(报告加工时间:2013-11-11 -- 2013-12-15)


  • 2014年食品行业发展报告——展望篇
    2013年,国内宏观经济持续放缓,经济增速回落至近年来较低水平,导致食品制造业工业增加值及投资增速整体下降。3 季度,宏观经济的逐渐企稳带动食品制造业同步回暖,行业投资力度也比上半年有所增强。特别是,新一届政府不断释放的经济社会改革信号对经济及行业均起到较好提振作用。
  • 食品饮料行业季度分析报告——2013年2季度
    在经济增速放缓的背景下,中国食品饮料工业仍保持较快增长的态势。2013 年1-5 月,食品行业规模以上企业累计实现销售收入6908 亿元,同比增长18.83%,利润总额541 亿元,销售利润率7.84 %。饮料行业实现 销售收入2001 亿元,同比增长13.61 %,利润总额158 亿元,销售利润率7.92 %。
  • 乳制品行业:掌控优质奶源成为下一轮竞争的核心——2014年年度投资策略报告


  • 全球罐头食品市场报告(2012-2016年)
    Canned food refers to the food items that are processed, preserved, and contained in airtight metal cans. Canned food products are widely consumed all around the world due to factors such as short cooking time, long shelf life, and the ability to store canned food products easily. These products are favored particularly by consumers on-the-go because of their convenience, affordability, and availability throughout the year. They also help them save time and often provide food products at low cost. Owing to these attributes of canned food products, the Global Canned Food market is expected to witness a growth in the coming years.
  • 全球快餐食品报告(2012-2016年)
    Ready meals refer to meals that contain ingredients which have been pre-cooked, or meals that have been prepared in advance and are in a frozen, dried, chilled, or canned state. They are an easy alternative to food prepared at home, and can be prepared or consumed easily by thawing or heating. Ready meals are generally prepared based on recipes and cuisines inspired from different cultures. They are packaged food products that contain all the elements for either a single serving or for two servings. Ready meals are promoted and presented by vendors as a quick and time-saving alternative, which only require to be heated before consumption. They save time and effort for consumers as they do not require food to be prepared from scratch.

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