(报告加工时间:2018-12-10 -- 2019-03-24)



  • 固废之垃圾焚烧:历久弥新,被低估的成长高确定行业-主题研究
    我们认为1)项目储备弹性、2)融资空间、3)项目预期盈利能力,这三大要素是驱动固废行业股价上涨的核心驱动力。当前固废龙头公司储备项目产能充足,是已投运产能的0.63-1.9 倍,考虑其盈利能力稳定、具备充足杠杆空间推动项目落地,成长确定性高。我们预计固废龙头公司业绩增速有望维持25%以上,当前平均估值水平对应2019 年17 倍P/E 左右,性价比突出。推荐高能环境、光大国际、瀚蓝环境,建议关注旺能环境、伟明环保。
  • 动力电池回收行业:动力电池回收市场起航-深度报告


  • 亚太废物转化为能源市场分析预测(2018-2023年)
    The chapter covers the analysis of the global waste to energy market with respect to different technologies and region. The chapter focuses on the key technologies used globally to the convert waste generated to energy, along with the factors supporting their growth. The segment further analyses the ongoing trends in the industry in the various regions by probing into the regulatory scenarios and the macro & micro economic factors.
  • 欧洲废物转化为能源市场分析预测2018-2023
    The Europe waste to energy market is associated with the major companies providing technology and waste to energy conversion facilities. This varied range of market participants provide opportunities to other players willing to bear the high risks involved in the industry. This chapter details the latest strategies and technological developments adopted by the key market players in the Europe waste to energy market. In order to lead the market as well as engage in the process of market growth, a company needs to work in collaboration with the top market leaders, acquire the relatively weaker companies, bring new products and services to the market, and improve the existing products. Some of the key strategies adopted by the key market players are listed below

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