(报告加工时间:2015-03-11 -- 2015-03-31)



  • 2015-2020年中国保健品市场调查研究预测报告
    近年来,我国保健品市场规模呈现稳步增长的趋势。2012 年,我国保健品市场零售额达到1275.7 亿元,到2013 年,我国保健品零售额规模接近1400亿元。从细分市场来看,国内保健品行业主要可分为膳食营养补充剂、减肥管理类食品、儿童膳食营养补充剂、传统滋补类保健品几大类,其中膳食营养补充剂占比最高。中国保健品市场空间巨大,中国消费者平均用于保健品方面的花费只占其总支出的0.07%,而欧美国家的消费者平均用于保健品方面的花费占其总支出的25%,相差甚远。与此同时,近几年,中国内地城乡居民保健类消费支出正以较快,远高于发达国家的增长速度。特别是《食品工业“十二五”发展规划》的出台,给了保健品产业更宏伟的发展前景。从大的环境看,保健品行业未来十年、二十年是非常朝阳的产业,投资机会非常多。中商产业研究院分析,未来几年,我国保健品行业销售收入仍将保持增长态势,预计到2019 年,我国保健品行业销售收入将有望突破3000 亿元。
  • 医药竞争情报-第536期
  • 2014-2018年中国健康行业市场调查及前景分析报告
    伴随着现代健康观念的发展,健康产业包括了传统医药卫生产业和健康食品业、保健品业、健身业、健康保险业等多个生产服务领域,形成了一个维持健康、促进健康、修复健康的产业链和产业体系。美国经济学家、两任总统经济顾问保罗·皮尔兹在《新保健革命》(The New Wellness Industry)一书中将相对于传统疾病行业(sickness industry)的现代化健康产业归纳为保健产业(wellness industry),健康产业为公众提供健康产品和服务,以更为主动和预防的方式处理健康问题。
  • 医药汇编-第616期
  • 2014-2018年中国生物制药产业集群专项研究报告


  • 全球慢性肾脏病CKD药物市场报告(2015-2019年)
    CKD is the continuous loss of kidney function characterized by reduced GFR, increased urinary albumin excretion, or both. The WHO identifies CKD as a major contributing factor to the incidences and outcomes of hypertension, diabetes, and CVD (three diseases targeted by the WHO). CKD is classified into five stages based on renal function and the level of urinary protein excreted as measured by an eGFR. The eGFR data are interpreted in relation to race, gender, age, and serum creatinine concentration.
  • 全球HER-2阳性乳腺癌市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Breast cancer is characterized by uncontrolled growth of cancerous cells in the tissues of the breast. Though both males and females are affected by the disease, male breast cancer is rare. Breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer in the world. Histologically, the disease can be classified as ductal carcinoma, lobular carcinoma, nipple cancer, and other undifferentiated carcinomas. Ductal carcinoma originates in the lining of the milk ducts while lobular carcinoma arises in the milk glands of the breast. The proliferation of cancerous cells from the site of origin to surrounding tissues is known as invasive breast cancer. Invasive ductal carcinoma is the most common subtype, accounting for 70-80 percent of all cases. According to a 2012 report by the GLOBOCAN project, breast cancer accounted for 11.90 percent of the total cancer cases and led to 522,000 deaths worldwide. Breast cancer that tests positive for the HER-2 protein, which affects the growth of the malignant cells, is known as HER-2 positive breast cancer. This protein is mostly found on the surface of normal breast cells, and their uncontrolled synthesis stimulates the growth of malignant cells. HER-2 positive breast cancer spreads and metastasizes more rapidly than HER-2 negative breast cancer. HER-2 positive breast cancer accounts for 20-25 percent of all types of breast cancer cases diagnosed in the US.
  • 全球克罗恩病CD市场报告(2015-2019年)
    CD is a type of IBD that causes inflammation of the digestive or GI tract. The disease is also known as ileitis, granulomatous enteritis or colitis, regional enteritis, or terminal ileitis. Though the exact etiology of the disease is unknown, it usually causes ulceration in the small intestine and the opening of the large intestine. It can originate in any part of the GI tract from the mouth to the anus. CD can affect people of any age; however, teenagers and individuals in their twenties are more prone to it.
  • 全球市场骨关节炎报告(2015-2019年)
    Osteoarthritis is a medical condition characterized by the degeneration of the cartilage, a flexible connective tissue in animals present in the bronchial tubes, intervertebral discs, ear, nose, rib cage, and joints between the bones. The symptoms, such as stiffness, inflammation, pain, and loss of movement of the joints, usually develop progressively and the disease often gradually worsens. Although the exact etiology of osteoarthritis is not entirely known, increasing age, obesity, overuse of the joints, weak thigh muscles, and genetics are some of the common risk factors. Currently, no cure for the disease exists; however, symptomatic treatment provided to patients depends on the affected joints of the hand, wrist, neck, back, knee, and hip and involves medication and exercise.


  • 使用转译修改的乳腺癌生物标记早期检测
    In this project, we focus on oxidation and glycosylation PTMs on proteins known to be secreted by the breast as candidate biomarkers for the early detection of breast cancer. ELISA microarray technology has employed to evaluate assays that have potential be used as breast cancer biomarkers. During the third year of this project we have continued the validation for our PTM- ELISA microarray. And we validated the chosen PTM antibody for pre-clinical or translational molecular imaging studies. The microPET imaging suggested that those PTM antibodies have high specific accumulation for breast cancer in tumor xenograft mice. Overall, our data suggest that the PTM ELISA microarray platform is a promising tool for discovery and evaluation of biomarkers that have potential for the early detection of breast cancer.
  • 揭露乳腺癌的隐藏分子特征
    Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease, consisting of at least five transcriptional subtypes described by distinct, but poorly understood, molecular profiles.

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