(报告加工时间:2017-06-19 -- 2017-06-25)


  • 电力设备新能源行业:混改电改遥相呼应,优质资产破茧成蝶-深度研究报告
  • 电力设备与新能源行业:电动车旺季临近积极看好,重视电新白马蓝筹好-周报
    本周电力设备和新能源板块上涨 3.31%,涨幅强于大盘。一次设备上涨 4%,工控自动化上涨 3.64%,锂电池指数上涨 3.35%,光伏板块上涨 3.3%,二次设备上涨 3.19%,新能源汽车指数上涨 3.14%,风电板块上涨 3.05%,发电设备上涨 3.03%,核电板块上涨 2.41%。涨幅居前五个股票为创元科技、比亚迪电子、金龙汽车、当升科技、阳光电源;跌幅居前五个股票为斯迈柯、通光线缆、盾安环境、鸿特精密、中环装备。
  • 电新行业:蓄势待发,EV当先-2017年中期策略报告
    市场估值中枢下行,及终端需求不振是导致电新行业 2017H1 持续走弱的主要原因之一。对于下半年的投资机会,我们更青睐于那些在局部环节存在确定性增长前景、且具备业绩支撑的低估值龙头企业。在新能源汽车领域重点关注 CATL 产业链、三元正极与湿法隔膜环节;新能源发电领域关注海上风电、单晶与光热环节;电力设备领域重点关注配网扩容与增量配网 PPP 的投资机会。
  • 电力设备新能源行业:5月份新能源乘用车继续高增长,南瑞复牌带动电力设备板块估值修...
    5 月份新能源乘用车销量 3.8 万辆,同比增长 45%,环比增长 30%。4 月份出台的第十批新能源汽车免税目录囊括了今年 1-4 批新能源汽车推广目录大部分车型,在免税+补贴的双重优惠刺激下,5 月份新能源乘用车销量环比 4 月增长明显,这也将成为后续乘用车放量的重要支撑。我们仍然重点关注上游钴板块的变化,本周国外钴 MB 报价大幅上涨,国内部分钴产品报价也应声上涨,长江现货电解钴价两日累计上涨 6000 元,金川公司电解钴也上调 3000 元至 38.8 万元/吨。
  • 新能源-第508期
    5 月 26 日从工信部获悉,工业节能与绿色标准化行动计划( 2017-2019 年)印发,旨在充分发挥工业节能与绿色标准的规范和引领作用,促进工业企业能效提升和绿色发展。行动计划确定工作目标,到 2020 年,在单位产品能耗水耗限额、产品能效水效、节能节水评价、再生资源利用、绿色制造等领域制修订 300项重点标准,基本建立工业节能与绿色标准体系;强化标准实施监督,完善节能监察、对标达标、阶梯电价政策;加强基础能力建设,组织工业节能管理人员和节能监察人员贯标培训 2000 人次;培育一批节能与绿色标准化支撑机构和评价机构。行动计划提出重点任务,包括加强工业节能与绿色标准制修订、强化工业节能与绿色标准实施、提升工业节能与绿色标准基础能力。
  • 新能源-第507期
    5 月 23 日,国家能源局综合司发布《关于开展风电平价上网示范工作的通知》 (下称《通知》),要求各地于 6 月 30 日前申报风电平价上网示范项目。值得一提的是,《通知》明确指出,在全国范围内开展风电平价上网示范工作,是为了落实国务院印发的《能源发展战略行动计划(2014-2020 年)》有关要求。因此,在业界看来,如今推进风电平价上网示范工作,就是为 2020 年风电实现平价上网做准备。


