(报告加工时间:2014-09-01 -- 2014-09-07)




  • 真实大气环境宽带信道建模与实验评价
    Evaluating the performance claims of wideband communication systems will require a RF channel model that arises from the Navy's needs. U.S. Navy shipboard systems contend with surface and evaporation ducts, which create complex propagation environments that can significantly impact system performance. The work developed under this effort is an automated model that can characterize the effect of anomalous propagation conditions on system performance. The limitations of this model need to be understood so that users can determine the applicability of this model for their needs. Future work for this project includes developing and optimizing the automated model and validating the model based on comparisons to other deterministic models along with a comparison to experimental data. The work presented in this document shows the theory that was used to develop an automated channel model that will be validated in the second year of the effort. The design of a wideband channel sounder was presented and the channel sounder will be used to collect a unique set of channel measurements over long-range paths. The experimental validation test plan was developed and measurements will be collected during the second year of this effort.

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