(报告加工时间:2022-08-15 -- 2022-08-28)


  • 全球木器涂料市场展望预测报告(2021-2026年)
    Wood-based products are often prone to corrosion, destruction, and stains. A glossy wood coating prevents damage and increases the durability of wooden products, thus boosting their sales. It also makes wooden products desirable and aesthetically pleasing, thus luring customers into buying them. There are many wood coatings, including exterior wood coating, waterborne wood coating, radiation cure coatings, and wood finishing. Exterior wood coatings are extremely important in the furniture industry as they offer a good finishing and make furniture sturdy.
  • 全球医用级管材市场分析与预测报告(2021-2030年)
    Medical grade tubing is a product designed for a number of applications that enable clinicians to perform several tasks, which normally include disposable applications such as medical catheters, IV sets, irrigation, drainage, and intravenous (IV) delivery. The applications are considered for medical applications such as abrasion protection, drug delivery, bulk disposable tubing, catheters, special applications, and other applications such as arthroscopy, endoscopy, and laparoscopy.
  • 全球包装汽车润滑油市场展望预测报告(2022-2027年)
    Automotive lubricants are fluidic substances with the primary function of decreasing friction between surfaces of automotive parts that come into contact. Also, automotive lubricants reduce energy wastage caused by friction and are highly effective in cleaning, cooling, and protecting metal components from corrosion and rust, and many other challenges associated with the engine, equipment, and machinery operations. For example, automotive engine oil used in cars and heavyduty and other vehicles is formulated for specific use in automotive engines. A good quality engine oil is critical for the proper operation of an automotive engine as it prevents damage and extends its service life.
  • 全球有机硅密封剂市场展望预测报告(2022-2027年)
    Silicone sealants are employed to seal objects/surfaces that may be exposed to extreme environments, weathering, temperature, or movement for a prolonged period. Sealants are effective solutions that are elastic, flexible, durable, and reliable. Hence, they can be put to application in harsh conditions, ranging from construction, space, electronics, automotive, medical, and packaging. Silicone sealants are composed of silicone as a primary ingredient. The other essential components that provide silicone sealant their inherent properties are polymers, plasticizers, active reinforcing fillers, passive non-reinforcing fillers, cross linkers, and special additives. Silicone sealants based on their specific application can be readily modified using biobased materials. Through the addition of specific additives and fillers, they can be imparted enhanced electrical/thermal conductivity, resistance to fluctuation temperatures, and optical clarity, among others.
  • 全球紫外线固化涂料市场展望预测报告(2021-2026年)
    UV curable coatings are based on UV curing technology that makes use of ultraviolet light to initiate the reaction. UV-based coating formulations can be applied to a variety of substrates such as paper, wood, metal, and plastic. The technology requires very less space and lesser curing time than conventional technologies. In many cases, the amount of heat generated while curing is also less; therefore, heat-sensitive substrates can also be coated. These UV coatings come in a variety of types such as 100% solids, water-based, solvent-based, pigmented, clear, and various gloss formulations.
  • 全球包装DNA提取试剂盒市场展望预测报告(2022-2027年)
    The extraction of nucleic acids is the starting point in any molecular biology study and is thus considered a crucial process. The first crude extraction of DNA was performed by Friedrich Miescher, a Swiss physician, in 1869. He accidentally purified DNA from the nucleus while investigating proteins from leukocytes and found that the substance's property was fundamentally different from proteins and hence coined the term nuclein. DNA can be extracted from diverse sources, such as fineneedle aspirates of body fluids and biopsy samples; dried blood spots, buccal swabs, and fingerprints; soil, plant, and animal tissue forensic samples; and insects, protozoa, bacteria, and yeast.
  • 全球双环戊二烯市场预测报告到2027年
    Dicyclopentadiene is a chemical compound with the formula C10H12. It is co-produced in large quantities in the steam cracking of naphtha and gas oils to ethylene as part of the separation process of crude C5 streams. It is a colorless, waxy, flammable solid or liquid with a camphor-like odor. Dicyclopentadiene is highly flammable, with a flashpoint of 90°F/32°C and a boiling point of 338ºF/170°C. The major uses are in resins, particularly unsaturated polyester resins. As a chemical intermediate, it is used for making insecticides, hardeners, and dryers in linseed and soybean oil and in the production of ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) elastomers, metallocenes, resins, varnishes, and paints.
  • 全球施肥和化学灌溉市场分析和预测报告(2022-2027年)
    Fertigation is a method for applying fertilizers by incorporating the fertilizer into irrigation water by means of a drip, sprinkler, or center pivot system. In this system, fertilizer solution is evenly distributed during irrigation. Since nutrients are readily available, efficiency is higher. Liquid fertilizers, as well as water-soluble fertilizers, are used in this method. Using this method, fertilizer use efficiency can be increased from 80% to 90%.


