(报告加工时间:2021-05-31 -- 2021-07-11)


  • 全球婴儿奶嘴市场报告(2021-2027年)
    The global baby pacifier market is analyzed on the basis of its prospects and future growth rate. The report highlights numerous factors that influence the growth of the global baby pacifier market. These include market forecast, drivers, restraints, opportunities, and role of different key players operating in the market. The report is analyzed by product type, which include Single-piece baby pacifier and multiple-piece baby pacifiers. Moreover, it focuses on the size, which includes small, medium, and large. Furthermore, it includes revenue generated from the sales of baby pacifier across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
  • 全球太阳镜市场报告(2021-2027年)
    Sunglasses are special lenses or protective eyewear designed to protect the eyes from the sun’s glare and high-energy visible light. Sunglasses sometimes function as a visual aid and feature colored, polarized/darkened lenses that protect the eyes from sunlight. The report analyzes the sunglasses market in accordance with type, design, frame material, distribution channel, and region. It includes revenue generated from sales of sunglasses across the globe. In addition, the study provides a detailed description on various sunglasses types, such as polarized and non-polarized. The report analyzes the sunglasses market based on design of sunglasses available in the market, that include aviator/pilot, round, cat eye, oval, square, rectangle, and others. The report also analyzes the sunglasses market in accordance with frame material that includes acetate, metal, injected, and others.


  • 2021年6月·PMI数据点评:三项PMI回落反映经济复苏势头趋弱
    6 月三项PMI 指数全部回落,预示经济扩展放缓。2021 年6 月制造业PMI 为50.9%,比上月小幅下降0.1 个百分点,已经连续3 个月下降;非制造业PMI 为53.5%,比上月明显下降1.7 个百分点;综合PMI 为52.9%,比上月下降1.3 个百分点,为近5 个月低点。6 月三项PMI 指数全部下降,反映经济复苏势头出现放缓。
  • 塑料制品行业:可降解,禁塑令之下需求快速增长,产业化进程有望加速-专题报告
    禁塑限塑政策趋严,可降解塑料将成为一次性塑料的有效替代材料:2020年国家《关于进一步加强塑料污染治理的意见》《关于扎实推进塑料污染治理工作的通知》提出,2021 年1 月1 日起全国范围内不可使用不可降解塑料购物袋,全国范围餐饮行业禁止使用不可降解一次性塑料吸管,地级以上城市建成区餐饮堂食服务禁止使用不可降解一次性塑料餐具。可降解塑料因环和使用体验度高成为替代一次性塑料的首选,“碳达峰、碳中和”要求下,可实现碳循环平衡的生物基可降解塑料如聚乳酸PLA 等有望得到大力发展。
  • 制造业扩张态势延续,结构性问题有所缓解-2021年6月PMI数据点评
    2021 年6 月30 日,统计局公布了PMI 数据,6 月中国制造业采购经理指数(PMI)为50.9,较上月回落0.1 个百分点。
  • 塑料行业:需求快速增长扩产受限,光伏基膜景气将持续上行-点评报告
    据中国光伏工业协会数据显示,2020 年全国新增光伏装机容量48.2GW,同比增长60.1%,连续8 年位居全球首位;全球光伏市场2020 年度新增装机容量达到130GW,同比增长13%。12 年至今年均增长18.3%。据中国光伏协会的统计数据显示,2020 年中国光伏组件产量124.6GW,同比增长26.4%,其中超过60%光伏组件用于出口。在光伏发电成本持续下降和全球绿色复苏等有利因素的推动下,全球光伏市场将快速增长。在多国“碳中和”目标、清洁能源转型及绿色复苏的推动下,预计“十四五”期间,全球每年新增光伏装机约210-260GW。

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