(报告加工时间:2017-12-11 -- 2018-01-01)


  • 化工行业:民营大炼化,开启化纤产业链新纪元的钥匙-专题报告
    2016 年化纤产业链受益于下游纺织服装内需、出口增长,整体需求向好。其中涤纶板块因靠近终端纺服行业,率先开启回暖周期,带动产业链自下而上复苏。中游 PTA 板块产能出清近尾声,寡头垄断显雏形,企业盈利水平改善。搭乘政策鼓励民营力量进入炼化领域的东风,涤纶行业龙头纷纷进军上游 PX 领域,打造上下游一体化全产业链新格局。产业链利润结构将由现在的“哑铃型”向“扁平型” 转变,复苏进程滞后的中游 PTA 行业盈利将逐渐进入上升轨道。
  • 化工行业:化工领域限气力度加大,继续看好尿素、甲醇及LNG价格
    云天化公告因供气单位暂停西南地区主要用气企业天然气供应,导致全资子公司云南水富云天化合成氨和尿素装置停产,预计 2017 年 12 月 31 日前不能复产。巴斯夫也于 12 日宣布重庆 MDI 生产遇到不可抗力,原因是其合成气供应商天然气供应短缺。今年天然气限气力度较往年明显加大。
  • 石化汇编-第834期
    为全面贯彻党的十九大精神,落实税收法定原则,提高立法公众参与度,财政部、国家税务总局 20 日就《中华人民共和国资源税法(征求意见稿)》向社会公开征求意见,社会公众可在 2017 年 12 月 20 日前,通过规定的途径和方式提出意见。


  • 全球完井设备市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The past century has seen the dominance of fossil fuels as the chief source of energy for the sustenance of the global economic machinery. Among these fuels, crude oil is one commodity that has controlled almost all the aspects of the energy business. Crude oil is defined as a mixture of compounds composed primarily of carbon and hydrogen in varying proportions, with the presence of inorganic compounds, such as nitrogen, sulfur and metals, such as vanadium, mercury. The crude oil, in discussion, is found in specific rock formations, called reservoirs, in the earth's crust. The depth at which these reservoirs occur can vary significantly — from pools that flow up to the surface to almost 15,000 meters underground. The method employed to get to these reservoirs of black gold is through drilling the surface until a pre-defined depth is reached.
  • 全球核反应堆建筑市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The global nuclear reactor construction market is expected to grow at a steady pace with support from governments in the form of policies and increase in investments in developing countries to produce electricity from nuclear energy. A nuclear reactor is a device inside which controlled and the self-sustaining nuclear reaction of fissile material takes place. During this process, there is simultaneous release of energy that can be used to generate electricity. The working of a nuclear reactor is a complex process and requires a high level of expertise to operate it. Reactions inside a nuclear reactor are powerful and have radioactive radiations, which could cause a catastrophe if they are not contained well within the reactor. The step-wise process of converting the nuclear energy to electricity is represented below:
  • 全球油田设备租赁市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The past century has seen the dominance of fossil fuels as the chief source of energy worldwide. The sustenance of the global economic machinery is dependent on these fuels. Crude oil is one such commodity that has controlled almost all the aspects of the energy business. Crude oil can be defined as the mixture of compounds that primarily consists of carbon and hydrogen in varying proportions, along with the presence of inorganic compounds such as nitrogen, sulfur, and metals like vanadium and mercury. Crude oil is found in specific rock formations known as reservoirs in the earth's crust. The depth at which these reservoirs occur can vary significantly from pools, which flow up to the surface to almost 15,000 meters from underground. These reservoirs of black gold are accessed by drilling through the surface till the pre-defined depth is reached.
  • 全球库存油罐计量市场报告(2017-2021年)
    An ITG instrument is used to measure the level of liquid inside a storage tank. There are two techniques for measuring the level of liquid – volume-based tank gauging and mass-based tank gauging. ITG instruments are of two types – point level instruments and continuous level instruments. A point level instrument provides the liquid level reading at a specific point, whereas a continuous level instrument provides a continuous reading of the liquid level inside the tank. Based on technology, the ITG is categorized into two segments, namely electronic ITG and mechanical ITG.


  • 石油化工行业:从不同的时间维度看石化行业投资机会
    未来几年天然气需求维持两位数增长 ,气价改革、煤改气等推动天然气需求持续快速增长,关注新奥股份、新奥能源(港股)、中天能源等。
  • 石化行业:国内34家地炼获进口原油使用权配额
    今年 4 月 27 日,国家发改委发布《国家发展改革委关于有关原油加工企业申报使用进口原油问题的通知》。通知规定,自 2017 年 5 月 5 日起,发改委停止接收有关原油加工企业使用进口原油的申报材料。对 2017 年 5 月 4 日前已按规定完整提交申报材料的企业,发改委将按照发改运行〔2015〕253 号文件规定,继续开展后续核查评估等工作。

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