(报告加工时间:2015-11-01 -- 2015-12-31)


  • 机械行业:转型升级进入攻坚期-2016年投资策略报告
  • ZTBGGDZB-中国制造2025——城市轨道交通发展战略研究-高端装备(201510)
  • 2014-2015年中国轨道交通产业分析与预测
  • 航空航天军工行业:日韩军工研究-全球军工系列报告之四
    尽管二战结束后日韩军工曾严重落后,但凭借模仿创新与国际合作、寓军于民与军民合作,日韩军工快速赶超。 我们对日韩军工发展逻辑进行梳理,对日韩代表性军工企业的发展驱动力进行分析,以期从中探索我国军工投资新方向。
  • 城市轨道交通发展战略研究
  • 机械行业:剑指制造强国,热点概念先行-2016年年度投资策略报告
    中国作为世界第二大经济体和第一人口大国,制造业是国民经济的主体,是立国之本、兴国之器、强国之基。打造具有国际竞争力的制造业,实现从工业大国到工业强国的跨越,是我国提升综合国力、保障国家安全、建设世界强国的必由之路。要成为工业强国,必须大力发展高端制造业,而高端装备制造业正是高端制造业的基础和重中之重。《中国制造 2025》 明确指出 不仅要推动传统制造业的转型升级和健康稳定发展, 还要在应对新技术革命的发展当中,实现高端化的跨越发展。


  • 亚太报告——航空(2015年12月)
    International air cargo demand, measured in freighttonne kilometers (FTK), jumped by 20.5% in February,outpacing the 12.6% increase in offered freight capacity and increasing the average international freight loadfactor by 4.2 percentage points to 65.2%.
  • 全球商用飞机视频监控系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Video surveillance systems in aircraft are used for ground maneuvering during taxi operations, cabin and external security, monitoring of commercial and military aircraft refueling, and flight crew observation of aircraft control surfaces. Commercial aircraft video surveillance systems perform two functions: cabin surveillance and cockpit door surveillance.
  • 全球两栖登陆艇市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Concerns over port security have been increasing in line with the rising number of seabased terrorist attacks, such as the 2008 attack in Mumbai, India, and the general rise of piracy in the Gulf of Aden. This has prompted countries to modernize the landing craft and equipment used by their respective security agencies. Amphibious landing craft have the ability to patrol coastal areas and help security agencies counter national threats, such as smuggling, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and maritime piracy and terrorism.
  • 全球飞行导航系统市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Flight navigation systems and equipment are used to control an aircraft. These systems include autopilot, sensors, flight management systems, global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), automatic direction finders, and other equipment that helps in navigating an aircraft. Navigation systems depend on the instrument flight rules IFR) or visual flight rules (VFR) while operating in the air.
  • 全球海上无人系统市场报告(2016-2020年)
    An unmanned sea system is a remotely controlled or pre-programmed autonomous water vehicle used by naval forces for surveillance and underwater mapping missions such as clearing mines. It can be classified into USV and UUV.
  • 全球塔式起重机市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Tower cranes are mostly used in the construction of high-rise building projects wherein they lift loads of around 20 tons and can reach up to 230 feet high. These are well suited for duties such as heavy lifting and the placing of materials on the construction site. The biggest advantage of tower cranes is that they can be operated in tightly confined areas and provide a large picking radius.
  • 全球航空航天紧固件市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Aerospace fasteners have evolved over the years with the continuously transforming aerospace industry. They are widely used in commercial and military aircraft, ballistic missiles and rockets, and also offered in aftermarket service. The aerospace industry makes use of a wide range of fasteners such as bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, pins, and hi-locks.

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