(报告加工时间:2024-01-22 -- 2024-01-28)



  • 2024年重要农产品价格展望
    世界气象组织在《联合国气候变化框架公约》第28届缔约方会议宣布,2023年是有记录以来人类历史上最热的一年。国家气候中心:2023年 我国平均气温创历史新高。国家气候中心,2024年有可能会成为更热的一年,同时也是极端天气可能会更加频繁、更加强大的一年。世界气象组织预测,预计今后全球大部分地区气温将进一步升高,2023至2027年这五年内至少有一年会打破2016年创下的高温纪录,概率达到98%。不仅是2024年有可能更热,未来5年大概率会出现“创纪录高温”。


  • 全球猪肉市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Pork meat, commonly known as pork, is the meat obtained from domestic pigs. It is a popular source of animal protein worldwide. Pork comes in various cuts and forms, such as pork chops, bacon, ham, and ground pork. It is known for its versatility in cooking, with a range of flavors and textures, making it a staple in many culinary traditions across the globe.
  • 全球洛神花市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Roselle, known as Hibiscus sabdariffa L., is an annual crop used in food, animal feed, nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals, and pharmaceuticals. It is used in producing jelly, jam, juice, wine, syrup, gelatin, cake, ice cream, and others. The product has anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties, due to which it is becoming a vital raw material for organic and natural cosmetics.
  • 全球大豆和牛奶蛋白原料市场报告(2023-2027年)
    Soy protein is derived from soybeans and is a plant-based protein source with a protein content of around 90%-95%. It is used in products like plant-based meats, dairy alternatives, and protein bars. On the other hand, milk Protein comes from cow's milk and contains casein and whey proteins, which are rich in essential amino acids. It is used in dairy products, infant formula, and various types of food products, contributing to texture and nutrition.
  • 全球动物运输市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Animal transportation is defined as the movement of animals effected through one or more means of transportation and related operations, which includes loading, unloading, transfer, and other operations until the unloading of animals at the point of destination is completed.
  • 全球海鲜市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Seafood refers to any type of sea life that human beings consider edible, most notably fish and shellfish. Shellfish are mollusks of diverse species. Seafood includes edible aquatic species that include both freshwater and ocean creatures.
  • 全球辣木产品市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Moringa oleifera (which, in general, is known as a drumstick, horseradish, or miracle tree) naturally grows in India, South-Saharan Africa, and South America. A moringa is a multipurpose tree, as every part of the plant, including leaves, flowers, seeds, roots, and bark, is used for medicine, food, or therapeutic purposes. Moringa is also called a superfood since its leaves, flowers, seeds, and roots are all edible and help in treating a wide variety of diseases and health conditions.

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