(报告加工时间:2017-04-05 -- 2017-04-09)


  • 石化汇编-第799期
    为了适应我国的新型经济形态,国家早在 2014 年就对能源领域改革进行了总体部署,但由于油企改革涉及面广,并且影响多方利益,对于具体的实施方案分歧较大,因此在巨大的阻力之下,油气改革的步伐缓慢。经过整整三年时间的酝酿筹划,油气体制改革方案终于迎来突破,接下来,成品油行业的改革进度将明显提速。据国家发改委副主任、国家能源局局长努尔·白克力透露,在油气体制改革方案公布之后,国家相关部门将研究制定勘探开采、网管运营等方面的配套文件,以及综合改革试点方案和专项改革实施方案,积极稳妥地开展试点工作。
  • 石化汇编-第798期


  • 全球聚乙烯包装市场报告(2016-2020年)
    During the forecast period, the flexible packaging market will grow at a higher rate than the rigid packaging market, posting a CAGR of 5.1%. As the global polyethylene packaging market already accounts for more than 65% of the rigid packaging market, vendors will focus on increasing its use in flexible packaging.The shale gas development in the US will positively impact the growth of polyethylene film. This will lead to key reduction in the cost of polyethylene resin and also a reduction in the energy cost of subsequent film production. This can provide polyethylene film manufacturers with a price advantage in the range of 10%-37% depending on the region.In this report, Technavio covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global polyethylene packaging market for 2016-2020.
  • 全球氟聚合物市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Fluoropolymers are fluorocarbon-based polymers formed by the strong bonds between carbon and fluorine, which makes them mechanically stable. These polymers are categorized into thermoplastics or thermosets. They are high-performance plastics and are characterized by high resistance to acids, bases, and solvents. Fluoropolymers account for about 20% of the overall fluorochemicals available in the market. The following are the noteworthy fluoropolymers that are available in the market.
  • 全球阻燃化学品市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Flame retardant chemicals are added to flammable materials to offer resistance to ignition and for inhibiting or delaying combustion. Bromine, chlorine, phosphorus, aluminum, magnesium, melamine, antimony oxide, and boron are widely used for manufacturing flame retardants.
  • 全球耐火材料市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The global refractory materials market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.74% during the forecast period because of the increase in the application of refractory materials in various end-use industries like steel and iron, non-metallic materials,non-ferrous metals, and energy.The shaped form of refractory materials constituted 57.6% of the market in 2015 and is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 2.76% over the next five years. However, the monolithic form will see faster growth at a CAGR of 5.02%.Of the various types of refractory materials, the clay and others segment had the largest market share of 61.3% in 2015. It will see faster growth than the non-clay segment at a CAGR of 4.57% during 2016-2020.Of the end users of refractory materials, the iron and steel industry accounted for 68.4% of the global market. It is expected to grow at a CAGR of 2.87% over the forecast period. The fastest growing end user will be the non-metallic material segment, which is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.69% during the forecast period.APAC had the leading market share of 70.25% in 2015 and will see the highest growth rate with a forecast CAGR of 4.07% during 2016-2020. The primary reason for this is the growth of end-use industries like iron and steel, cement, glass, and energy in the region.
  • 全球专业护发市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Professional haircare brands that are available locally are gaining momentum in the market, as these are perceived to have a better understanding of domestic consumers and their specific haircare needs. International brands that are entering local markets do so after gaining an understanding of specific consumer requirements in those markets. In 2015, premium Italian brands such as Nika and the styling brand EIMI from Wella Professionals entered Germany's professional haircare market.Manufacturers have launched blemish balms (BB) and color correcting (CC) products for hair. With the growing appetite for multifunctional products for colored hair, salons such as L’Oréal Professionnel and Schwarzkopf Professional have launched new color correcting treatments. Color Corrector Vitamino Color from L'Oréal Professionnel, for instance, is a CC cream for hair that has been colored blond.The market for professional haircare products is likely to see considerable growth in developing countries, where the number of hair salons is on the rise as consumers are increasingly looking for specialized products and extended services such as advice from haircare professionals for their haircare issues.
  • 全球防护涂料市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Solvent-borne coatings dominated the global protective coatings market with a share of 76.4% in 2015. These coatings are likely to retain their market share over the forecast period owing to the fact that they are cheaper and easy to use.However, their use is being restricted in certain applications, especially in the developed regions as they emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Water-bornecoatings are gaining prominence as they are environmentally friendly.Epoxy-based resins are widely used for manufacturing protective coatings. These resins accounted for a market share of 33% in 2015. The increased application of these resins in pipelines, furniture, appliances, and industrial applications are driving the consumption of coatings made of these resins.In this report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global protective coatings market for 2016-2020.
  • 全球化妆品市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The word cosmeceuticals is a combination of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Cosmeceuticals are cosmetic products that have similar benefits as pharmaceutical products. Cosmeceuticals can be purchased over the counter (OTC) without a prescription from a healthcare professional. The cosmeceuticals sector was formed by converging personal care and pharmaceuticals sectors.


