(报告加工时间:2022-01-24 -- 2022-02-13)



  • 全球在线游戏产业及到 2027 年的未来展望
    Report titled Global Online Gaming Industry and Future Outlook to 2027 Impact of COVID 19 provides a holistic perspective of past, present and future market performance with a detailed discussion of the past performance and future expected trends The report is mainly focused on Esports and Mobile gaming sectors The report provides a comprehensive analysis on various parameters including Growth Enablers, Market Retardants and Trends and Developments
  • 全球在线音乐流媒体市场(2021-2027年)
    Online music streaming is a way of delivering sound or music without the need of downloading files from the internet. For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the global online music streaming market based on service, revenue model, platform, END USER, content type, and region. The report highlights the details about various services that consist of on-demand streaming and live streaming. In addition, it provides information based on revenue models such as subscription and non-subscription. The platforms used for streaming music online considered in the scope of the study include app and browser. END USERIndividual and commercial users are the major consumers of online music streaming services. The report is analyzed based on content type into audio and video. The report provides a detailed analysis of online music streaming across regions such as North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, and rest of Asia-Pacific), and LAMEA (Latin America, Middle East, and Africa).
  • 全球远程学习市场展望预测(2021-2026年)
    With rapid globalization, there has been an increased mobility of human capital in industries, including tourism, trade, media, international relations, and science and technology. Therefore, there is a need to effectively acquire functional and vocational skills over a short period and in a cost-effective manner. While conventional learning and training methods cater to most needs, they are ineffective in meeting the dynamic learners’ requirements, especially in the rapidly expanding learner segment. Since remote learning has posted several strides in the adoption of digital learning platforms, the scope of the internet in education has expanded from content delivery to interactive learning platforms, language training, functional skill development, proficiency testing, and higher education pedagogy, video streaming of classes to corporate training, talent management, and e-governance.


  • 传媒行业:元宇宙引领游戏,社交,电商应用变革-专题研究
    移动互联网流量红利逐渐见顶,多元前沿科技驱动下,元宇宙或将成为移动 互联网下一站。未来,在5G、AR/VR、AI、云计算、数字孪生等新一代信 息技术赋能下,我们认为元宇宙时代的到来会全面改造各领域的应用。游戏、 社交和电商作为移动互联网时代渗透率较高的主要应用,元宇宙相关技术的 突破或将率先对其实现影响。游戏作为元宇宙重要入口之一,有望成为承载 元宇宙活动的基础平台;社交领域场景化趋势或将延续,元宇宙多元化身或 将助力陌生人社交及兴趣化社交,低门槛创作工具加速创作者经济成长;元 宇宙时代将全面实现沉浸式购物体验,向虚实交互的电商生活迈进。
  • 让年轻人迅速“上头?运动新宠“滑雪,你玩了吗?
  • 体育行业:健康需求助力体育产业发展,冬奥会带动冰雪体育方兴未艾-专题报告
    近年来我国体育产业持续发展,2020 年全国体育产业总规模(总产出)为2.74万亿,增加值为1.07万亿,与疫情前2019 年相比总产出下降7.2%、增加值下降4.6%。


  • 公共图书馆学龄前儿童绘本阅读服务路径探究
  • 观念认同与文化交流:北京冬奥会对外传播的新思路

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