of the global cosmetic tubes and jars market because of the convenience they offer.
  • 全球电子设计自动化市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The global EDA market will grow at CAGR at 5.50% and reach $10763.12 million by 2021. The report has considered various factors to estimate the CAGR of the global EDA market. These factors are:Growth of semiconductor industry.The semiconductor industry is one of the main end-users of EDA. Almost all the major segments of the industry have registered strong growth in 2016. In the electrical andelectronics industry, the optoelectronics and integrated circuits segments showed the highest adoption rate of EDA software in the same year.


  • 基础化工及新材料行业:聚氨酯行业高景气有望延续-深度报告
    全球 MDI 产能稳步增长。16 年产能达到 859 万吨,同比增长 4.76%。 06—16 全球 MDI 产能年均复合增长率为 7.94%。目前全球 MDI 产能主要分布于中国、美国、德国、日本、韩国等。
  • 化工行业:关注行业龙头和进入放量期的新材料-2017年中期投资策略
    2017 年全球经济稳步复苏,美国有意于启动万亿基建投资计划,经济增速相比 2016 年上升;欧元区经济延续复苏态势加强;受益于出口较快增长等因素带动,日本经济也将获得正增速。2017 年下半年国内经济受到房地产投资调控和金融去杠杆政策的一定影响,但在企业投资回升,出口复苏的拉动下,经济增速有望保持平稳。
  • 基础化工行业:业绩为王,关注中报业绩优异公司-2017年7月份第1期周报
    进入 7 月,市场对相关公司上半年业绩的重视程度大幅提升,业绩同比增幅明显的公司在这段时期内往往能获得超额受益。我们初步梳理发现,化工板块 307 家公司中,86 家预告了业绩将同比增长。其中钛白粉、丙烯酸、农药、民爆和氯碱等细分行业出现了多家上市公司业绩均大幅增长的情况,表明上述行业整体盈利情况大幅提升。
  • 化工行业:涤纶长丝涨势延续,草甘膦价格反弹-周报20170709
  • 基础化工行业:钛白粉领涨,周期行业再迎价格行情-周报
    基础化工行业的 29 个子板块中,民爆用品(7.79%)、磷化工及磷酸盐(6.21%)、无机盐(5.79%)、钾肥(5.55%)和其他橡胶制品(5.38%)涨幅居前;合成革(-0.71%)、日用化学产品(-0.64%)、轮胎(-0.21%)、其他塑料制品(0.51%)和聚氨酯(0.76%)涨幅居后或跌幅居前。 
  • 化工行业:涤纶产业链普涨,原油再次下行-周报20170710
    本周涤纶产业链普涨,长丝 FDY 大涨 9.62%,POY 涨 3.85%,PET 切片涨 2.08%,PTA 涨 2.06;橡胶产业链丁腈橡胶暴涨 18.42%,丁二烯大涨7.14%,SBS 涨 4.10%;其他涨幅靠前的品种还有甘氨酸+6.88%,甲醇+4.68%,PVC+4.51%,双酚 A+4.15%,三氯乙烯+4.00%。
  • 化工行业:周期二度花开,成长择优布局-深度报告


  • 中国乙烯产业未来趋势研判
  • 我国化工污染场地修复综述及建议
  • 未来10年中国石化和化工产业发展6大趋势
  • 国内锂离子电池隔膜发展简析及建议

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