(报告加工时间:2020-05-18 -- 2020-05-24)



  • 全球太阳能追踪器安装市场报告(2019-2026年)
    A solar tracker is a device meant to turn the photovoltaic modules toward the sun. This is attributed to maximize the irradiation received by the photovoltaic array. In global solar tracker installation market report, the period studied is 2018–2026. The report includes the study of the solar tracker installation market with respect to the growth prospects and restraints based on the regional analysis. The study includes Porter’s five forces analysis of the industry to determine the impact of suppliers, competitors, new entrants, substitutes, and buyers on the market growth. The revenue of the companies operating in the market is track down to obtain the total market value. Moreover, the report analyzes the current market trends of solar tracker in different geographies and suggests the future growth opportunities by analyzing government regulations & policies; thereby, further increasing the consumer acceptance of solar tracker.
  • 全球分立半导体市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    Discrete semiconductor market is driven by the increasing need to manage power across electronics, and miniaturization. The reduction in package size is inversely proportional to power dissipation. For instance, NXP semiconductors achieved 55% reduction in packaging size for its transistors range, by retaining the same power performance. Additi onally, Diodes Incorporated launch ed 40V- rated DMTH4008LFDFWQ and 60V-rated DMTH6016LFDFWQ automotive-compliant MOSFETs packaged in DFN2020. Moreover, characteristics, like safety, infotainment, navigation, and fuel efficiency in the automotive components, and security, automation, solid-state lighting, transportation, and energy management in industrial components, are expected to fuel the market studied. One of the significant trends in discrete semiconductors is efficient power management. New system architectures are improving the efficiency of AC-DC power adapters, while simultaneously reducing the size and component count. New standards for Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) allow higher power transfer, which enables the development of new classes of devices, like connected lighting. Several aspects of wearable devices, from the underlying physics to the end-user experience, play crucial roles in driving consumer adoption and acceptance. Discrete semiconductor companies are poised to benefit from being cognizant of the challenges and market trends during the designing phase of products, to stay on the competitive edge.
  • 全球分立半导体市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    Discrete semiconductor market is driven by the increasing need to manage power across electronics, and miniaturization. The reduction in package size is inversely proportional to power dissipation. For instance, NXP semiconductors achieved 55% reduction in packaging size for its transistors range, by retaining the same power performance. Additi onally, Diodes Incorporated launched 40V- rated DMTH4008LFDFWQ and 60V-rated DMTH6016LFDFWQ automotive-compliant MOSFETs packaged in DFN2020. Moreover, characteristics, like safety, infotainment, navigation, and fuel efficiency in the automotive components, and security, automation, solid-state lighting, transportation, and energy management in industrial components, are expected to fuel the market studied. One of the significant trends in discrete semiconductors is efficient power management. New system architectures are improving the efficiency of AC-DC power adapters, while simultaneously reducing the size and component count. New standards for Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) allow higher power transfer, which enables the development of new classes of devices, like connected lighting.
  • 全球个人移动设备市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The major factor attributing to the growth of the market is the increasing number of disability cases, due to the rising geriatric population, increasing number of road mishaps, spinal cord injuries and meningitis. These factors are likely to boost the growth of the global personal mobility devices market. As per the revised World Population Prospects, by the United Nations, the number of people aged 60 or above is expected to grow greater than double by 2050, i.e. from 962 million in 2017 to 2.1 billion in 2050, worldwide. This age group is highly vulnerable to different types of age-related diseases, that require personal mobility aid. As per the data from the 2017 American Community Survey (ACS) in 2017, the prevalence of disability in the United States was 12.7% for persons of all ages, 25.1% for persons ages 65 to 74 and 48.7% for persons aged above 75 years.


  • 电子行业:苹果2020Q1业绩点评&产业链更新&电话会议纪要-重大事项点评
    2020 年4 月30 日苹果发布2020 年Q1 季度报告, 并召开业绩说明会。2020 年Q1, 公司营收58.31B$ ( YoY~0.51%,QoQ~-36.49%), 营业利润12.85B$ (YoY~-4.19%, QoQ~-49.73%),净利润11.25B$(YoY~-2.70% ,QoQ~-49.41%)。
  • TMT行业:华为再次面对极限挑战,存留空间加速国产替代-特别专题之二
  • 计算机行业:美国怎么做“自主可控?-演化系列国产化专题之一
    美国担心 ICT 供应链的自主可控,通过“可信代工”等计划评估和实施全球 供应链安全管理,仍然做不到完全本土化,科技之外还要靠政治、军事、金 融等手段,近年更是日益封闭走向“半球化”。中国在国家战略、专门工作 组、市场导向等方面已有布局,同时应继续推动国际合作,做到“研发本土 化、供应全球化”。
  • 工具型软件行业:价值从何处来,转型该何处去
    近年来,众多工具型软件公司纷纷登陆资本市场,工具型软件成为软件行业的重要类目。本报告核心内容:1、提出一个工 具型软件公司的价值评估框架,通过具体案例来说明评估过程。2、总结归纳工具型软件的可能转型之路。
  • 半导体行业:科技创“芯,时代最强音-大国雄芯.半导体系列报告(一)
    1)科技创新:近期疫情对半导体行业也造成了一定的影响,但半导体行业自身具有较强韧性。全球半导体领先型指标说明半导体正在科技创新周期下逐渐走出阴霾。2)外部摩擦,我们认为会一直存在。这样的情况使得终端商基于产业链安全或者自身生态安全考虑,大力投入半导体的研发中或者扶持国产供应商。3)内部政策多重加码,大基金二级接力一期,科创板推出等措施。目前国内代工厂龙头中芯国际拟申请科创板IPO,我们认为这将会使得更多港股优质科技公司回流A 股市场。国产替代进程快速推进:2019 年全球半导体市场规模同比下降12.8%到4089.88 亿美元。反观国内2019 年集成电路产业销售额为7562.3 亿元,同比增长15.8%。这说明中国内部市场需求仍旧旺盛,国产替代进程顺利。而且国产替代空间仍旧巨大,我们认为半导体行业未来将会保持较高增速成长。
  • 电子制造行业:特斯拉2020Q1业绩点评&电话会议纪要-重大事项点评
    2020 年4 月29 日特斯拉发布2020 年Q1 季度报告,并召开业绩说明会。2020 年Q1,公司营收5.99B$(YoY~32%,QoQ~-19%),净利润16M$(YoY~102%,QoQ~-85%)。

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