  • 全球风力发电机机舱雷达雷达系统报告(2017-2021年)
    Remote sensing is one of the most powerful and vital analytical tools of modern science. Previously, remote sensing was used in the instrumentation for space exploration and Earth observation, but recently it has moved further into the commercial market. The end-user segments of this market include the oil and gas industry, wind industry, and weather stations and monitoring sites.
  • 全球油气工业发电机租赁市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The past century has seen the dominance of fossil fuels as the chief source of energy, which sustains the global economic machinery. Among these fuels, the one commodity that has controlled almost all aspects of the energy business is crude oil. Crude oil is defined as a mixture of compounds composed primarily of carbon and hydrogen in varying proportions along with the presence of inorganic compounds such as nitrogen, sulfur, and metals like vanadium and mercury. This crude oil is found in specific rock formations, called reservoirs, in the earth's crust. The depth at which these reservoirs occur can vary significantly. They may vary from pools, which flow up to the surface, to almost 15,000 meters underground. The method that is employed to get to these reservoirs of black gold is drilling through the surface till the pre-defined depth is reached.
  • 全球摩托车照明市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The global motorcycle industry is expected to grow steadily at a CAGR of 7.46% during 2017-2021. The growth is attributable to the volatile petroleum prices and fuel efficiency of these vehicles when compared with other automobiles. Furthermore, motorcycles are the preferred mode of commute for individuals in developing markets such as China and India. APAC accounts for a share of more than 80% of the global motorcycle market; the region is expected to maintain its dominant share over the forecast period.
  • 全球纳米光子市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Nanophotonics is the study of light behavior on a nanometer level (10⁻⁹ of a meter). Nanophotonic components are devices that interact with light-emitting devices at the nanoscale level. Photonics refers to light-emitting devices and can otherwise be known as opto-electronics. Examples of nanophotonic components include optical fibers, optical switches, LEDs, optical amplifiers, PV cells, and holographic memory. The use of nanophotonic technology in these devices is relatively new. The development of nanophotonic materials such as nanotubes, nanowires, plasmons, and quantum dots has enabled the fabrication of nanophotonic semiconductor devices. Nanomaterials have enabled chip manufacturers to develop powerful and miniaturized electronic processors that could perform calculations billions of times faster than conventional silicon-based chip processors.
  • 全球电动汽车传动市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) as a greener option to curb environmental pollution has shot up in recent times. There has been a shift in public perception from disapproving electric vehicles as costly and inferior in terms of quality such as power, efficiency, and comfort to a more viable option for transportation. Electric cars are powered by electric motors, unlike the internal combustion (IC) engines that run on gasoline or diesel. The electric vehicle gets the energy stored in its batteries, which are rechargeable. Earlier during its launch, electrical vehicles were not widely adopted because of the low driving range and the need to recharge again. The charging stations were slow charging points, which used to take multiple hours to charge the battery.
  • 全球高压油气分离机市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The past century has seen the dominance of fossil fuels as the chief source of energy for the sustenance of the global economic machinery. Among these fuels, crude oil is one commodity that has controlled almost all the aspects of the energy business. It is defined as a mixture of compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen in varying proportion with the presence of inorganic compounds such as nitrogen and sulfur and metals like vanadium and mercury. The crude oil is found in specific rock formations called reservoirs in the earth's crust. The depth at which these reservoirs occur can vary significantly from pools that flow up to the surface to almost 15,000 meters underground. The method is employed to get to these reservoirs of black gold through drilling the surface until we reach the pre-defined depth.
  • 全球下一代电池市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Since the introduction of lithium-ion (Li-ion) in the early 1990s by Sony, Li-ion batteries have outclassed and outperformed nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries with its higher energy density and higher operating voltage. It is extensively being used in portable devices, powering EVs and being used in the grid for energy storage. They have been experiencing incremental improvement in performance with improvements in their energy density over the past 20 years. However, the demand for batteries that can store higher energy and can also last longer has increased over the years. This is due to the increased application in EVs and for energy storage in smart grids. This has led to the need and development of different electrodes and materials, which enable the development of the next-generation batteries such as Li-S, lithium solid-state, and lithium-air batteries. These batteries are similar to current generation batteries but can store a higher amount of energy when compared with Li-ion batteries. These are also safer. Many countries are investing heavily in R&D initiatives to improve the efficiency and operations of their next-generation batteries.


  • 分布式光伏发电项目投融资的国际经验及启示
  • 我国铁路煤炭运输发展对策分析
  • 以降本增效为目标的运营提升研究与实践
  • 东北亚电力联网各成员国的探索与实践
  • 电力企业物流管理一体化建设的探究
  • 推进电力市场化改革试点的实践与思考
  • 我国煤制合成天然气工厂主副产品的利用分析

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