(报告加工时间:2020-06-22 -- 2020-07-05)



  • 全球碳纤维预浸料市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    Carbon prepregs are widely used in making high-strength composite structures. This can be used in varied products, ranging from an automotive component to the body of an aircraft. Among the various end-user industries, one of the attractive applications is manufacturing the components of a wind turbine. While the world has been harvesting energy from wind for several decades, the growing environmental concerns have driven the deployment of renewables, globally, in the last few years. The usage of wind power has become a noticeable contributor to the world’s energy mix. The exponential growth in the wind energy market is supported by depleting fossil fuel reserves, declining cost of wind power generation, growing sensitivity toward environmental issues, and support fromvarious governments around the world through financial incentives. The global wind power installations increased, from 14.86 GW in 2006 to 591 GW in 2018. The overall growth of the number of turbine installations during 2006-2018 was primarily driven by declining costs. This was due to the improved materials and design, and favorable government policies for wind power in major countries using wind energy, such as China, the United States, Denmark, Germany, the United Kingdom, and India.


  • 中经网行业前沿技术-新材料202005
    美国大学打造人工碲层覆盖金属锂 让锂硫电池使用寿命延长4 倍。5 月29 日,新材料在线网讯,据外媒报道,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(The University of Texas at Austin)科克雷尔工程学院(Cockrell School of Engineering)的一组研究人员找到了一种方法,可以让锂硫电池中最具挑战性的部分之一稳定下来,加速锂硫电池技术的商业化。


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