(报告加工时间:2019-04-15 -- 2019-05-05)



  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第497期
  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第496期
  • 中国农业问题报告与分析-第498期
    农业农村部日前下达了 2019 年高标准农田和高效节水灌溉等农田建设任务,并将任务分解到各省。今年的农田建设任务是要确保新增高标准农田 8000万亩以上,同步发展高效节水灌溉面积 2000 万亩。


  • 欧洲害虫控制服务市场(2018-2025年)
    The pest control services market is segmented into type, pest type, application, and region. Based on type, the market is classified into chemical, mechanical, biological, and others. Based on pest type, the market is divided into insects, termites, rodents, and others. Based on application, the market is categorized into commercial, residential, agriculture, industrial, and others. Based on region, the market is analyzed across 15 Europe countries, which include Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Slovakia, Portugal, Ireland, and rest of the Europe.
  • 巴西农业部门报告(2018-2022年)
    The favourable weather conditions in 2017 that led to a record crop season of soybean and maize impacted crop producers in a positive way. Both domestic and international crop sales registered an increase, generating higher revenues for farmers. More capital was invested in machinery, equipment and new technologies for monitoring and managing production. The increased supply, however, caused a fall in prices, especially of soybean and maize. Although this downward trend in prices affected farmers’ margins, it had a positive impact on livestock producers, due to cheaper feed inputs.
  • 全球鱼类市场报告(2018-2025年)
    Ongoing advancements in the fin fish market owing to innovative efforts have further enhanced the efficiency and productivity of the fin fish industry. The competitive advantages of fin fish over traditional fishing have been also described in the report. In addition, leading categories of finfish are studied in the report whereas the others segment includes mollusks, crustaceans, crabs, octopus, prawns and seals, dolphins and turtles, and comprise diverse group of aquatic animals that reside in oceans as well as in freshwater. The market, drivers, restraints, and opportunities of the market are explained in the report. Further, the key strategies adopted by potential market leaders to facilitate the effective planning are also discussed under the scope of the report.


  • 农林牧渔行业:国内糖产量影响因素分析,海参价格高开启动春捕行情-2019年4月第4 期周报
    农业板块跑输大盘:本期农林牧渔指数下跌0.07%,同期沪深300 指数上涨3.31%,行业跑输沪深300 指数3.38 个百分点,在申万28 个行业中排名第26 位。本期子版块中林业和饲料板块表现较好,较沪深300 指数分别获得2.79%、2.15%的超额收益。行业目前PE(TTM,整体法,剔除负值)是45 倍,相对沪深300 的估值溢价为230%。分子板块来看,本期PE最高的为农业综合板块的64 倍(上期为50 倍),最低的为动保板块的27 倍(上期为27倍)。本期农业综合板块估值提升最快。
  • 宠物行业:宠物蓝海,方兴未艾-主题研究
    宠物数量与消费增长效应叠加,国内宠物市场快速扩张。2018 年养宠人数增长24%,宠猫狗数量同比增长4.6%,人均单只宠物年消费同比增幅为15%;数量和消费双重增长效应下,我国宠物市场规模达1708 亿。

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