(报告加工时间:2017-08-21 -- 2017-08-27)


  • 全球无人地面车辆市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) are also known as autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs). They can be operated with a remote controlling device, or are autonomous or semi-autonomous. These vehicles are pre-programmed to perform certain defined tasks.In this report, the market has been calculated on the basis of revenue generated from the sales of USVs. The market has been segmented based on end-users under defense and civilian segments, and as per geographies. It also presents the vendor landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the top vendors operating in the market.
  • 全球大面积展示市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The display is one of the significant components for kiosks, portable display devices, TVs, monitors, laptops, and smartphones. For these devices, displays act as a platform for user interface and enhance the user experience. Rapid advances in technology in the display industry have taken place simultaneously with advances in the overall electronics industry.
  • 全球可见光通信市场报告(2017-2021年)
    VLC is a wireless technology that uses light emanated from LED bulbs in order to provide a network for high-speed communication parallel to Wi-Fi. This has led to it also being known as Li-Fi. Visible light spectrum is 10,000 times larger than radio frequency spectrum, and it is considered as an answer to the bandwidth limitations of radio frequency.The growth of the global VLC market is driven by several factors. One of the major drivers is the availability of high bandwidth, which ensures high data rate and data transfer. The congestion of RF spectrum is creating a demand for alternative sources of wireless technology such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and ZigBee. The other drivers in the market are the efficiency and security offered by VLC systems, the visible light spectrum offering unlicensed use and high speed, and the fact that it is safe and applicable in almost all environments.
  • 全球液浸式变压器市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Transformers need an insulating medium to keep the temperature of the core windings in check as well as act as an arc-quenching medium. Oil is the most widely used type of insulating medium. Transformer oil is used as an insulation and arc-quenching medium in power and distribution transformers. Windings use cellulose insulation that has a strong affinity for oxygen and is immersed in transformer oil to prevent oxidation. Transformer oil is produced by the fractional distillation and subsequent processing of crude oil. It also finds application in circuit breakers and switchgears, which are traditional and use oil as the arc-quenching fluid. The global demand for renovation and expansion of the T&D network is on the rise, mostly triggered by the growing demand for electric power from almost every type of end-user, namely residential, commercial, and industrial sectors.
  • 全球视频监控服务市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Video surveillance is the process of monitoring or observing the activities, behavior, or movements of an individual or a group to provide enhanced security. It is used by retail stores, government departments, hospitals, transportation and logistics companies,and law enforcement agencies to prevent criminal activities. Integration of the video surveillance solutions gives a centralized method for the enterprises to enhance their surveillance capabilities.During the past ten years, video surveillance solutions have changed in line with the advances in technology. The biggest development during the period was the shift from video home system (VHS) to DVD and high-resolution video. With the increased adoption of high-resolution video standards, there has been a huge demand for data storage.
  • 全球统一通信服务市场报告(2017-2021年)
    UCaaS is a cloud-based deployment model of unified communications (UC) technology such as enterprise audio and video conferencing, hosted VoIP, and cloud private branch exchange (PBX). UCaaS is implemented in enterprises to communicate and collaborate globally in a cloud-based ICT ecosystem.The global UCaaS market covers cloud-based and hosted UC solutions. The state-ofthe-art communication infrastructure, functionality, scalability, customer engagement, remote communication, and business continuity are some of the key features of UCaaS. Voice, video, unified messaging, conference, and analytics services are primarily subscribed by organizations for UC&C.
  • 全球神经内窥镜装置市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Endoscopy is a minimally invasive (MI) medical procedure that is used for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of complications in the internal organs of the body. A neurology endoscopy device, which is a type of endoscope, is inserted into the patient's brain through a small incision. The camera or the light source at the tip of the endoscope allows the physician or medical professional to view the brain and perform complex surgeries. Neurology endoscopy devices are used to perform brain tumor, brain cancer, traumatic brain injury (TBI) and stroke-related surgeries. Brain tumor is one of the most common condition for which there is growing adoption of minimally invasive treatment. Increasing number of brain tumor cases in pediatrics and adults is driving the demand for neurology endoscopy devices in the market.
  • 全球虚拟现实游戏市场报告(2016-20210年)
    VR is a computer generated 3D environment, which engages the user in the virtual world by interacting with it. The user will be completely engaged in the environment and will be able to play around with virtual objects and also execute a series of actions.Augmented reality (AR) AR technology helps in blending the digital content with the physical world. Computer generated images are displayed by it in the user's field of vision, and relevant information about the objects is provided in the real world. The user can scan the physical real world environment and get an enhanced or augmented experience by adding virtual computer-generated information.
  • 全球纳米传感器市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Nanosensors have the capability to measure different kinds of forces and reactions (mechanical, chemical, electromechanical, or biological) due to their compact size. The rising demand for accurate measurements in industries such as healthcare and military and defense have increased the adoption of nanosensors worldwide. The use of nanosensors can revolutionize the healthcare industry. Scientists and researchers across the globe are working on discovering new applications of nanosensors, especially in the healthcare sector. Nanosensors facilitate precision diagnostics and effective care for a number of sensitive health conditions. In the defense and military sector, nanosensors facilitate the efficient monitoring and tracking of operations apart from providing access to remote locations. One of the recent developments in the global nanosensors market is the use of nanosensors that facilitate self-healing of materials in the construction and aviation industries. With large international companies and organizations such as Airbus, OMRON, and MIT conducting research and investing in the global nanosensors market, it is highly likely that the growth prospects of the market will be strong during the forecast period.


