(报告加工时间:2018-10-15 -- 2018-11-11)


  • 巴西医疗器械报告 - 2018年第4季度
    We estimate the population at 207.7mn in 2016, the fifth largest in the world. Population growth is average for the Americas region at 0.8% per annum. Brazil has a relatively young population; around 8.2% of the population was aged 65 years or more in 2016, equal to 17.0mn people, although this segment is growing at a rate of 3.4% per annum. There are 2.7mn births and 1.3mn deaths each year, with an infant mortality rate estimated at 13.1 per thousand live births in 2016. Life expectancy is 71.5 years for men and 78.9 years for women. The fertility rate has fallen to 1.7, below the population replacement level. The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics now anticipates that Brazil will begin the phenomenon of population reduction by 2030, a whole decade earlier than previously forecast. Conversely, the elderly population will continue to grow with the number of people aged 65 and over set to more than treble by 2050.
  • 古巴医疗器械报告 - 2018年第四季度
    Highly centralised healthcare sector, controlled by the government. Smallest medical device market in the Americas region. • Other medical devices, consumables and diagnostic imaging have the highest market shares. Market heavily reliant on medical device imports, particularly from Europe, China and Japan. Lack of advanced medical device manufacturing capacity. Moderate medical device market growth over the forecast period. One of the smallest per capita medical device expenditures in the region.
  • 亚太肉类加工设备市场报告(2017-2023年)
    This report on the meat processing equipment market focuses on different types of equipment utilized in the meat processing industry and their applications. The report covers a detailed analysis of the Asia-Pacific market with valuable insights on trends, especially of the emerging markets supported by quantitative data. The report also analyzes various standards specified by regulatory authorities for equipment design and the key factors that are projected to drive the market growth throughout the forecast period.
  • 汽车电子市场分析和分段预测到2025年
    We have segmented the global automotive electronics market based on four parameters including component, application, sales channel, and region. In the first level, the market has been segmented into the following automotive electronic components


  • 半导体行业:传感器,关注细分行业龙头的投资机会-中国半导体系列
    传感器是沟通物理世界与信息世界的桥梁,是重要的感知环境的半导体器件。传感器正在经历材料由单一材料向复合材料演进,结构从简单结构向系统结构(MEMS)发展,功能也将从目前物理量变化感应,集成计算、存储、通讯等新功能,向未来智能化进化,是未来AI、物联网、5G 通信的重要边缘触手和赋能工具。
  • 半导体行业:材料,细分领域实现技术突破,进口替代有望加快
    我国半导体材料国产化进程整体较为缓慢,目前应用以中低端领域为主,在壁垒较高的晶圆制造材料中,靶材、CMP 抛光垫、湿电子化学品等部分细分品种实现了技术突破,并逐步在下游晶圆厂认证使用,我们预计靶材、CMP 抛光垫、湿电子化学品等国产化进程相对较快,电子特种气体、大硅片、光刻胶等材料市场规模较大,但国产化放量产销仍需较长时间。

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