(报告加工时间:2016-11-28 -- 2016-12-04)


  • 百川资讯VIP信息服务周刊-烯烃专刊-第20161117期
    本周( 11.10-11.16)国际原油市场中,在美指逐渐回升的背景下,投资者焦点转移至月底限产会议上。周初由于 OPE0 月产量续增,市场对后期限产前景悲观预期,油价承压始终下行,不过之后随着产油国对限产积极表态,后期达成减产协议的希望重燃,大量空头回补,油价受此提振暴涨逾5%,挽回周内跌幅。整体来看,本周油价较上周小幅下跌,其中 WTI 期货均价 44.55 美元/桶,较上周下跌 0.49%,较 10 月下跌 10.80%;本周布伦特期货均价 45.72 美元/桶,较上周小幅下跌 0.82%,较 10 月下跌 11.01%。
  • 安图生物(603658)-国产化学发光龙头,静待管式发光放量-公司研究
    公司历史是国产化学发光的研发史,具备 10 余年的技术沉淀。 公司 10 余年的发展史,也是国产化学发光的研发史。1999 年成立后,公司确定生产化学发光诊断试剂为公司主要的产品方向; 2004 年增加微生物检测为另一个主要方向; 2005 年建立第一条 GMP 条件的微生物平板生产线; 2007 年板式化学发光仪 LUmo 上市; 2014 年管式全自动化学发光仪 Autolumo A2000 上市。
  • 百川资讯VIP信息服务周刊-聚酯(PET)专刊-第20161117期
    本周( 11.10-11.16)国际原油市场中,在美指逐渐回升的背景下,投资者焦点转移至月底限产会议上。周初由于 OPE0 月产量续增,市场对后期限产前景悲观预期,油价承压始终下行,不过之后随着产油国对限产积极表态,后期达成减产协议的希望重燃,大量空头回补,油价受此提振暴涨逾5%,挽回周内跌幅。整体来看,本周油价较上周小幅下跌,其中 WTI 期货均价 44.55 美元/桶,较上周下跌 0.49%,较 10 月下跌 10.80%;本周布伦特期货均价 45.72 美元/桶,较上周小幅下跌 0.82%,较 10 月下跌 11.01%。


  • 全球液体包装板市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Liquid packaging board has a high barrier coating to contain the liquid. It also resists the air and flavor from the paperboard to mix into the contained liquid. Manufacturing companies make continuous innovations for creating economic and environmentfriendly packaging. Several layers are used to form a liquid packaging board. Plastic-coated carton board provides a light barrier and firmness. It is fabricated from three-layer technique, in which chemo-thermo-mechanical pulp (CTMP) is used in the central coating. Depending on the requirements several materials are used for coating.
  • 全球孕妇个人护理产品市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The global maternity personal care products market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.67% during the forecast period. Geographically, APAC was the largest segment of the market in 2015, accounting for a share of 50.41%. It was followed by EMEA with a share of 35.54%. The Americas, however, is anticipated to post the fastest growth rate among all other geographic segments over the next five years.


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