(报告加工时间:2019-11-11 -- 2019-11-24)


  • 全球胶粘剂和密封剂市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The use of adhesives for composite material joining has been rapidly increasing in various applications, such as consumer packaging, aerospace, and automotive. The selection of adhesives depends on numerous factors, such as the nature and type of substrates, which is to be bonded, cost of adhesives used, curing time, and the adhesive application method. Owing to their superior properties, such as greater design flexibility, ability to distribute the load over a much wider area, reduce stress concentrations, increase fatigue, and corrosion resistance of bonded joints, adhesives and sealants are heavily used in various industries.
  • 全球粘合促进剂市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The use of adhesives for composite material joining has been rapidly increasing in various applications, such as consumer packaging, aerospace, and automotive. The selection of adhesives depends on numerous factors, such as the nature and type of substrates, which is to be bonded, cost of adhesives used, curing time, and the adhesive application method. Owing to their superior properties, such as greater design flexibility, ability to distribute the load over a much wider area, reduce stress concentrations, increase fatigue, and corrosion resistance of bonded joints, adhesives and sealants are heavily used in various industries.
  • 全球碳捕集与封存市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The investments in global carbon capture and storage market (henceforth referred to as the market studied, unless specified otherwise) was at USD 1.36 billion during 2018. The investments are expected to be at USD 2.28 billion by 2024, at an estimated CAGR of 9.22% over the forecast period (2019-2024) (henceforth referred to as the forecast period). The growth is largely fuelled by emerging demand for carbon dioxide (CO2) injection technique for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). EOR method is widely being adopted by oil and gas participants to extract oil and gas from mature fields. CO2 is considered to be an excellent displacing agent for EOR techniques, because a large portion of injected CO2 remains in place in depleted reservoirs. Therefore, this method could provide a good option for CO2 sequestration, in order to mitigate global warming.
  • 拉丁美洲玻璃瓶和容器市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The Latin American countries have been attracting foreign glass bottle makers and other companies, owing to the factors like rich natural resources, low-cost labor, and increasing consumer expenditure. Although the economic growth rate of some of the regions, like Argentina, have not been very encouraging, the regions such as Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Mexico witnessed positive growth rates. The improving economy made the regions the major consumers of packed food and beverage, personal care goods, and even electronics. The demand mostly came from the urban population, which constitutes 81% of the total population of Latin America and the Caribbean. Consider the case of Brazil for instance, Brazil’s middle-class prosperity is second only to China, with more than 15 to 17 million households forecasted to break through the middle-class income limit by 2021.
  • 全球碳化钙市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The global calcium carbide market (henceforth referred to as the market studied) is estimated at 28,298,527 metric ton in 2019, and is expected to reach 32,224,345 metric ton by 2024, registering a CAGR of 2.63% during the period, 2019-2024 (henceforth referred to as the forecast period). The major factors that are driving the growth of the market studied are increasing steel production across the world and increase in demand for chemical production. On the flipside, detrimental health effects are expected to hinder the growth of the market.
  • 醋酸乙烯乙烯酯树脂市场报告(2019-2026年)
    Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) resin, also called as polyethylene vinyl acetate (PEVA), is an elastomeric polymer, which is used to produce materials that are soft and flexible like rubber. It possesses properties such as high gloss and resistance to stress & cracks. The weight percent of vinyl acetate usually varies from 10 to 40%.
  • 阿联酋建筑油漆涂料市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The UAE architectural paints and coatings market report is segmented based on resin type, construction type, and technology.  There are five different types of resins considered in the resin type segment, namely, acrylic, alkyd, polyurethane, epoxy, and other resin types.  Based on the construction type, the market has been segmented into residential and non-residential construction.
  • 全球自动化物料搬运(AMH)市场-增长,趋势和预测(2018-2024年)
    With the rapid growth in stock-keeping units (SKUs), wholesalers and distributors are finding it hard to make informed decisions about their operations. This drives the need for the smarter use of labor, equipment, and technology. The main factors driving the need for automated material-handling systems are cost savings, labor efficiency, and space constraints. In the current competitive landscape, there is an ever-increasing number of available products and demand for more frequent and smaller deliveries. Automating distribution operations can immediately increase an organization’s order accuracy, anywhere from half a percent up to several percentage points.
  • 印尼棕榈油工业2019
    The government also is seeking to boost exports especially exports of manufactured goods, which has higher added value than that of exports of primary commodities such as minerals and plantation goods. So far, exports of manufactured goods has grown sluggishly part;y on being less competitive in both on domestic and international markets. During the administration of President Joko Widodo, from 2014 to 2018, the government was considered to be less aggressive in developoment of domestic industry. Instead of strengtheing the policy was even seen as weakening the competitiveness of the country’s products facing imported products. For example, the government policy of examination of imported commodities outside the customs area that resulted in many deviations in the types of imported products of basic materials to feed the domestic industry . The deviation caused overflow of imported productsd such as steel into the domestic market .
  • 全球氢氧化铝市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    Flame retardants are chemicals, which are added to combustible materials to render them more resistant to ignition. They are designed to abate the risk of a fire in case of contact with small heat sources, such as cigarette, candle, or an electrical fault. If the flame retarded material or nearby material is ignited, the flame retardant may retard the combustion and often prevent the fire from spreading to the nearby environment.  There are a wide range of different chemicals, which are used as flame retardants in combinations with polymers. Fire retardant products are necessary, because the materials and products, which are to be rendered fire proof, are very different in nature and composition. The plastics and polymers are needed to be matched to the appropriate flame retardants, in order to retain the key material functionalities. Flame retardants are necessary to ensure the fire safety of a wide range of materials, including plastics, foam and fiber insulation materials, foams in furniture, mattresses, wood products, and natural and man-made textiles.
  • 全球β-激动剂饲料添加剂市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    Beta agonists feed additives are used to feed ruminants and swine, especially before sla ug hteri ng. They are approved feed additives, which helps in escalating lean muscle gain, inc rease growth rate, and feed efficiency. The report presents an in-depth analysis of the market share, size, and trends of the global beta agonist feed additive market. It comprises compre hensi ve a nalysis of market segmentation on the basis of types of feed additives and animal types for which, feed additives are used.
  • 全球冷压油市场报告(2019-2026年)
    Cold pressed oil is obtained from fruits and seeds by crushing and pressing them with a modern steel press. Steel presses that are used to extract cold-pressed oil are mechanically operated and often consist of a screw device that is tightened against the paste to extract the oils. It usually produces a lower-yield, but higher quality of oil.


