(报告加工时间:2022-03-28 -- 2022-04-05)



  • 全球药品质量管理软件市场
    Over the last few years, the global pharmaceutical industry has undergone significant changes. In recent years, the cost of drugs has been increasing rapidly, a majority of which is contributed by funds allocated to research and development. According to a report published by Congressional Budget Office (CBO) in April 2021, titled, ‘Research and Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry,’ the U.S. pharmaceutical industry’s R&D expenditure in 2019 was nearly $83 billion, spanning a range of activities such as drug discovery, conducting clinical tests, and drug innovation, among others. Additionally, the report also states that the budget share allocated by pharmaceutical companies toward research and development has also increased. The following table shows a rough estimate of the annual R&D expenditure of pharmaceutical companies.
  • 全球农场管理软件和数据分析市场
    The agriculture industry is one of the biggest and most revenue-generating industries in the world. The agricultural production by the farmers helps in tackling the global food demand, which is expected to increase with the growing population. Farmers worldwide depend on agricultural production for their livelihood, and increased efficiency in the field would help in the upliftment of farmers and an increased global agricultural production. Farm management software and data analytic solutions can play a significant role in the growth of the global agricultural sector. Farm management software helps in the overall digitization of the agricultural sector. Through software solutions in the field, agricultural activities can be better monitored and managed. This software also enables controlling of field activities remotely. Farmer can strategically plan how the activities in the field can be undertaken, which would lead to more transparency in the field and increased agricultural efficiency. The software-operated tools help reduce errors in the field as the farmer can easily track multiple tasks in their software applications and data storage.
  • 全球设备即服务DaaS 行业分析2019年
    The study defines cancer microbiome as the aggregate of microorganisms living in or on the human body along with their genomes that are influencing cancer manifestation and progression. Cancer microbiome sequencing has increasingly become an area of interest for the research community, which has the potential to revolutionize cancer care, largely due to studies that have significantly correlated the microbiome’s involvement in cancer manifestation. This study aims at deciphering the potential of the cancer microbiome sequencing and its larger role in bolstering the current era of precision medicine.
  • 全球太比特以太网测试解决方案增长机会
    Terabit ethernet (TbE) runs at speeds faster than 100 Gbps. In the ethernet landscape, TbE is laying the foundation for developing true 1,000 Gbps (1 Tbps) speed. True TbE does not yet exist. TbE testing equipment includes solutions that test network connectivity and ensure high network performance. These pieces of equipment validate both local area network and wide area network (WAN) connectivity and can verify the signal integrity of the networks operating at different network speeds. This study includes those that have the capacity to test ethernet speeds faster than 100 Gbps.
  • 全球国防增长机会数字化
    Digitalization is defined as the ability to harness collective technological advances in computing power, data collection, processing, storage, and networking between computer devices. The term must be differentiated from digitization, which simply means the conversion of analog to digital, e.g., converting a printed photograph into a JPEG* file. Defense forces have always pursued digitalization; however, its adoption has lagged behind commercial industries in recent times. Historically, computers have been used to manage logistics, supply inventory, pay wages, and maintain personnel records. There is also a rapid increase in digital adoption on the battlefield with advances in automated processing and sensor technologies.
  • 全球远程医疗市场表现和展望2025年
    Research process is defined by creating multiple algorithms considering the problem statement, we classify the market into mainly market driven by industry performance, market driven by economic political performance and market driven by consumer sentiments Information gathered is evaluated on the above level using our extensive research process and reevaluated to generate better results
  • 全球娱乐与媒体展望
    CRISPR is a technology that is used in gene editing enabling researchers and scientists globally to alter DNA sequence and modify gene function with ease. CRISPR gene editing was adopted from the antivirus immunity system of single-celled microorganisms, namely archaea and bacteria. Fragments of alien DNA, known as a spacer, are incorporated and transcribed into guide crRNA (CRISPR RNAs) to specifically target and cleave the genome of the virus and other foreign bodies using Cas proteins.
  • 全球智能农业市场
    Smart farming is a concept in agriculture that involves data collection, data analysis, and data-driven decision making to increase yield, monitor crops and animals, and improve overall efficiency in all possible agricultural operations. Smart farming method or concept employs various technologies that become the means of operation. For example, to collect data, smart farming depends on the internet of things (IoT) and other sensorbased technologies, which allow seamless data collection. For data analysis, various farm management software and artificial intelligence (AI) based tools can be used to make sense of the collected data, and later autonomous machines and other mechanical equipment can be utilized to take necessary actions; for example, drones can be used to spread inputs such as pesticides and fertilizers.
  • 全球数字农业市场市场
    The agriculture sector is quickly emerging in platform economics, and the rapid development of digital interfaces does not entirely depend on supply and demand. Collaborative platforms, such as finance, renting farms, exchanging services, and produces such as seeds, fruits, vegetables, and others have also appeared along with marketplaces. As internet networks are expanding into rural areas and smart devices are penetrating the agriculture sector, more opportunities to use technology for the benefit of farmers are growing. The agricultural produce, supplies, equipment, among others, are available on various platforms.


