(报告加工时间:2017-08-14 -- 2017-08-27)


  • 全球天然椰子油市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Virgin coconut oil is different from normal coconut oil primarily in terms of the extraction process. Virgin coconut oil is extracted from coconut milk obtained from fresh coconut while normal coconut oil is extracted by cold compression with a moisture content ofaround 6%. The extraction of virgin coconut oil does not involve heat treatment. Virgin coconut oil tastes and smells like fresh coconuts and is not refined. Virgin coconut oil is effective as a moisturizing agent as its antioxidant properties are far better than those of normal coconut oil.Virgin coconut oil has higher vitamin content, antioxidants, minerals, medium chain fatty acids, and protein content than normal coconut oil. The shelf life of virgin coconut oil is also longer than any other edible oil and it also does not go rancid easily. Owing to the presence of high amounts of lauric acid and capric acid, virgin coconut oil is also being considered for the treatment of AIDS.In this Technavio report, we have covered the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global virgin coconut oil market for 2016-2020.
  • 全球无糖食品和饮料市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The global sugar-free food and beverages market has been registering positive growth over the last few years and is shaping up to become one of the top competitive markets at a global level. With the rise in globalization, ample growth opportunities are being created in the market.


  • 食品饮料行业:需求回暖、供应收缩,龙头受益-国内婴幼儿奶粉行业深度报告
    国内婴幼儿奶粉行业进入平稳增长期:Euromonitor 的数据显示,2002-2016 年我国婴幼儿奶粉市场年均复合增速高达20.5%,母乳喂养率下降驱动的人均奶粉消费量的提升是国内婴幼儿奶粉消费量增长的核心因素。但2008 年以后受到一系列安全事件及行业政策的影响、在较高的基数上行业规模同比增速呈现出逐年下滑的状态,其中2016 年国内婴幼儿奶粉行业规模为1224 亿元,仅同比小幅增长6.39%。
  • 食品饮料行业:板块强势反弹,关注次高端白酒提价情况-周报
    食品饮料板上周走势大幅波动,低位震荡后大幅拉升后继续弱势震荡,全周上涨3.66%,跑赢上证指数5.30 个百分点。从一级行业来看,食品饮料板块当周表现不两眼,在申万一级行业板块中排名第一位。从食品饮料二级子行业来看,当周二级子行业整体收涨,乳品(6.76%)、白酒(3.80%)、调味品(3.37%)、食品综合(1.69%)板块涨幅居前;仅啤酒(-0.66%)一个板块小幅收跌。从个股来看,食品饮料板块个股涨跌家数对半,除黑芝麻、老白干酒、加加食品、西部创业、中葡股份、贝因美、*ST 皇台7 家停牌之外,42 家收涨29 家收跌。开源食品投资组合收跌3.40%,跑输申万食品饮料指数0.25 个百分点;全年涨幅34.79%,跑赢申万食品饮料指数13.48 个百分点。
  • 食品饮料行业:一线白酒行情继续,奶粉新政红利持续发酵-周报
    奶粉配方注册企业名单陆续公布,雅士利国际、伊利股份成最受益标的。截至8 月11 日,食药监总局公布了前三批奶粉配方注册企业名单,共计121 个产品配方,具体分布为:内资企业:雅士利(21 个)、伊利(12个)、贝因美(12 个)、飞鹤(9 个)、圣元(6 个)、红星(6 个)、晨冠(5 个)、合生元(3 个)、君乐宝(3 个)、明一(3 个)、澳优(3 个)、三元(3 个)、美素力(3 个);外资企业:美赞臣(9 个)、惠氏(6 个)、雅培(6 个)、雀巢(5 个)、菲仕兰(3 个)、达能(3个)。

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