  • 化工行业:中国轮胎企业加速海外布局,谁站在了新一轮成长的风口?
    2019 年上半年赛轮轮胎越南工厂实现净利润3.25 亿元,占公司上半年利润的64%,而越南工厂全钢胎产能及半钢胎产能均只占赛轮轮胎全钢胎和半钢胎产能的21%。2019 年玲珑轮胎上半年泰国工厂实现净利润4.77 亿元,占公司上半年净利润的66%,而泰国工厂全钢胎产能占玲珑轮胎全钢胎产能17%,泰国工厂半钢胎占玲珑轮胎半钢胎产能的24%。海外产能布局已经成为中国轮胎企业最重要的利润来源!我们在轮胎行业专题报告《轮胎行业的十字路口》中强调“以高性价比产品占领乘用车轮胎市场是中国轮胎企业的确定性成长空间,同时海外布局将成为中国轮胎行业竞争的分水岭,只有国际化布局的轮胎企业能够脱颖而出”!那么,哪些中国轮胎企业已经布局或正在布局海外产能?谁站在了中国轮胎新一轮成长的风口?
  • 化工行业:化工园区“十四五盯紧绿色可持续,欧佩克下调全球石油中长期需求预测
    化工园区“十四五”盯紧绿色可持续。在11 月14 日南京举办的中国化工园区可持续发展大会上,与会代表就化工园区的安全、绿色、可持续发展进行了热议。据中国石油和化学工业联合会统计,截至2018 年底,我国有各类型化工园区676 家,发展水平参差不齐,其中一些化工园区形成了比较完善的产业链,循环经济发展相对成熟,具有绿色可持续发展的基础和条件。中国石油和化学工业联合会副会长傅向升表示,对于“十四五”规划,每个园区都应当参与其中,实现“领导重视、专业组织、深入分析、认真研究、专人制订、完美落实”,为我国化工园区“十四五”奠定绿色可持续的发展基调。
  • 化工行业:中美同意分段取消关税,看好细分行业机会-重大事项点评
    中美双方同意分阶段取消加征关税。从化工行业整体看,国内化工产品对美国的进出口比例均不高,预计受到边际影响较小;从细分子行业看,看好此前受加征关税影响较大的纺织产业链上游标的实现反弹,以及MDI 等出口比例较高产品需求边际改善。重点推荐浙江龙盛、三友化工、万华化学,建议关注闰土股份、海翔药业。
  • 化工行业:抓住供给侧机会,共享成长端未来-2020年度策略
    经济增速放缓,化工景气回落,大宗化学品持续低迷。受宏观经济增速放缓的影响,大宗化工品整体处于周期低位,化工行业表现较弱,2019年初到2019 年11 月15 日,中国化工产品价格指数下降11.88%,且下降趋势尚未减速,同时化工行业企业整体利润先于收入进入负增长阶段。
  • 化工行业:我国电子材料“卡脖子“产品-中金投资论坛纪要
    我们于11 月7 日在2019 中金投资论坛上举办了“中国新材料行业展望”行业并行会,邀请到中国化工经济技术发展中心首席技术顾问、教授级高工徐京生作为参会嘉宾,为投资者梳理了我国电子化工材料的“卡脖子”产品情况。
  • 基础化工行业:优质龙头穿越周期,聚焦底部回暖+新材料领域
    我们的投资主线可以分为传统和新材料两条主线,传统主线中我们建议关注低估值优质龙头及底部反转(制冷剂、维生素等)、格局优化细分领域(PVA、高倍甜味剂等),新材料主线中建议关注胶粘剂、面板及半导体配套材料、尾气净化材料、珠光材料、LED 应用。基于行业整体现状,我们维持基础化工行业“中性”评级。
  • 基础化工行业:继续筑底,去库存周期或将开启-2019年三季报总结
    营收及净利润方面,根据Wind 数据显示,单季度营业收入呈现上升趋势,营收增速自2017 年Q1(50.10%)起出现持续下滑,19 年Q3 季度仅为为3.84%;从归母净利润情况来看, 2017 年Q1 季度增速达到165%之后逐步下滑,2018 年Q4 季度增速变负值,19 年Q1和Q2 季度降幅缩窄,但Q3 季度降幅再度扩大,大行业继续处于景气下行周期。

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