(报告加工时间:2023-05-29 -- 2023-06-12)


  • 全球表观遗传学市场预测报告(2024-2029年)
    Barnes Reports' Global Manufacturing & Makets report series provide estimates of the size and characteristics of the largest equipment, materials and consumables by manufacturing industries in the largest 140 global countries. These estimates are produced by a proprietary economic model that is based on a number of sources and factors:
  • 全球益生菌补充剂市场研究报告预测(2022-2027年)
    The report constitutes an extensive study of the Probiotic Supplements Pet Probiotics Market It includes a thorough analysis of the different forms of probiotic supplements pet probiotics The probiotic supplements pet probiotics market has further been segmented in terms of distribution channels, which helps in understanding the preference of consumers It further explains the driving forces, challenges, and growth opportunities of the probiotic supplements market Major players have been identified on the basis of revenue generation pertaining to the probiotic supplements market, geographical presence, and developments related to probiotic supplements A detailed company profiling has been done to understand the player’s strategic behavior The Global Probiotic Supplements Pet Probiotics Market is further explained analyzed on the basis of geography The geographical analysis has been categorized into five regions, namely, North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East Africa, and Asia Pacific The growth rate of countries in different regions is calculated based on the rising disease rates growing awareness among the consumers for the use of health supplements The scope of the probiotic supplements market is summarized in the following figure
  • 全球手术机器人市场预测报告(2021-2031年)
    The surgical robotics market is expected to witness tremendous growth over the forecast period primarily due to the increasing prevalence rate of chronic disorders, elevating global population coupled with the geriatric population, improving reimbursement policies, and public initiatives and funding to develop technologically advanced products The market for surgical robotics is divided into three categories, namely, surgical systems, instruments and accessories, and services The growth is expected to be mainly attributed to primary drivers in this market, i e the increasing geriatric population, increasing cases of chronic disorders, rising healthcare spending, and increasing support from governments
  • 全球医疗植入物市场研究报告预测到2027
    Medical implants are devices that are inserted inside the body to replace malfunctioning organs or limbs or to boost their working conditions. The global medical implant market is expecting healthy growth during the forecast period. Medical implants could be placed permanently in the body or removed once it is no longer needed. Technology has become more advanced nowadays. Thus, researchers have developed a number of implants with a wide range of applications. The rising demand for advanced devices also influences the growth of the global market. However, the growth of the market is restrained by the high cost of treatments.
  • 全球儿科基因检测市场预测报告(2020-2030年)
    Congenital disabilities such as Down’s syndrome, thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, and epilepsies are some of the most prominent causes of disabilities as well as death among children globally These disorders are caused due to genetic abnormalities within the child before or at the time of birth Moreover, such genetic diseases are responsible for 20 30 of the infants' deaths worldwide and are a significant contributor to causing a global economic burden for diseases For instance, according to the National Birth Defects Prevention Network ( annual data report, U S the newborns with Down’s syndrome increased by about 30 in the last two decades However, this increasing economic burden of genetic diseases can be reduced by conducting an early diagnosis through molecular genetic testing techniques
  • 全球生物制药制造市场研究报告预测(2022-2027年)
    The global single use system in biopharma manufacturing market report includes both consumables and hardware The consumables included in the report comprise of single use bags, centrifuge tubes, sampling valves, etc whereas the hardware included in the report would be single use mixers
  • 全球精子分离设备市场展望预测(2023-2028年)
    Sperm separation devices are simple and effective laboratory tools to separate motile, healthy, and stronger sperm units for fertilization and study. Sperm separation devices are easy to use and reliable in lab procedures that increase clinical and study outcomes. Sperm health has been a growing concern worldwide recently due to the increased factors that impact sperm health and the reproductive health of men population. With the increased infertility prevalence among the male population, the demand for sperm separation devices increased in studies, laboratories, healthcare settings, research institutes, biopharma industries, and academic institutes.
  • 全球微创胃肠外科系统市场研究报告预测(2020-2031年)
    Colonoscopy is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures In the U S alone, there are an estimated 14 million colonoscopies performed every year This procedure is used to provide a visual examination of the colon for the detection of related disorders in a patient Conventionally these procedures are performed using optical colonoscopy, a procedure that involves insertion of a long 5 6 foot) flexible tube through the rectum and usually takes between 30 60 minutes This often causes pain and discomfort to patients On the other hand, PillCam COLON, an FDA approved capsule endoscope, comprises a power source, light source, and two tiny cameras encapsulated in an easy to swallow pill that produces no pain or even sensation as it moves through the colon
  • 全球渐进镜片市场报告前景预测(2022-2027年)
    Progressive lenses are also referred to as progressive power lenses or varifocal glasses. This eyeglass type is characterized by an increasing gradient power suitable to the patient's refractive error. Unlike bi-focal or tri-focal lenses, progressive lenses provide a graduated range of vision that varies from distant to near, all without a line across the lens. Therefore, instead of having two or three different viewing zones, progressive lenses offer vision correction that progresses in power from the bottom to the top of the lens. This progression of correction eases eye strain by providing the most natural vision correction.