  • 化工行业:全球原油供需格局分析,紧平衡定位投资方向
    全球经济增速预期较上月下滑0.4%,原油预期平均日需求较2021年同 比上升3.2%,与经济增速相近。OPEC8月报预期2022年全球经济增速为 3.1%,较上月下降0.4个百分点。全球原油需求预期较上月下降26万桶/天, 为10003万桶/天。6月OECD石油商业库存27.12亿桶,同比降低1.63亿桶, 环比增加2090万桶。
  • 化工行业:风电兴起,哪些材料受益?-深度报告
    风电装机旺季即将来临,中长期景气同样可观,上游化工原料有望受益。本文梳理了风电产业 链涉及的化工品如风电叶片用环氧树脂、环氧树脂结构胶、PVC 和PET 泡沫材料、碳纤维、 固化剂、防护涂料、呋喃树脂、风机基础灌浆料,以及对应的上市公司。
  • 基础化工行业:科思创德国装置不可抗力,TDI价格企稳回升-事件点评
    据天天化工网8 月12 日消息,科思创位于德国的30 万吨/年TDI 装置因氯气泄露发生不可抗力,预计11 月30 日后方可恢复供应。同时,近日国内外多套装置处于停车状态,巴斯夫位于德国的30 万吨/年TDI 装置于4 月底停车检修,目前尚未重启;烟台巨力8 万吨/年TDI 装置仍处停车状态;甘肃银光10 万吨/年TDI 装置重启时间待定;万华匈牙利25 万吨/年TDI 装置于7 月15 日开始陆续检修,预计检修35 天。目前,全球TDI 年产能达349.5 万吨,处于停车状态的产能合计103 万吨/年,占全球TDI 总产能的比例达29.5%,全球TDI 供给端收缩明显。
  • 基础化工行业:光伏胶膜材料行业分析框架
  • 化妆品行业:重组胶原蛋白龙头,壁垒与成长兼备-化妆品专题报告之巨子生物
    重组胶原蛋白龙头厂家,高增长高利润率。公司成立于 2000年,是国内 基于重组胶原蛋白活性成分的专业皮肤护肤领域的领军者,旗下拥有可复 美、可丽金等八大品牌。根据Frost&Sullivan,公司2021 年以10.6%市 场份额成为国内第二大专业皮肤护理产品公司,19-21 年为国内最大胶原 蛋白专业皮肤护理公司。公司实际控制人为范代娣、严建亚夫妇,上市前 通过信托机构持有公司60.06%股份,股权结构较为集中。2021 年公司收 入、归母净利润分别为15.52/8.28 亿元,19-21 年复合增速分别为 27.39%、22.46%,收入业绩维持较快增长,公司2021 年归母净利率为 53.3%,净利率较高。目前,公司主要拥有可复美、可丽金两大专业皮肤 护理品牌贡献收入,21 年收入分别为8.98/5.26 亿元。
  • 莱茵河水位下降,或将影响全球 MDI、TDI、蛋氨酸、维生素供给
    国内MDI、TDI、蛋氨酸、维生素生产商将受益。莱茵河水位下降导致航运受到制约,货物运输可能由陆路代替,MDI 和 TDI 的成本会有所增加,叠加天然气价格上涨也使得 MDI 与 TDI 的生产成本上升。另外,科思创位于德国的30万吨/年TDI 装置因氯气泄露发生不可抗力,预计 11 月 30 日后方可恢复供应。短期欧洲 TDI 供需失衡将加剧。
  • 化工行业:负极包覆材料领先企业-信德新材(A20749)深度报告
    公司自2010年以来深耕负极包覆材料行业,当前拥有负极包覆材料核定产能2万吨/年,碳纤维可纺沥青核定产能5000吨/年。公 司当前已获得同意创业板上市批复,在新能源转型背景下,随着新增3万吨/年的产能投产,公司盈利能力将持续提升。2022年一 季度,公司预计实现营收1.48~1.58亿元,归母净利润2800~3100万元。我们预计公司2022-2024年实现营收6.82、8.40、9.83亿元, 净利润1.58、2.05、2.71亿元。

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