(报告加工时间:2022-08-08 -- 2022-10-09)



  • 全球谷物磨制品行业报告到2026年
    This class includes: Grain milling: production of flour, groats, meal or pellets of wheat, rye, oats, maize (corn) or other cereal grains Rice milling: production of husked, milled, polished, glazed, parboiled or converted rice; production of rice flour Vegetable milling: production of flour or meal of dried leguminous vegetables, of roots or tubers, or of edible nuts Manufacture of cereal breakfast foods Manufacture of flour mixes and prepared blended flour and dough for bread, cakes, biscuits or pancakes
  • 全球乳制品行业报告到2026年
    This class includes: Manufacture of fresh liquid milk, pasteurized, sterilized, homogenized and/or ultra heat treated Manufacture of milk-based drinks Manufacture of cream from fresh liquid milk, pasteurized, sterilized, homogenized Manufacture of dried or concentrated milk whether or not sweetened Manufacture of milk or cream in solid form Manufacture of butter Manufacture of yoghurt Manufacture of cheese and curd Manufacture of whey Manufacture of casein or lactose Manufacture of ice cream and other edible ice such as sorbet
  • 全球糖业报告2026年
    Manufacture or refining of sugar (sucrose) and sugar substitutes from the juice of cane, beet, maple and palm Manufacture of sugar syrups Manufacture of molasses Production of maple syrup and sugar
  • 全球淀粉和淀粉制品行业报告到2026年
    Manufacture of starches from rice, potatoes, maize etc. Wet corn milling Manufacture of glucose, glucose syrup, maltose, inulin etc. Manufacture of gluten Manufacture of tapioca and tapioca substitutes prepared from starch Manufacture of corn oil
  • 全球海鲜加工和保鲜行业报告到2026年
    Preparation and preservation of fish, crustaceans and molluscs: freezing, deep-freezing, drying, smoking, salting, immersing in brine, canning etc. Production of fish, crustacean and mollusc products: cooked fish, fish fillets, roes, caviar, caviar substitutes etc. Production of fishmeal for human consumption or animal feed Production of meals and solubles from fish and other aquatic animals unfit for human consumption Activities of vessels engaged only in the processing and preserving of fish Processing of seaweed
  • 全球可可巧克力和糖果行业报告到2026年
    This data equals output data for the following ISIC Rev. 4 code: 1073 Manufacture of Cocoa, Chocolate and Sugar Confectionery This class includes: Manufacture of cocoa, cocoa butter, cocoa fat, cocoa oil Manufacture of chocolate and chocolate confectionery Manufacture of sugar confectionery: caramels, cachous, nougats, fondant, white chocolate Manufacture of chewing gum Preserving in sugar of fruit, nuts, fruit peels and other parts of plants Manufacture of confectionery lozenges and pastilles This class excludes.
  • 全球麦芽酒和麦芽工业报告到2026年
    This class includes: Manufacture of malt liquors, such as beer, ale, porter and stout Manufacture of malt Manufacture of low alcohol or non-alcoholic beer
  • 全球果蔬加工和保鲜行业报告到2026年
    This class includes: Manufacture of food consisting chiefly of fruit or vegetables, except ready-made dishes in frozen or canned form Preserving of fruit, nuts or vegetables: freezing, drying, immersing in oil or in vinegar, canning etc. Manufacture of fruit or vegetable food products Manufacture of fruit or vegetable juices Manufacture of jams, marmalades and table jellies Processing and preserving of potatoes: Manufacture of prepared frozen potatoes Manufacture of dehydrated mashed potatoes Manufacture of potato snacks Manufacture of potato crisps Manufacture of potato flour and meal
  • 全球工业除油剂市场展望预测报告(2021-2026年)
    Degreasers are used to clean various types of equipment and machinery; they are used to clean or remove dirt, dust, and any foreign particles, and can be used for both residential or industrial purposes. Industrial degreasers are used to clean motor parts, machinery, and heavy equipment that are used in various end-user industries. They are powerful solvents that can handle numerous types of manufacturing parts, components, and heavy machinery. Hazardous substances such as paints, grime, grease, oil, lubricants, dirt, dust, corrosion, and sticky films that get accumulated over machines can easily be removed by using industrial degreasers. Industrial degreasers will remove these foreign particles as well as increase the shelf life of machines or equipment.
  • 全球预制膳食和菜肴行业报告到2026年
    Manufacture of meat or poultry dishes Manufacture of fish dishes, including fish and chips Manufacture of prepared dishes of vegetables Manufacture of canned stews and vacuum-prepared meals Manufacture of other prepared meals (such as "TV dinners", etc.) Manufacture of frozen or otherwise preserved pizza
  • 全球烘焙产品行业报告到2026年
    This data equals output data for the following ISIC Rev. 4 code: 1071 Manufacture of Bakery Products This class includes: Manufacture of bread and rolls Manufacture of fresh pastry, cakes, pies, tarts etc. Manufacture of rusks, biscuits and other "dry" bakery products Manufacture of preserved pastry goods and cakes Manufacture of snack products (cookies, crackers, pretzels etc.), whether sweet or salted Manufacture of tortillas Manufacture of frozen bakery products: pancakes, waffles, rolls etc. This class excludes: Manufacture of farinaceous products (pastas), see ISIC Code - 1074 Manufacture of potato snacks, see ISIC Code - 1030 Heating up of bakery items for immediate consumption
  • 全球面食和面条行业报告到2026年
    Manufacture of pastas such as macaroni and noodles, whether or not cooked or stuffed Manufacture of couscous Manufacture of canned or frozen pasta products


  • 农产品行业:当前时点如何看待生猪养殖板块投资机会?-生猪养殖专题报告105
    近期猪价的快速上涨客观反映出当下生猪供给出现短缺的局面,根据农业农村部产能去化趋势 并结合母猪料的产量来判断,今年四季度和明年一季度商品猪供给量或出现逐季度环比减少的 局面,随着需求的复苏,明年春节前猪价不排除创本轮新高的可能性。当前阶段养殖板块股价 和猪价存在错配,随着养殖板块盈利能力持续改善,养殖板块的投资机会值得积极布局。目前 养殖板块估值水平还有较大的提升空间,重点推荐盈利能力快速改善的龙头企业牧原股份和温 氏股份,同时建议关注傲农生物和唐人神等。

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