(报告加工时间:2016-10-24 -- 2016-10-30)


  • 旅游竞争情报-第582期
    2013 年起,消费金融在旅游业内进入探索期,各大 OTA 公司纷纷开始布局旅游金融这一新型发展方向。尤其是在旅游分期产品的建设上,各家希望通过此举能够带动用户消费频率,获取用户的信赖后,从资金端完善整个产业体系。在理财、保理、供应链、保险、消费分期等方式中,旅游消费分期最受热捧。


  • 中国在线彩票市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The lottery also called the game of chance, is a type of gambling that involves drawing of lots in the form of tickets to win prizes. It is banned in many countries, but in China, the lottery market is promoted to raise funds for various charitable purposes. Lottery regulations are quite strict in China, and both local and central laws monitor the segment. While traditional lottery has grown to be a primary source of revenue in the country, the online lottery is seen as a gateway to illegal business.
  • 印度智能教室市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The need to improve the quality of education to global standards is contributing to the increase in adoption of smart classrooms in India. Many schools and universities across India are investing in smart classroom hardware and software solutions. Private institutions are increasingly adopting these technologies; the level of investment by public educational institutions in smart education is comparatively lower.
  • 全球音乐流媒体市场报告(2016-2020年)
    In this kind of music, the user has access to soundtracks via music streaming websites, generally with a monthly subscription or for free. However, the user cannot store it in physical or digital forms. Spotify is an example of access music. Some music streaming websites have the option to download, even without prior streaming, giving users ownership of the soundtracks. Some users also prefer to buy soundtracks in the form of CDs. Other services include iTunes, where the user can download the tracks after-subscription payment.


  • 探路者(300005)-户外,旅行,体育协同布局,社群生态系统开拓者
    户外、旅行、体育三大板块协同収展的行业龙头。探路者户外用品股仹有限公司成立于1999 年,主要仍亊户外用品研収设计、运营管理以及销售,2015 年正式更名“探路者控股集团股仹有限公司”,初步完成户外、旅行、体育三大亊业群协同収展的组织结构设立
  • 院线行业:迎接院线小并购时代,票房仍将长期向好-深度报告
    按票房月度占比测算,2016 年总票房或将落于500 亿左右,远低于预期。票房不达预期或将滞后反映到银幕扩张速度上,时滞周期约为1-2 年。但在中长期,购物中心和县级影院仍有较大扩张空间。在总量判断上,我们认为应考虑人口分布特征选择对标国家,中国与美国相似,与日韩具有较大差异,因此我国的银幕分布形态将逐步靠拢美国,我国银幕较15 年保有量或有约1-2 倍的上探空间,天花板仍未到来,但已经进入增长的后半程,银幕的增速会逐渐趋缓。

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