(报告加工时间:2022-09-27 -- 2022-10-09)


  • 全球石材行业的切割成型和精加工到2026年
    This data equals output data for the following ISIC Rev. 4 code: 2396 Cutting, Shaping and Finishing of Stone This class includes: Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone for use in construction, in cemeteries, on roads, as roofing etc. Manufacture of stone furniture This class excludes: Production of rough cut stone, i.e. quarrying activities, see ISIC Code - 0810 Production of millstones, abrasive stones and similar products, see ISIC Code - 2399 Activities of sculptors, see ISIC Code - 9000
  • 全球采矿采石和工程机械行业报告到2026年
    This class includes: Manufacture of continuous-action elevators and conveyors for underground use Manufacture of boring, cutting, sinking and tunnelling machinery (whether or not for underground use) Manufacture of machinery for treating minerals by screening, sorting, separating, washing, crushing etc. Manufacture of concrete and mortar mixers Manufacture of earth-moving machinery: Bulldozers, angle-dozers, graders, scrapers, levellers, mechanical shovels, shovel loaders etc. Manufacture of pile drivers and pile extractors, mortar spreaders, bitumen spreaders, concrete surfacing machinery etc. Manufacture of tracklaying tractors and tractors used in construction or mining Manufacture of bulldozer and angle-dozer blades Manufacture of off-road dumping trucks
  • 全球珠宝行业报告到2026年
    This class includes: Production of worked pearls Production of precious and semi-precious stones in the worked state, including the working of industrial quality stones and synthetic or reconstructed precious or semi-precious stones Working of diamonds Manufacture of jewellery of precious metal or of base metals clad with precious metals, or precious or semi-precious stones, or of combinations of precious metal and precious or semi-precious stones or of other materials Manufacture of goldsmiths' articles of precious metals or of base metals clad with precious metals: Dinnerware, flatware, hollowware, toilet articles, office or desk articles, articles for religious use etc. Manufacture of technical or laboratory articles of precious metal (except instruments and parts thereof): crucibles, spatulas, electroplating anodes etc. Manufacture of precious metal watch bands, wristbands, watch straps and cigarette cases Manufacture of coins, including coins for use as legal tender, whether or not of precious metal Engraving of personal precious and non-precious metal products
  • 拉丁美洲采矿业报告 (2022-2023年)
    GR&DS takes no responsibility for any incorrect information supplied in this report. Although GR&DS strives for accuracy in all its publications, this material may contain errors or omissions which derive from the primary and secondary research sources. This material is provided “as is“ and without any express or implied warranties, including merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose. GR&DS shall not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages as a result of its use. GR&DS´s report must be construed solely as statements of opinion and not as statements of fact.


  • 中国煤炭行业:8月产量增速显著回落,政策调控力度加码
    8 月产量增速显著回落,近期政策调控力度加码。(1)产量:8 月全国原煤产量3.7 亿吨,同比/环比+8.1%/ -0.6%;1-8 月累计产量29.29 亿吨,同比+11%。(2)需求:8 月火电/生铁/水泥产量同比+14.8%/-0.5%/ -13.1%,1-8 月累计产量同比-0.2%/-4.1%/-14.2%。(3)国家发改委公众号:近日天津、河北、辽宁等多地发改 委对港口煤炭企业开展专项调查,严格执行已签订的电煤中长期合同价格,严禁以“阴阳合同”等方式额外加 价,将煤炭价格保持在合理区间。相关企业已就严格执行有关政策、在价格合理区间内销售煤炭等作出了承 诺。我们认为,国内增产保供虽仍持续,但8 月产量同比增速较6/7(15.3%/16.1%)月已显著下滑,主因与汛 期强降雨、安全检查力度加强及基数较高有关,考虑到21 年后半年基数进一步升高,预计产量增速有望继续放 缓。需求端环比回升趋势整体仍持续,特别是8 月旺季火电发电量环比+7.7%(6/7/8 月同比增速分别为 -6%/+5.3%/+14.8%)。展望后期,电煤淡季来临,需求端环比或有季节性回落,但考虑到冬储及非电需求,回 落幅度或有限。
  • 煤炭开采行业:新疆煤炭供需与疆煤外运形势分析
    2021 年以来,我国煤炭供应持续紧张,煤炭等能源价格创多年来新高,能源安全和煤炭保供引起国家高层及社会的广泛关注。在国内外煤价持续倒挂背景下,保供任务更加依仗国内新增产能,然而,三西地区煤炭资源开发已趋成熟,新疆作为重要的煤炭资源接续区和战略性储备区,能否接续煤炭应急保供,就成为社会各界最关心的问题。

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