(报告加工时间:2020-03-23 -- 2020-04-05)


  • 中国- 《动力电池月度报告》-2020年3月


  • 极点锯市场全球前景和预测(2019-2024年)
    In today’s scenario, gardening and landscaping services comprise of the art as well as technology of landscape and construction management, aesthetic appeal of the garden areas, sustainability factor, as well as garden and landscape project planning. The changing lifestyle preferences and demographic shifts play a pivotal role in the gardening and landscaping industry. The process of gardening is expected to add aesthetic value to any property be it government, commercial, or residential properties. A few of the factors to be considered while purchasing gardening equipment or tools include the size of the garden and the type of job that needs to be done, i.e., mowing, trimming, aligning, cutting, or cleaning the yard areas to maintain the pristine conditions of the same.
  • 心脏辅助设备市场全球展望和预测(2020-2025年)
    Heart failure is a chronic progressive condition that affects the pumping power of the heart muscles. Heart failure refers to a stage in which fluid builds up around the heart and makes it in-efficient in pumping. Humans have a four-chambered heart the upper half of the heart has two atria and the lower portion of the heart has two ventricles. The ventricles pump the blood to body organs, and tissues and atria receive the blood from the body to circulate the blood. There are two types of left ventricular failure, such as systolic heart failure and diastolic heart failure. The systolic heart failure is when the left ventricle fails to contract normally, whereas the diastolic dysfunction is when the heart muscle in the left ventricle becomes stiff.
  • 全球叉车电池市场报告(2019-2026年)
    Batteries that provide power supply to forklift trucks or used in forklift trucks are usually known as forklift batteries. They need high power and energy density. Generally, lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries are used in the forklift trucks as per convenience during material handling operations. Lead-acid batteries come with a mixture of electrolyte, water, and sulphuric acid; on the other hand, lithium-ion batteries are waterless that makes them maintenance-free. The report on the global forklift battery market focuses on the current market trends and future growth opportunities of various types of forklift batteries. Based on type, the global forklift battery market covers lead-acid battery, lithium-ion battery, and others. On the basis of application, the global market is characterized into warehouses, manufacturing, retail & wholesale stores, construction, and others. Region wise, the global market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
  • 全球光纤电缆市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024)
    Fiber optic cables contain strands of glass fibers inside an insulated casing. They are designed for long-distance, high-performance data networking and telecommunications. When compared to wired cables, the fiber optic cables provide higher bandwidth and can transmit data over longer distances. Fiber optic cables support the internet, cable television, and telephone systems. While most fiber optics are installed to support long-distance connections between cities and countries, some residential internet providers have invested in extending their fiber installations to the suburban neighborhoods for direct access by households. A fiber optic cable is less susceptible to interference. A copper network cable requires shielding to protect it from electromagnetic interference. While this shielding helps, it is not enough to prevent interference when many cables are strung together in proximity to one another. The physical properties of fiber optic cables avoid most of these problems.


  • 国防军工行业:日系厂商优势明显,国内企业逐步崛起-电容器行业系列深度报告之产业格局
  • 电气设备行业:新基建投资加码,特高压再迎高峰-中银国际电力设备新基建系列之一
    我们预计新基建相关方向的投资与建设将加速展开,特高压输电作为新基建的重要组成部分,预计将有超过10 条线路开始进入建设周期,相关主设备市场空间约600 亿元,核心供货企业有望显著受益;维持行业强于大市评级。
  • 新兴能源行业:巴拉德,四十载成就燃料电池龙头企业-燃料电池海外研究系列
    燃料电池龙头,内生+外延并购不断拓展燃料电池产业链。巴拉德成立于1979 年,过去四十年公司陆续收购Dantherm Power、Protonex、AFCC 等多家公司或资产持续拓展燃料电池产业链,目前公司产品包括上游膜电极(MEA)与双极板等,中游燃料电池电堆、模组和动力系统,实现燃料电池领域的全面覆盖。2019 年公司整体营收达到1.063亿美元,同比上升10%;毛利率达到21%,EBITDA 为-2800 万美元。短期来看由于公司历年来研发投入等资本开支较大,一直处于亏损状态。
  • 先进制造行业:本期关注贝特瑞,杉杉能源-新三板系列报告第一期
  • 电气设备行业:产业集群促进氢能降本,补贴助力加氢站建设-燃料电池行业投资策略报告
  • 电容器行业:电容器市场空间广阔,军民需求保持高景气度-系列深度报告之行业概况
  • 机械行业:百年检测服务产业升级,高景气度的长尾市场-第三方检测产业报告
    检验检测作为生产性服务行业,主要为生产活动提供各种支持的服务,具有专业性强、创新活跃、产业融 合度高、带动作用显著等特点。掌握了检测话语权一定程度上也就意味着掌握了质量和标准的定价权,是 全球产业竞争的战略制高点。
  • 传统机械设备及卫星制造行业:新基建东风徐来,机械乘风而上-专题报告
    经济增长两架马车消费和出口受新冠肺炎疫情冲击较大,新基建投资有望拉动经济。“新基建”以科技发展为核心,包含七大领域,分别为5G基站、特高压、城际高速铁路和城市轨道交通、新能源汽车充电桩、大数据中心、人工智能、工业互联网。经济增长两架马车消费和出口受新冠肺炎疫情冲击严重,2020 年1-2 月份社会消费品零售总额为52130 亿元,同比下降20.5%,进口商品总值同比跌幅4%,出口商品总值同比跌幅17.2%,疫情冲击致使消费与出口两辆马车受创,短期之内投资将成为经济增长关键因素。
  • 电气设备行业:市场波动期,风电板块是否可能成为投资避风港?
  • 电力设备新能源行业:关注疫情进展,新能源大趋势不改-2020年二季度投资策略
    目前行业有两条相对明确的主线:1、目前国内市场处于触底企稳阶段,伴随国内纯消费市场渗透率提升以及营运市场政策预期加强,国内新能源汽车销量将逐步走出困境,行业龙头将受益于集中度提升的过程;2、海外供应链从落地到放量,各环节海外业务占比较高的龙头将优先受益。同时我们认为2020 年新能源汽车与3C 数码行业有望迎来较高增长,原材料钴环节将存在较大的价格弹性,新型碳纳米管导电剂也会受益于行业渗透率快速提升。

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