  • 通信行业:工信部向三大运营商颁发物联网号段,物联网大规模商用化进程有望加快-周报
  • 通信行业:工信部颁发物联网号段,商用大幕正在开启-5G&物联网周报第六期
  • 通信行业:美股光模块核心企业季报延续强劲,国内中际、光迅双龙头长期看好
  • 国防军工行业:关注子板块中景气度较高的电子元器件板块,以及军工领域后续改革进展
  • 计算机行业:“细分龙头+“创蓝筹个股配置价值凸显-周报
    计算机板块近期的反弹是存量博弈、随着整个创业板补涨的结果,整体风格切换并没有到来,这是一个结构性的机会,计算机板块的“细分龙头” +“创蓝筹”个股配臵价值凸显。
  • 军工行业:投资新映射,新军队,新四化-半月谈第三期
    2017 年 7 月 30 日,为庆祝建军 90 周年,习近平总书记在朱日和训练基地检阅中国人民解放军。本次阅兵集中映射出新时期下人民军队实战化、信息化、模块化、机动化四大特点。 
  • 通信行业:5G毫米波,大显身手,射频革新-专题报告
    5G 基站射频集成度提高,价格有提升趋势:工信部6 月正式収布我国5G系统频率使用征求意见方案,觃划将3.3GHz-3.6GHz、4.8GHz-5.0GHz,以及24.75GHz-27.5GHz、37GHz-42.5GHz 应用于5G,毫米波频段计划用于5G 超出市场预期。在5G 基站中,传统BBU 与RRU 分离模式逐渐演变为射频模块与天线的融合。混合波束赋形的架极预计会成为5G 基站天线射频系统的主流架极趋势,射频器件的使用数量大幅增加,为满足体积需求,射频系统集成度将会更高,整体价格有大幅提升趋势。


  • 人工智能深度影响大数据产业
    当前,人工智能进入了新一轮产业高速发展期。人工智能产业作为新兴的技术产业,正在引领全球各产业的技术变革,逐步成为传统产业结构转型的新方向。资本市场持续活跃、大量初创企业涌入、产业规模逐步扩大、技术水平快速增长等发展特点都表明了人工智能产业正在高速成长。2016年,Google AlphaGo打败围棋世界冠军李世石。2017年,AlphaGo升级版Master连胜世界围棋界各路顶尖高手60局。同年,Master在德州扑克游戏中战胜人类大师。在业界权威ImageNet图像分类比赛中,机器图像的分类错误率比人眼辨识错误率低1.53%,深度学习(Deep Learning)模型的识别能力已经超过了人眼。这些事件让我们意识到,部分智能技术能力已超越人类,人工智能进入可商用阶段。

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