(报告加工时间:2018-05-21 -- 2018-05-27)



  • 医药汇编-第775期
    海南省人民政府 9 日对外公布《海南博鳌乐城国际医疗旅游先行区临床急需进口医疗器械管理暂行规定》(简称《规定》),明确先行区临床急需进口医疗器械的范围、办理程序、使用规定及有关职责。
  • 医药竞争情报-第696期
    近期医药领域最大的热点之一无疑是“两会”后,相关部门多措并举降低抗癌药价格,并激励国内药企自主创新。以 CAR-T 疗法为代表的免疫细胞治疗和以PD-1/PD-L1 为代表的免疫检查点抑制剂,因其更有希望治愈癌症,并且副作用可能远小于传统的放疗和化疗,已经成为全球抗癌领域最炙手可热的研发方向。中国创新药企在这两个方向上已经走在世界前列。据高盛统计美国临床试验数据库(ClinicalTrials.gov)数据,截至2018 年2 月,中国完成CAR-T 试验的数量为153次,美国为 164 次,欧洲为 73 次,世界其他地区为56 次;同期,原国家食药监总局药品审评中心(CDE)数据显示,国内已有 16 个产品获得抗 PD-1/PD-L1 单抗药物临床批件,并在不同瘤种中开展临床试验,恒瑞医药、信达生物、君实生物、百济神州、誉衡药业、康宁杰瑞等企业均在不断发力。


  • 全球医疗保健区块链市场分析和预测(2018-2025年)
    Blockchain data records are linked to each other using hash pointers. Hash pointers point to the location of the previous data block and it even contains the message about the content of the block. The pointer allows the programmer to locate the data block and read its content. Inside the block all the transaction messages are organized in the form of a tree known as the Merkle Tree. These trees summarize all the transactions in a block and provides a very efficient process to verify the transactions. Merkle trees are constructed by using hash nodes until there is only one hash node left. The last hash node is called the Root or Merkle Root. Merkle trees use double-SHA 256.
  • 全球可注射药物交付市场分析和预测(2018-2025年)
    The global injectable drug delivery market generated $16.73 billion revenue in 2016 and is expected to reach $37.47 billion by 2025. The technologically advanced healthcare infrastructure along with the ever rising prevalence of chronic diseases is the prime reason for the growth of the market. The Europe injectable drug delivery market currently holds XX% of the global injectable drug delivery market. Technological innovations, growing adoption of injectable devices in homecare as well the rising incidence of chronic diseases have propelled the growth in the recent past in the region.
  • 全球电外科设备市场分析预测(2017-2023年)
    The scope of this report is focused on passenger cars and commercial vehicles. The market volume was calculated based on the electric vehicle registrations or sales. Based on the classification, the Average Selling Price (ASP) was calculated by weighted average method. ASP calculations are completely based on the number of data points taken into account while conducting the research. The base currency considered for the market analysis is US$. Currencies other than the USD are converted to the USD for all statistical calculations, considering the average conversion rate for that particular year.


  • 医药行业:暖春有望延续,二线白马蓄势而发-2018年中期策略
    随着新医保逐步落地叠加年初流感行情的催化,2018 年1-3 月医药制造业(根据Wind 数据)整体销售收入实现6252 亿元,累计同比增速16.1%(较去年提升5pct),利润总额实现774 亿元,累计同比增长22.5%(较去年同期提升9pct ),显示出大幅高于行业平均的业绩增速和提振幅度;而当前估值也升至历史较高点(PE39 倍,TTM),我们预计下半年新品(前期优先审批铺垫创新药加速获批)与新股(港股生物制药板块开闸)或将持续催化板块情绪,预计整体板块或将震荡上行,一场长期分化正在加速,看好创新实力突出、平台价值显著的成长性白马。
  • 医药生物行业:承接高端医疗资源,发展前沿生物产业—借鉴海外、放眼雄安—医药篇

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