  • 基础化工行业:石化产品价格普跌,钛白粉制冷剂延续涨势
     涨幅居前:钛精矿(四川攀钢,5.71%),原油(WTI,4.96%),原油(布伦 特,4.25%),黄磷(四川,4.11%),制冷剂 R22(浙江巨化,3.85%)。 跌幅居前:己内酰胺(华东,-15.49%),锦纶 6 切片(华东,-15.23%),丁 二烯(茂名石化,-10.64%),石脑油(中海油东营,-8.52%),乙二醇(华 东,-6.63%) 。 近期东兴化工主要观点: 钛白粉供需两旺,价格继续上行。上周龙蟒佰利再度上调钛白粉出厂价 1000 元/吨,钛白粉自 2016 年以来已经连续提价十余次。国内钛白粉消费增长, 出口增加,以及国内钛白粉产能收缩,原料供应受限等因素导致钛白粉价 格持续上行。预计未来 3 个月钛白粉需求依然向好,价格仍有上行空间。 看好具有规模、技术和成本优势的龙蟒佰利。
  • 化工行业:海通化工周报:纯MDI、聚醚产业链价格上涨,乙二酸、锦纶、聚酯涤纶产业链价格下跌
    A 股基础化工板块各子行业涨跌幅:上周(03.25-03.31), 基础化工子行业中, 民爆用品、氨纶板块涨幅居前,分别上涨 1.84%、1.08%;绵纶、无机盐、磷肥、 其他化学制品、树脂、塑料制品和涤纶板块跌幅居前,分别下跌 8.22%、6.22%、 6.11%、5.98%、5.76%、5.49%和 5.48%。一年以来,橡胶制品、塑料制品、 印染化学品、涂料涂漆、其他化学原料板块涨幅居前,其中橡胶制品板块上涨 84.70%,塑料制品、印染化学品、涂料涂漆、其他化学原料板块分别上涨 70.27%、 69.52%、66.05%和 59.01%;磷化工、复合肥、氟化工和钾肥板块跌幅居前, 分别下跌 3.61%、3.58%、2.64%和 1.99%。
  • 化工行业:化工景气指数低迷,雄安新区关注乐凯新材和乐凯胶片
    我们监测的最新中信建投化工景气指数为-18.75,前周-25.0,化 工景气指数仍为负,前期化工品价格上涨过快,近期下游企业抵 制拿货,且利率上行,原油价格下跌,化工产品价格下行,导致 化工景气指数下降。上周二级市场基础化工指数(中信)跌 2.80%, 上证跌 1.44%。 油价小幅上涨。本周五布伦特结算价 52.83 美元/桶,周涨 4.00%, 当前油价仍面临美页岩油钻机数增加的压力,近期油价将继续承 压。美国 3 月 31 日当周石油钻机数 662 口,环比增 10 口,前值 增 21 口,由于油价领先钻机数 3 个月左右的时间,我们预测美 国原油钻机数近期有望继续上涨。
  • 化工行业:继续关注供给收缩品种
    本周(03.27-04.02)原油市场价格小幅反弹,液氯、原盐、纯苯领涨,盐酸、 己内酰胺、合成橡胶价格回落。投资上推荐染料、有机硅、钛白粉、TDI、MDI 行业,布局化工新材料中低估值高成长个股。 板块行情表现:下跌 2.80%,弱于大盘 领涨个股包括北化股份、雪峰科技、雅化集团等,驱动上涨的核心原因是重大 资产重组、一带一路等;本周领跌个股包括茶花股份、百合花、晨化股份等, 主要因素是估值回归等
  • 基础化工行业:农药原药供应紧张,市场价格走强
    近半月涨幅较大的产品:ADC(江苏索普,12.62%),R22(华东地区,8%), 环氧丙烷(华东地区,6.06%),R134a(华东地区,5.66%),氟化铝(河南地 区,5.2%),DMF(华东国产,4.84%),二氯甲烷(华东地区,4.26%),硫磺 (固体)(上海石化,3.49%),软泡聚醚(华东地区,3.3%),WTI 原油(WTI, 3.22%)。 近半月跌幅较大的产品:己内酰胺(中纤网, -29.41%),锦纶切片(中纤网, -22.57%),环己酮(华东地区,-22.18%),天然气(纽约现货价,-21.69%), 顺丁橡胶(华东地区,-18.72%),丁苯橡胶(华东 1502,-17.98%),丁二 烯国际(CFR 东南亚,-16.67%),盐酸(华东高纯,-14.29%),国际尿素(尤 日内,-12.28%),天然橡胶(上海,-10.85%)。

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