(报告加工时间:2016-05-30 -- 2016-06-12)


  • 食品饮料行业:分类子行业,把握食品饮料大年投资节奏-周报
    2016 年食品饮料大年判断基于三个方面,一方面业绩兑现能力是2014 年以来最好,另一方面是通胀抬头对食品饮料板块的正面影响,三是市场因素,低关注度,低预期,低持仓,叠加以及业绩兑现能力强“三低一强”,板块强势表现在情理之中,全年关注业绩驱动的板块行情。
  • 消费行业:海外拾金,匹克私有化;跨境电商通关单暂缓1年执行-海外周报
    服装板块,匹克体育拟私有化,恢复交易后本周上涨12%;百丽国际公布2016 财年运营数据,净利润同比大跌38.4%,上周录得8.4%的跌幅;零售电商板块,唯品会股价有所反弹,上周录得7.7%的涨幅;京东商城与发改委签署合作协议,完善物流和农村业务布局,上周股价上涨3.4%。餐饮旅游板块,受市场对迪士尼盈利能力的质疑,上周与迪士尼概念紧密相关的海昌海洋公园下跌3.0%。
  • 食品饮料行业:确定性的业绩增长带动估值继续回升-2016年中期策略
    食品饮料行业在2004-2006、2008-2011 和2015-2016 期间存在较为明显的超额收益。从基本面来看,在食品饮料行业具有超额收益的期间,食品饮料行业利润增速高于市场平均。从估值来看,食品饮料行业的估值溢价与整个A 股市场的估值水平存在负相关,即整体市场估值水平上升时,食品饮料的估值溢价下降,而整体市场估值水平下滑时,食品饮料的估值溢价上升。
  • 食品饮料行业:关注女性、年轻人群消费力,挖掘吃货未来-策略报告
    年轻人群、女性白领消费力处在上升趋势。年轻人群消费成长空间较大,主要原因有以下几点:独生子女增多,拥有父母双方资源;父母出生于60、70年代,有一定经济积累;出身于和平年代,安全感相对较高,储蓄率低;受教育年限增加,偏向于工资更高的白领,结婚生育年龄滞后,更愿意为自我消费。随女性教育程度提升、服务性工种增多,家庭主妇角色正逐步向社会工作者转变,中国女性白领消费力正在迅速增加。据OECD 统计,中国2014年女性就业率达到70%,女性对家庭经济的贡献提升显著。经济话语权增加,女性消费力正在迅猛提升。
  • 行业月度报告-食品201604
    经历了 2~3 年深度调整后,食品饮料行业已现复苏迹象,白酒和乳业表现尤其明显,预计 5 月份我国食品三大子行业工业增加值累计增速有望小幅回升。随着食品安全建设稳步推进,食品制造业和农副食品加工业投资有望继续保持较快增长。


  • 全球新鲜烘焙产品市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Fresh baked goods are goods prepared in bakeries and include products such as bread, cookies, muffins, pastries, and others. Artisanal bread is made using traditional techniques. It is unlike industrial, wholesale bread that is produced in large quantities. While artisanal bread is mostly handmade, many artisanal bakeries use mixers. Breads and biscuits are the most consumed products, but the demand for other bakery items such as cakes, pastries, muffins, and cookies is also increasing. The demand for traditional bakery products has declined in mature markets, such as the Americas, and commercial bakers have expanded their portfolios with newer versions such as wholewheat, gluten-free, and high-fiber baked goods.
  • 全球糕点市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The bakery industry has expanded from simple baked goods to a multitude of products across various categories, including healthy, organic offerings. Healthy-eating trends, in light of growing concerns about obesity and related health issues, are expected to drive the bakery market globally. Manufacturers incorporate healthy ingredients, such as whole grains, into their products. They also label the products, clearly listing all ingredients, to enable consumers to make informed choices. Many vendors have also reduced the portion sizes of their products, targeting consumers who are calorie conscious. Dupont offers a toffee-filled chocolate cake with about 50% fewer calories than standard cake. Dawn Foods also offers a wide range of baked products such as brownies, cakes, and cookies under the name Weight Watchers. Puraslim is a low-fat, cost-effective alternative for traditional margarine, butter, and oil used in baking. Its use enables the reduction of the amount of fat in baked goods.
  • 全球冷冻即食餐市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Frozen meals comprise a large portfolio, including beef meals, chicken meals, frozen pizza, and various types of frozen vegetarian meals, thereby providing consumers with a large variety of options to choose from. Frozen ready meals are a convenient alternative to cooking and are increasingly being preferred by the working population worldwide. Frozen meals are perceived to be free from microbial attacks and therefore considered to be healthier compared to other ready meals.


  • 美力源全国召回问题产品陕西羊奶粉行业亟待规范
  • 我国罐头工业“十三五”蓄势建立“罐藏食品王国”

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