(报告加工时间:2018-07-23 -- 2018-07-29)



  • 马里和毛里塔尼亚电信报告2018年
    The mobile market ended FY17 with a total of 19.699mn mobile subscribers, representing a y-o-y growth rate of 7.4%.  The competitive dynamics of the market landscape are rapidly evolving as fresh momentum has been injected once again. Alpha Telecom finally launched its mobile services in Q118 after it faced legal and regulatory delays lasting over four years. The company had secured its license in 2013 and will effectively challenge the duopoly of the local subsidiaries of Orange and Maroc Telecom. The government reaffirmed its commitment in Q118 towards issuing a fourth national mobile operator license once again and has requested interested parties to show interest.
  • 黑山电信报告2018年
    The Montenegrin telecommunications market is well developed but small and highly saturated in the case of mobile communications. The wireline market continues to benefit from modernisation, with next-generation access networks (NGANs) facilitating the provision of complex, multi-service packages for which operators can charge a premium. However, voice usage is on the decline and the broadband market's expansion potential is hampered by low consumer spending power. The broadband services sector is a little more developed, but dependence on the ageing WiMAX technology also hampers private sector development.
  • 仓库管理系统市场分析和分段预测到2025年
    The warehouse industry is rapidly changing, and as customer demand is rising, logistic companies are undergoing a change to counter the challenges that are created by the fluctuating product markets and shipping schedules. Warehouses worldwide are adopting latest technologies to stay competitive in the market. WMS facilitates the optimization of storage and management of goods in a warehouse.
  • 多因素认证市场分析和分段预测到2025年
    The global multi-factor authentication market was valued at USD 3,891.2 million in 2014 and is expected to reach USD 17,757.6 million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 15.07% from 2017 to 2025. The increasing threat of cyber security breaches, unauthorized access to critical systems, and the increasing number of online transactions are anticipated to bolster the growth of the multi-factor authentication market. Traditional usernames and passwords are primarily a single factor authentication mechanism that are susceptible to decoding and considered as the weakest form of authentication. Multi-factor authentication environments enable the verification of a user’s identity utilizing various verification factors such as tokens, OTPs, smart cards, and biometric features, among others.
  • 打包数据中心市场全球展望预测(2018-2023年)
    Data centers are built, operated, and maintained to process a vast amount of both customer and business data. The number of people accessing the internet has grown significantly in the past decade from about 1.5 billion in 2008 to 4.1 billion in 2017. Consequently, the amount of data generated has also grown by over 50 times because of the increased use of desktop systems, smartphone penetration, social media, wearable devices, and connected devices.
  • 全球无人机意识避免系统市场分析预测(2017年-2022年)
    We have analyzed the skin care products market by segmenting it on two levels. Functional segmentation of the skin care products market has been done on the basis of key products including face creams and body lotions. The face cream segment comprises anti-aging, sun protection, and skin brightening products. Furthermore, products under the body lotion segment include mass market body care lotions and premium body care lotions.
  • 尼泊尔电信报告2018年
    Limited competition, difficult geographical terrain and a low income population have histroically combined to slow the rate of mobile growth in the market, particularly in comparison to other markets. The introduction of a third mobile operator has given some fresh impetus to the market and may drive growth prospects further. Nevertheless, the market remains at a nascent stage of development. We believe there is significant scope for growth here in organic subscriber numbers over the next few years and in terms of 3G/4G and advanced data uptake. The two dominant players, Ncell and the Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited have carved a significant piece of the market for themselves. Challenging their powers in the market will require significant expertise, technological innovation and price competition.
  • 塞拉利昂电信报告 - 2018年
    Smart Mobile reportedly halted operations in late 2017 after failing to meet its financial obligations. In September 2017, the regulator NATCOM fined Airtel USD750,000, Africell USD400,000 and Sierratel USD200,000 also instructing them to offer three days of free calls to customers. NATCOM cited their failure to achieve agreed KPIs regarding quality of service for subscribers. In late 2016, Orange acquired Airtel's subsidiary in Sierra Leone, with its official brand launch taking place in October 2017. We believe this has injected much-needed competition to boost mobile uptake and improve 3G services across Sierra Leone. airtel was fined USD1.2mn by NATCOM in early 2016. The regulator stated that the fine was due to the fact that the operator failed to deliver adequate quality of service to its clients across the country.


  • 资讯科技行业:在线阅读高速发展,阅文集团一枝独秀-深度研究报告
    整个数字阅读行业 2017 年行业规模约 152 亿元,其中纯在线阅读部分约63 亿元,大有发展空间。根据艾瑞咨询、CNNIC 及其他第三方机构数据, 2017 年数字阅读行业总规模约 152 亿元,其中纯在线阅读 63 亿元,电子书 72 亿元,衍生市场 17 亿元;而整体文学市场估计约 440 亿元,数字阅读大有发展空间。
  • 系统设备行业:“企业上云”新风口,万亿级工业互联网投资开启
    从全球来看,工业互联网成为各国建立国际竞争优势的重要阵地。从中国来看,工业互联网已成为推动经济增长的关键枢纽。我国工业互联网启动与国际基本同步,在网络、标识、平台和安全等多个方面研究成果突出。2017年顶层设计相继出台,政策频繁落地,框架和标准研究也进入加速阶段。2018 年 2 月,国家制造强国建设领导小组宣布,专门设立“工业互联网专项工作组”,我国工业互联网发展驶入快车道。 
  • 信息技术行业:信息流与AI为搜索带来第二春
    信息流与 AI 助力搜索行业在移动时代迎来新增长。1)移动时代搜索引擎自主增长放缓:搜索本质是将分散的信息集中并提供给用户,但在移动时代,各垂直领域内的头部 APP 承担了该领域的信息集中功能,导致搜索引擎 APP 市占率下降。2)信息流是搜索流量的“再利用”,带来增量广告收入:信息流广告是互联网广告新增长点,搜索引擎利用自有流量及积累的数据,快速扩张信息流产品用户,赶上信息流广告这班流量变现 “快速车”。3)搜索公司发力 AI,提升自身的“垄断力”和“变现力”,同时促进了信息流发展。
  • 文化传媒行业:以腾讯为例,看中国互联网巨头的历史与发展(2018-07-24)


  • 中国汽车企业数据资源整合应用研究
  • 移动互联时代多维度信息发布模式的研究
    传统网络信息发布模式是以文字信息为主体的基于PC 设备的网站发布模式,随着智能移动设备的普及和移动互联网的兴起,人们获取信息的方式发生了很大的变化,对信息的即时性、选择性、简练性有了更高的要求。所以信息发布的模式也需要做出结构性的调整,来适应移动数据时代人们对信息的需求。本文分析了PC 端和移动端设备存在的差异和现有信息发布模式存在的长处和局限,在此基础上提出扬长避短的多维度信息发布模式。
  • 共享经济、风险管理与信用机制建设
  • 电信运营商的移动支付业务发展策略研究——中国电信“翼支付”发展建议
  • 关于大数据环境下云存储数据安全的探究

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