(报告加工时间:2017-08-07 -- 2017-09-03)


  • 纺织服装行业:中报季港股服装龙头表现强势,谈安踏与利郎的投资逻辑-周观点
    过去一周,服装板块亮点集中在港股方面,两家各自领域的龙头企业均表现强势:业绩增速表现持续强势的安踏体育在 8.15 中报公布以来股价上涨 13%+,市值首次站上 800 亿港元持续领跑我国品牌服装公司;业绩触底回升明显的男装龙头中国利郎,在公布中报后开启回购,近两个交易日上涨 11%+。
  • 纺织服装行业:环保督查利好制造龙头,临近中报关注业绩增长高确定性标的-周报
    本周大盘调整下行,全周沪深 300 指数下跌 0.38%,创业板指数下跌0.83%,纺织服装行业下跌 1.22%,表现逊于沪深 300 和创业板指数,其中纺织制造和品牌服饰板块分别下跌 0.93%和 1.51%。个股方面,转型股及部分具备稳健业绩增长的个股涨幅靠前。
  • 纺织服装行业:短期聚焦高成长与供给侧改革!-周观点


  • 全球户外背包市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Individuals who are engaged in outdoor recreational activities like camping, hiking, and trekking are the major consumers of outdoor backpacks. Different types of outdoor backpacks are available in the market to cater to the varying demands of consumers. The design of outdoor backpacks varies in terms of the following: capacity, insulation, raw material, and temperature rating. Consumers choose outdoor backpacks based on the duration of their trips and types of activities. While purchasing outdoor backpacks, consumers give importance to the key technical parameters like bag frame structure, ventilation, pack access, removable top lid, padding, attachment points, rain cover, shoulder harness, hip belts, pockets, hydration packs, and straps. Outdoor backpacks are more expensive than casual bags as they are designed and manufactured using sturdy and durable raw materials to withstand the extreme weather conditions. A rise in participation in outdoor activities influences the demand for outdoor backpacks.


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