(报告加工时间:2017-11-20 -- 2017-11-26)



  • 医药生物行业:创新驱动医药股大行情,2018年会是预热年-2017年11月份投资...
  • 医药行业:“错峰生产政策出台,原料药供应持续收紧-周度报告
    11月3日,食品药品监管总局新闻发言人介绍,总局近日接到中国食品药品检定研究院报告,在药品抽样检验中检出长春长生生物科技有限公司生产的批号为 201605014-01、武汉生物制品研究所有限责任公司生产的批号为 201607050-2 的百白破疫苗效价指标不符合标准规定。发言人提示,该2 批次百白破疫苗效价指标不合格,可能影响免疫保护效果,但是对人体安全性没有影响。国家卫生计生委和 3 省市卫生计生部门正在组织与家对接种返 2 批次疫苗的保护效果进行评估,根据评估结果采取相应措施妥善处理;要求 3 省市卫生计生部门及时调配疫苗,保证免疫接种正常开展。
  • 医药行业:《康复医疗中心、护理中心基本标准和管理规范》发布,康复产业迎来政策红利...
    本周生物医药指数上涨2.84% ,板块表现低于沪深300的2.99%的涨幅;子板块中,表现最好的生物制品涨幅为4.06%,最弱势的中药上涨2.25%。从基本面上分析,经我们统计医药上市公司三季报业绩持续好转,2017年1-9月医药板块252家上市公司收入增长19.64%,归母净利润增长23.34%,扣非净利润增长19.26%,环比增速显著高于2017年1-6月。因此我们认为,医药板块虽然存在短期回调的可能,但医药板块全年业绩有望保持稳步提升,从而推动医药指数的持续稳健上涨。本周持续推荐美年健康、片仔癀等业绩增速快、确定性高的标的。
  • 医药生物行业:供需双升催生行业拐点-创新药系列报告之一
    随着创新药产业的发展,越来越多的创新药产品正在进入临床并等待上市,供给端的蓬勃发展需要配合药品市场准入政策的改革,CFDA 近期一系列破旧立新的动作逐步在扫清行政审批的障碍,优质的创新药产品有望快速上市;更为重要的是,在需求端,随着医改的深入和医保支付政策的调整,拥有临床优势的创新产品能够在支付端得到更大力度的支持,从而直接影响了作为需求端节点的医生的处方行为,需求端行为的改变使得创新药在临床上拥有了更大用武之地,供需端的合力使得创新药正处在行业拐点。


  • 全球手术废物管理市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The healthcare industry is one the largest service industries. It provides various solutions for the diagnosis and treatment of various acute and chronic diseases. During the diagnosis and treatment, medical waste is generated, which is biological and nonbiological in nature. In the healthcare industry, medical waste is generated from hospitals, blood banks, dental clinics, mortuaries, physicians' offices, research labs, veterinary hospitals, diagnostic centers, and ASCs. Generally, medical waste can be classified into
  • 全球制药合同包装市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Pharmaceutical contract packagers offer multiple packaging options to end-users, which make them flexible to handle and address any urgent packaging needs or high volume of products without any delay. Also, the presence of experienced staff helps in providing efficient services and reducing the overall lead time in packaging. The combination of third-party logistics (3PL) and contract packaging results in a reduction of overall lead time.
  • 全球外科缝合器械市场报告(2017-2021年)
    A surgical stapler is a medical device, which is commonly used during a surgical procedure. These devices are versatile and highly efficient and have advanced safety parameters to overcome postoperative complications that often occur due to staple line leaks. The surgical stapler is available for wound closure and thoracic and intraabdominal resections. The primary advantage of a surgical stapler is that it saves time and provides more conventional surgical techniques in closure when compared to traditional surgical techniques. Surgical staplers were developed to address complications during the healing period of traditional sutures. However, the introduction of surgical staplers provided many advantages such as speed, accuracy, and evenness in closure of wounds. This made surgical stapler an important tool in the operating room.
  • 全球膝关节置换器械市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The global knee replacement devices market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.25% during the forecast period. Knee replacement devices or knee prosthetics are some of the most important implants used for the treatment of end-stage knee osteoarthritis. The increase in the prevalence of knee-related problems such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and the growing number of sports-related knee injuries and accidents have increased the demand for knee replacement devices globally.
  • 全球手术导航软件市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Surgical navigation, also referred to as computer-assisted image-guided surgery, is a procedure for locating a specific target site for surgery using computer software. Surgical navigation software allows surgeons to accurately track, analyze, and monitor surgical instruments relative to a patient’s anatomy during surgical procedures to improve surgery outcomes. The software concentrates on procedural simplification and flexibility of workflow that meets specific surgeon needs. Surgical navigation software aid in continuously tracking the position of the surgical instrument in relation to the patient’s anatomy, displaying the real-time situation on a computer screen. The imaging features of the software help to improve precision during surgery and provides real-time surgical data to reduce issues.
  • 全球神经血管支架市场报告(2017-2021年)
    A neurovascular stent is a small, flexible, tube-like device made of fabric supported by a metal mesh. It is used to treat several conditions in the brain such as stenosis formation in blood vessels such as carotid arteries, ischemic stroke, and aneurysm. It is also used to re-establish the blood flow through a stenosis vessel. Brain aneurysm stenting is performed when a wide-neck aneurysm is treated with neurovascular stents. A wide-necked aneurysm is prone to coil herniation, which may cause several complications. Neurovascular stenting is performed to treat the aneurysm by placing the stents within an aneurysm to restore blood flow in the affected intracranial nerves. The two most common types of cerebrovascular disease are an ischemic stroke (87%) caused by a blocked or narrowed intracranial blood vessel and haemorrhagic stroke (10%) often caused by a ruptured aneurysm.
  • 全球性神经病痛治疗市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Neuropathic pain is a complex, chronic pain condition that is accompanied by tissue injury. In neuropathic pain, the nerve fibers may be damaged, dysfunctional, or injured. These nerve fibers send incorrect signals to other pain centers. The impact of nerve fiber injury creates a change in nerve function at the site of injury and areas surrounding the injury.
  • 全球性增强补充剂市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The global sexual enhancement supplements market will grow rapidly at a rate of 11.95% during the forecast period, primarily due to increasing awareness about these products. These supplements include creams, gels, and sprays that are available in a variety of flavors and colors in the market, and sold through online and retail outlets. Here, the internet plays a major role in driving the market growth. It not only gives buyers access to a broad range of sexual enhancement supplements, but it also helps supplements providers to increase sales opportunity by connecting sellers and buyers on a single platform. Previously, online penetration was very low in most of the emerging countries like China, India, and Indonesia; developed countries like the US and the UK had been seeing relatively high penetration rate.


  • 浅谈对生化药源头的质量控制

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