(报告加工时间:2017-03-27 -- 2017-04-09)


  • 全球铝合金板和板卷市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The global aluminum plates and sheet coils market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.52% during 2016-2020. This is attributable to the growing demand from building and construction, food and beverages, and automobiles and transportation segments. Aluminum plates and sheet coils can be used to build lighter yet stronger cars. The metal guarantees an optimum combination of weight, strength,efficiency, and performance with lower fuel consumption, easy recycling at the end of a vehicle's life, and less emission of toxic gases during processing.The food and beverages segment is the largest consumer in the market. The segment accounted for a share of 36.97% in the global market in 2015. Sheet coils are significantly used in packaging of food and beverages as they extend the shelf life of these products.The market in Asia-Pacific (APAC) is the fastest growing (CAGR: 4.3%) and the largest (44.34%) globally. China is the major producer and consumer of aluminum.The market is driven by an increase in construction activities. The construction market in APAC grew at a CAGR of 5.5% during 2010-2015. The expenditure on construction has peaked in the main emerging markets, and investments in infrastructure development in advanced economies such as Japan, South Korea, and Australia increased by over 2% on average, thereby driving the market growth.


  • 有色金属行业:需求有望超预期,锂板块迎来重估机遇-深度分析
    近期,我们对全球碳酸锂供需平衡表进行了重构和更新,总体结论有三个,一是需求保持快速增长,主要驱动力是中、美新能源车的高速增长,2017-2019 年全球锂需求预计为 23.89 万吨、28.05 万吨和 34.73 万吨,同比增速为 21%、17%和 24%;二是供给放量温和,2017-2019 年全球锂供给预计为 23.56 万吨、28.06 万吨和 36.22 万吨,同比增速为 17%、19%和 29%;三是供需平衡量分别为-3348 吨、116 吨以及 14,897吨,即 2017-2018 年将维持紧平衡状态,2019 年供给会逐渐超过需求。 
  • 有色金属行业:加息兑现,工业金属大涨-研究周报
  • 有色行业:金价上方空间有限,小金属多点开花-周报
  • 有色金属行业:锡价料维持高位,镍供给缺口继续扩大-月报
    3 月份锡价格保持小幅涨势,LME锡价从3月初的 19525 美元/吨,上涨至 3月 27日的 19900 美元/吨,涨幅 1.92%, 3 月份镍价格大致成 L 型走势,LME 锡价从月初的 11035 美元/吨经过一段时间的盘整后迅速下滑,全月跌幅 10.47%,均价 10323.16 美元/吨,均价同比下跌3.80%。
  • 有色金属行业:不少产业异动牵动神经-有声有色大宗金属周报
    安新区无疑是热议话题,对有色影响核心在于京津冀周围供给侧改革深化,如电解铝采暖季错峰生产利多金属价格:周边河南、河北、山东和山西涉及全国将近 30%产能。需求端而言,可以看出中国基建潜力仍大,3 月 PMI51.8,经济扩张依旧;同时美国 3 月制造业 PMI为 53.4,反映在库存端则是连续两周 LME 和沪铜库存下降。特别提醒:新进资源股【金城信】跌近员工增持价,是不错的投资标的。

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