  • 医药生物行业:看好消费医疗业绩修复和创新药高成长性-【粤开医药月报】
    5 月医药生物指数收跌2.50%,位列申万31 个子行业第10 位,跑赢沪深300 指数3.22 个百分点。年初以来,医药生物累计下跌1.12%,位列申万31 个子 行业第15 位,跑赢沪深300 指数0.77 个百分点。六大子板块延续分化,中药 再度上涨3.90%,医疗服务、生物制品、化学制药、医药商业、医疗器械分 别下跌6.36%、5.76%、3.11%、2.96%、1.74%。个股方面,涨幅前三为三博 脑科、爱朋医疗、创新医疗,分别上涨232.40%、67.65%、56.57%,跌幅前 三*ST 紫鑫、康乐卫士、皓元医药,分别为-61.90%、-51.20%、-42.94%。
  • 中国药品行业:中药行业焕然新生,估值体系亟待重建
    中药在医药板块具有特殊性,符合国家战略方向。中药是具备中 国特色的医药板块,中药国企更加具备代表性。我们认为当前政 策高度重视中医药产业链发展,中药国企作为中药发展重要力 量,近年在国企改革与业务与众多支持性政策扶持下,盈利能力 显著提升。但我们目前诸多中药企业,特别是国企的价值没有得 到充分体现,估值体系亟需重建。
  • 医药行业:中药饮片联采拟中选结果落地,2023ASCO摘要发布-双周报
    创新仍是主旋律,需紧密跟踪相关企业的临床试验进展、商业化品种放量和产品海外授权情况。建议关注在手现金充足,集采负面影响基本出清,后备创新品种开启第二增长曲线的Bigpharma 如中国生物制药(1177.HK)等;在研管线布局丰富,商业化产品处于快速放量阶段的Biopharma 如信达生物(1801.HK)、和黄医药(0013.HK)、诺诚健华(9969.HK)等;重磅潜力品种即将报批,在研产品临床进展顺利的Biotech 如康诺亚(2162.HK)等。
  • 医药行业:MNC大药企2023年重要研发看点预告系列一-专题报告
    结论:今年到明年初主要看点为 4 大重磅品种的获批,包括 Tirzepatide 减重适应症, Donanemab 阿尔兹海默症, Mirikizumab 肠炎, Lebrikizumab 皮炎。以上品种预计会带动公司从 2024 年起进入业绩快速成长期。
  • 医药行业:中药、医疗器械、创新链条仍值得重点关注-月报
    行业基本面看,维生素A 和E 的价格基本处于底部稳定状态,因需求较弱,目前还没有看到价格上涨的催化因素;维生素B3 因为供需缺口,价格呈现上涨态势;中药原材料价格大部分还维持在高位,一季报中药企业业绩表现靓丽,政策持续向好;医疗器械板块,一季报业绩出现分化,骨科表现较差,康复,心电,IVD,内镜,血液净化等赛道景气度恢复明显;眼科赛道复苏明确,一季报业绩靓丽,23 年业绩可期;CXO 板块目前处于低估状态,海外融资数据或有好转,加之美联储加息周期或将结束,板块整体有望迎来反弹;创新药板块新药临床数据进入密集读出期,长期向好。
  • 医药生物行业:创新药两年内的赛道性投资机会-TCE双抗赛道(1)
    新一代双抗疗法,领先的药效机制。TCE 双抗是一类通过在空间上拉近T细胞和肿瘤细胞来实现肿瘤杀伤的新型抗体,相比目前单抗的间接抗肿瘤机制可以直接杀伤肿瘤细胞,药效作用具有较大优势。
  • 医药生物行业:医药进入复苏验证期,兼顾主线(中药+创新)和个股机会
    本周医药生物指数下跌2.07%,跑输沪深300 指数2.36 个百分点,跑输上证综指2.62 个百分点,行业涨跌幅排名第32。6 月2 日(本周五),医药生物行业PE(TTM,剔除负值)为26X,位于2012年以来“均值-1X 标准差”和“均值-2X 标准差”之间,相比5 月26日PE 下跌1 个单位,比2012 年以来均值(35X)低8 个单位。本周,13 个医药III 级子行业中,11 个子行业下跌。其中,医疗设备为跌幅最大的子行业,下跌4.01%。6 月2 日(本周五)估值最高的子行业为医院,PE(TTM)为78X。
  • 医美行业:2022年业绩增速普遍放缓,上游更具韧性-2022年业绩综述报告
    2022 年以来医美板块由于严监管常态化、疫情、以及业绩增速放缓等因素迎来震荡调整,从股价表现来看,上游器械耗材表现更佳。整体来看,除却疫情反复的外部环境,2022 年医美行业继续延续2021 年以来的趋势,集中在产品更新和政策监管层面。再深入看,产品端持续更新迭代,再生类、胶原蛋白成为后起之秀;监管端不断强化细化,主要集中在产品监管和营销宣传方面。具体到业绩层面,2022 年医美上市公司营收增速均有所放缓,其中上游业绩增速更高,整体表现更具韧性。
  • 医药行业:MNC大药企2023年重要研发看点预告系列三
  • 医药行业:看好医药中的内需、消费方向-2023年6月月报
    2023 年5 月沪深300 下跌2.81%,中信医药指数下跌5.72%,医药板块涨跌幅在30 个中信一级行业中排第12 名。根据Wind 中信医药分类看,5 月生物医药子板块涨跌分化,中药饮片(+7.3%)、中成药(+4.2%)领涨,医疗服务(-7.5%)、生物医药(-5.8%)调整幅度较大。根据浙商医药分类看,5 月中药(+1.6%)、仿制药(+0.4%)有所上涨,医疗服务(-9.6%)、CXO(-7.3%)、科研服务(-6.6%)下跌相对较明显。2023 年5 月个股涨幅前三分别为爱朋医疗(+67.7%)、创新医疗(+56.6%)、冠昊生物(+55.1%);个股跌幅前三为退市运盛(-89.2%)、ST 紫鑫(-61.9%)、ST 太安(-32.6%)。
  • 【魔镜市场情报】2023药食同源保健品滋补品行业分析报告

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