(报告加工时间:2016-02-29 -- 2016-05-18)



  • 行业月度报告-食品201603
    预计 4 月,随着食品销售持续淡季,食品生产也将有所收缩,我国食品三大子行业工业增加值增速将继续小幅回落。此外,随着食品业供给侧改革力度继续加大,食品制造业和农副食品加工业投资有望继续增长,且增速略有回升。
  • 轻工制造行业:造纸看拐点,家居看成长,龙头向上斜率确定且持续
    目前包装用纸福建地区瓦楞纸价格下调,重庆玖龙、重庆理文,京津冀纸价维持平稳;生活用纸:周均价与上周持平(6450 元/吨);进口针叶浆周均价环比上行 1.46%,俄针叶浆周均价环比上行 0.90%。
  • 食品饮料行业:中国白酒拓展非洲,零关税绕道至美国
    报告期内,公司经营业绩与上年同期相比有小幅下降。其中,公司实现营业收入 1,204,977,121.71 元,比上年同期增长 6.43%;营业利润 91,728,656.24 元,比上年同期增长-15.31%;归属于上市公司股东的净利润 12,815,297.78元,比上年同期增长-66.06%;基本每股收益 0.035 元,比上年同期增长-66.019%。


  • 全球烘焙原料市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Baking ingredients are added to food to enhance taste, add color, and enhance texture and for preservation. Adding these ingredients help with the easy production, processing, packaging, transportation, and storage of bakery products. Baking ingredients help in preventing food spoilage, maintaining consistency in quality, adding and enhancing taste, providing texture and color, and adding nutritional value. Baking ingredients usually come in two forms: natural and artificial.
  • 美国无麸质食品市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Gluten is a protein composite primarily found in wheat, barley, rye, and triticale. A gluten-free food product does not contain gluten-rich grains such as spelt wheat. Gluten-free food products are processed and gluten is removed from them. A glutenfree diet is prescribed for patients with celiac disease. Gluten-free food products are healthier and easier to digest.
  • 全球麦芽原料市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Malt ingredients impart flavor and color to end products. These ingredients are also used to help modify or stabilize the texture of food and beverages. These ingredients are used in a wide range of beverages, especially in the production of alcoholic beverages. From a global perspective, interest in malt ingredients is expected to increase in developing regions where consumer spending on alcohol is rising.

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