(报告加工时间:2018-11-26 -- 2019-02-12)



  • 商业洗涤器和清扫车市场报告全球展望预测(2019-2024年)
    Commercial scrubbers and sweepers are one of the fastest growing floor cleaning equipment in the world. These professional equipment provide highly efficient cleaning across all sectors of industries. With the increasing adoption of automation, consumers are using technology in many daily chores, including cleaning. The automatic floor cleaning machines provide an easier method of cleaning as compared to traditional manual methods. The use of equipment such as commercial sweepers and scrubbers can greatly reduce the time and manual labor required for cleaning. In industries, these machines provide a more ergonomic method of cleaning, thereby ensuring the safety of workers. Commercial sweepers and scrubbers thus precisely make the job of cleaning easier, faster, and safer for workers.


  • 社会服务行业:美团点评财务报表剖析-互联网+生活服务专题系列三
    如何看待不断扩大的巨额亏损:主要由国际会计准则下可转换可赎回优先股的会计处理造成,上市后优先股已全部完成转股,2019 年财务报表中该科目将不复存在。扣除“可转换可赎回优先股公允价值变动”,美团点评2015 年至2018 年1-9 月的真实亏损额分别为98 亿、15 亿、39 亿、75 亿,亏损金额在今年有所提高,主要是网约车试点和摩拜单车亏损所致。
  • 休闲服务行业:从阿里与Allergan的合作发想医美引擎的价值-医美投资系列十五
    2018 年 9 月 13 日,阿里健康与 Allergan(艾尔建)签署战略合作协议,引发市场猜想是否将合作塑造医美的类天猫平台。我们认为阿里志不在此的原因为 1.消费者无法跳过医美机构的最后一里,2.效果的核心并非产品而是医生,3.消费者最终将跳过平台前往机构消费,4.消费者的价格敏感度逐渐降低。

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