(报告加工时间:2020-09-07 -- 2020-09-13)



  • 全球超级合金市场报告(2020-2027年)
    The global superalloys market was valued at $6,217.3 million in 2019, and is estimated to reach $11,953.9 million by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 8.6% from 2020 to 2027. Superalloys are the group of alloys that consist of nickel, cobalt, and iron as base materials along with other metals to enhance their properties. These alloys are widely used in industries such as aerospace gas turbine engines, nuclear reactors, power generation turbines, petrochemical equipment, rocket engines, and others, owing to their enhanced properties such as high mechanical strength; creep resistance at high temperature; significant surface stability; and corrosion, oxidation, & high-temperature resistance. The global superalloys market is driven by increase in demand for these alloys in range of industries such from industrial gas turbines and automotive. They are widely used in turbine engines, as the thermodynamics efficiency of turbine engines is increased with increasing turbine inlet temperature, which is expected to provide lucrative growth opportunity to the market players. Moreover, increased applications of superalloys in the aerospace and automotive sectors also boosts the market growth. However, high cost of these alloys is anticipated to hamper the market growth during the forecast period.


  • 有色金属稀土行业:稀土价格高位运行,持续关注稀土板块走势-半月谈(8月下)
    稀土概念板块、稀土永磁板块涨势趋缓。8 月 31 日,Wind 稀土指 数收于 922.92,周跌幅 3.00%,月跌幅 12.05%;Wind 稀土永磁指数收于 3,109.95,周跌幅 1.71%,月跌幅 7.10%。沪深 300 收于 4,816.22,周涨幅 1.27%, 月涨幅 0.82%,稀土板块和稀土永磁板块最近两周上涨趋势趋缓。
  • 有色金属行业:三年景气度波动向上,青山产业链大有可为-镍资源卡位战专题二,全球供需大格局
    得红土镍矿者得“天下”,预计镍价在三年维度将保持景气。(1) 红土镍矿:从资源地位看,红土镍矿和硫化镍矿储量占比分别为 65%和 35%, 红土镍矿主要分布于印尼、澳大利亚、菲律宾等国。2009 年前由硫化镍镍矿 中提镍是全球镍资源的主流提炼工艺,2009 年后低品位的红土镍矿超越硫化 镍矿成为全球镍主要来源。
  • 有色金属行业:二季度有色盈利环比改善,贵金属、铜铝等表现亮眼
    mary 二季度# 有色板块行情转暖,黄金、锂等细分板块表现亮眼。(1)二级市场 方面,2020 上半年 SW 有色金属板块整体相对中性,二季度以来逐步转暖; 2020H1 SW 有色金属板块小幅下跌 3.8%,其中 Q2 涨幅为 11.13%,行情逐 步转暖;2020 年年初至 8 月 31 日,SW 有色金属板块累计涨幅 14.01%, 在 28 个行业二级分类中排名第 18;二季度以来受复工复产拉动景气度大 幅回升,Q2 至 8 月 31 日涨幅 11.13%。(2)各细分板块方面,2020 年上 半年二级市场黄金板块始终表现突出,年初至 8 月 31 日 SW 黄金板块累计 涨幅达 47%;二季度方面,锂、非金属新材料、其他稀有小金属细分板块 表现突出,2020Q2 分别上涨 29.86%、17.55%、17.14%。

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