Integrated circuits and microchips have revolutionized industrial automation. The
earliest example of a single board single purpose design is the PC/104, which had
accessory boards to accommodate many application needs, but was as large as a 3.5-
inch floppy disk. Chip manufacturers subsequently improvised and developed single
board systems with smaller processors that can perform advanced functions. The
system-on-module (SOM) and system-on-chip (SoC) are advanced computerised
platforms, which comprise processors, I/O functions, and communication interfaces.
They are ubiquitous and serve a broad range of applications starting from a calculator
to industrial controls to space technology. Currently, more than 2 billion
microcontrollers are developed and manufactured every year.
Location-enabled mobile devices include smartphones, tablets, and devices fitted in
vehicles. The location of such devices is determined by a mechanism known as
localization, which considers the user's browsing activities related to navigation,
lifestyle, shopping, social networking, public transportation, utilities, and games. Indoor
LBS provide information regarding ongoing local events, shopping, and entertainment
with the support of mobile devices. They have become a key component of marketing
strategies and monitoring systems.
Interactive response systems, also known as student response systems, audience
response systems, and clickers, are a combined package of software and hardware.
These systems integrate IT with everyday classroom activities to ensure consistent and
seamless interactions during lecture sessions. Among all features, the ability to enable
students to submit answers during the classroom quizzes and assignments is the key
advantage of these systems.
A mobile coupon refers to the electronic ticket that is solicited or delivered by the cell
phone that can be exchanged for a financial discount or rebate while making a
purchase of a product or service. Generally, the coupons are issued by the
manufacturers of customer packed goods and services.
The insurance technology or insurtech is an increasing phenomenon that has
revamped the insurance industry to connect with a wider customer base consisting of
High Net Worth individuals (HNWI), upper middle-income group, and lower middleincome
group. The insurtech platforms have the potential to help insurance companies
to improve their relevancy to the customers to rebuild their trust. This will help in
customer engagement. The insurance companies are designing new products to meet
the changing customers’ needs, thereby establishing greater levels of transparency.
Therefore, with the help of insurtech platforms, there can be proper management of
data and risk, which would help in improving the underwriting accuracy and loss