  • 传媒行业:云计算产业高速发展,Pico出货量有望大幅提升
    字节跳动调高Pico 今年销售目标,Pico 出货量有望大幅提升。日前有消息显示,由于营销效果远超预期,字节跳动将调高旗下公司Pico 的VR 产品2022年销售目标至180 万台,而此前的原定目标为100 万台左右。据IDC,2020年Pico 位居中国VR 市场份额第一,字节跳动通过收购Pico,完成在VR 赛道卡位。被字节收购后,Pico 加大线上线下营销力度,字节跳动旗下火山小视频、今日头条、抖音等产品为其提供了较大的流量支持,2022 年春节期间,各路明星加持下,“2022 年宝藏年货”、“玩VR 选Pico”等词条冲上抖音热搜,PicoNeo3还登陆了头部主播李佳琦和罗永浩的直播间。线下方面,Pico 开始在大型商场和购物中心部署线下体验店、自助机等。在字节跳动的有力支持+产业发展机遇下,2022 年Pico 终端出货量有望大幅提升。
  • 通信行业:详解运营商年报,营收增速创新高,创新业务发展强劲,派息率持续提升-产业追踪(52)
  • 科技行业:Celonis,全球领先的流程挖掘、优化厂商-科技先锋系列报告245
  • 海外互联网行业:元宇宙下的新消费,消费升级的必然性
    元宇宙概念去年大火后,消费端或许是其趋势下反应最快的领域:虚拟商品、NFT、虚拟人、3D 广告等等。但其实元宇宙和消费早就碰撞出火花,或者说元宇宙中的新消费早已是趋势了。受制于技术的不成熟和成本,消费端的3D 内容升级或没有普及,但已得到从品牌端和消费者端的正面验证。
  • 互联网行业:如何看待在线健身平台的模式?-专题研究报告
    在线健身填补家庭场景下的健身需求,其高性价比有望推动中轻度健身用户规模扩大,预计在疫情及季节性影响下用户规模将进一步扩大。1)模式端:在线健身为健身用户渗透率提升的主要驱动力,根据灼识咨询,2015~2019 年线上健身的市场份额提升并不明显,5 年间提升了9.1%, 2020 年~2021 年在疫情催化下,线下健身房营业受阻,居家隔离等影响导致多处线下健身房关停,居民居家时间增多催生居家健身需求提升,在线健身市场份额2 年间增长了11.4%;2)用户端:在线健身解决“健身难”痛点,以高性价比和便捷性吸引大量中轻度用户群体。根据国家体育总局数据,20 岁以上人群中不愿健身的理由中占比最高的为没时间,占比30.6%,缺乏场地和经济限制分别占比10.8%和4.1%,而线上健身APP 用户可以随时随地打开手机端跟随课程进行锻炼,利用碎片化时间健身;3)结构端:从“吃练”为主到“吃穿练用”结合带来更大市场空间。
  • 通信行业:条分缕析年报,为何强调运营商十年一遇投资机遇?-点评报告
    中国移动营业收入增速创近10 年新高,中国联通、中国电信归母净利润均实现双位数增长。截止2021 年年底,三大运营商5G 渗透率均超过40%,其中中国电信渗透率达到50.4%。其次,创新业务动能十足,中国移动数字化转型收入yoy+26.3%,占主营业务收入的比例为21.2%,对主营业务收入增量贡献达59.5%。2021 年中国联通产业互联网业务yoy+28%,对公司主营业务收入增长贡献度达59%,已经成为收入增长的“第一引擎”。2021 年中国电信产业数字化业务收入yoy+19.4%,对增量服务收入贡献度达到51.6%。

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