(报告加工时间:2020-10-12 -- 2020-11-22)



  • 全球隐形眼镜市场前景预测(2020-2025年)
    According to the International Classification of Diseases - 10 (ICD-10), vision function is classified into four broad categories - normal vision, moderate vision impairment, severe vision impairment, and blindness. Visual impairment is a broad term, which involves moderate or severe vision loss or complete blindness. It is a global health concern that has a negative impact on both physical and mental health. Preventive blindness, which was considered among common ailments, will soon emerge as a major challenge to the global healthcare system. Blindness and visual impairment necessitate high costs as they not only constitute great productivity loss but also increase the burden on healthcare spending significantly. According to the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB), about 36 million people were categorized as blind, and about 217 million people were estimated to suffer from moderate to severe visual impairment (MVSI) in 2014. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), uncorrected errors, especially myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism, constituted 43% of overall visual impairment cases in 2014.
  • 全球低温共烧陶瓷市场分析与预测(2019-2025年)
    Currently, the world is witnessing growing demand for low temperature co-fired ceramics, which is mainly due to the rising demand from the automotive sensors operating at harsh conditions. Also, there have been technological advancements in the electronics and computational industry. The miniaturization of electronics, followed by the demand for high computational speed, has produced harsh operating conditions for the electronic components. These conditions have consequently given rise to concerns such as heating, leading to the compromise in the performance of the gadgets. Therefore, researchers/industry professionals have had to reconsider the technological upgradations in tandem with good performance and paved way for the development of multilayer circuits or LTCC tapes. The primary factors leading to the demand for this technological innovation is increasing use of electronics in the automotive sensors, military and defense, aviation, and micro electro-mechanical sensors (MEMS), among others.


  • 轻工制造行业:Q3基金持仓轻工制造占比再提升,持续推荐关注景气度提升的造纸和家居细分行业
    2020Q3 投资总市值较2020 Q2 增加,重仓持股市值占比同比提升。我们选取股票型开放式基金重仓持股情况进行分析:2020年三季度末股票型开放式基金股票投资总市值14095 亿,较2020Q2 季度末增加1948.30 亿,较去年同期增加5298.78 亿,其中前十大重仓股持股总市值6820亿,占股票投资总市值比重48.4%,占比较2020 年二季度末提升3.0pct,较去年同期提升5.3pct。
  • 轻工制造行业:开学季文化办公用品涨势亮眼,住宅“金九行情成色十足
    9 月家具零售额同比下滑 0.6%,降幅环比 8 月份收窄 3.6 个百分点, 整体呈现回暖态势,主要系全国建材家居市场迎来“金九银十” 置业装修 传统旺季,建材家居市场活力显著提升。
  • 光伏玻璃行业:双玻组件快速渗透,光伏玻璃持续景气
    光伏玻璃行业充分享受光伏行业的广阔成长空间,且受益于双玻组件渗透率 持续提升,同时亦具备技术迭代慢、行业格局稳定等有别于光伏主产业链的 特点,龙头标的具有长期投资价值;同时行业短期有望因供需阶段性错配而 迎来涨价,企业盈利显著提升。给予行业“强于大市”评级。
  • 轻工行业:质造升级与品牌崛起,龙头强者愈强-分论坛行业策略报告

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