(报告加工时间:2019-12-16 -- 2019-12-29)



  • 全球网络安全市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The existence of cybercrime can be traced back to many years. Over these years, the threat has evolved to a severe problem for individuals, organizations, and hence, the society at large. Global adoption of the Internet and the proliferation of payment-linked online services, which attract profit-seeking criminals are the primary drivers for such attacks. For instance, according to the National Crime Agency of the United Kingdom, cybercrime has surpassed all forms of traditional crimes. The natural sources to quantify crimes are police-recorded statistics. In the context of cybercrime, however, some limitations and caveats put police-recorded statistics to doubt. A lack of consensus of what constitutes a cybercrime is one among such. As a missing authoritative definition, some offences may be classified as cyber when in fact they are not, while others may be concealed within other criminal statistics.


  • 国防军工行业:供需新平衡,改革再出发,成长正当时
    年初至今,军工板块涨幅跑赢大盘,位列各行业第十四。截至12月14 日,中证军工指数年内涨幅达19.53%。同期上证综指累计涨幅为19.00%,军工板块跑赢大盘0.53 个百分点。年初至今,除建筑板块外,各板块累计涨跌幅均为正,在申万29 个行业板块中,食品饮料、电子元器件、家电板块涨幅分列前三位,军工板块涨幅居中,排名第十四。

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