(报告加工时间:2016-01-11 -- 2016-01-31)


  • 电子元器件行业:虚拟现实、智能汽车在CES大超预期
    市场动荡,但是科技创新依旧,在结构性分化的2016,依旧关注科技创新带来的成长性机会。16 年的第一周,市场大幅回调,电子板块整体下跌16.27%,但是CES 展在美国召开,智能汽车、虚拟现实等展台火热,预示着在新的一年行业的成长投资机会依然巨大。从CES 展的具体展品火热度看,依旧推荐虚拟现实、汽车智能化、半导体三大投资金矿。
  • 3D打印行业:为教育插上翅膀-专题研究系列报告之六
    3D 打印技术的发展与教育应用是相辅相成、相互促进的关系。3D 打印进入校园一方面可以让学生体验更为直观、更为感性的认知学习方式,在增加学习乐趣的同时提升教学效果;另一方面学生在参与设计到打印的过程中也得到动手实践能力的提升。3D 打印在教育领域的应用主要可以分为课程开发与培训、教学实践与应用、科学研究及创新三类,遵循“认知——实践——创新”的递进层次。
  • 智能显示行业:3D燃点新视觉,VR“yang-深度报告系列
    柱状透镜技术作为现阶段的主流技术,二代技术已较为成熟,重点在于内容发展级平台建设方面,我们认为,短期内移动便携终端裸眼 3D 设备及广告展示设备将率先爆发,长期来看,具有 3D 显示功能的笔记本、PC 终端随着技术的发展也将迅速增长。3D显示的应用端延展性较强,影视、游戏等行业已经开始应用,未来建筑设计、医疗、车载、航空、教育、展示等都将成为 3D 显示的增量市场。
  • 电子元器件行业:智能汽车和安防你所不知道的事情
    随着元旦以来市场下跌,安全边际逐步显现,更多的公司进入2016 年30 倍以下估值区间,是配置的安全位置。如果在此基础上,精选有估值弹性(估值弹性来自于新业务、新模式)的标的,是较好投资机会。
  • 液晶监视器制造业之现况与展望
    台灣出貨量表現:部分地區因貨幣貶值需求持續不振,以及品牌廠傾向推出需求量相對少但利潤較佳的專業機種,進而影響台廠接單數量,惟搭載英特爾新處理器的監視器新品備貨上市,減緩衰退情勢,故估計 2015 年第四季我國液晶監視器出貨量年減率由第三季的 7.01%縮減至 2.41%。
  • 3D打印行业:在汽车行业的应用贯穿汽车整个生命周期-专题研究系列报告之五
    在 3D 打印技术众多的应用领域中,汽车行业是 3D 打印技术最早的应用者之一。汽车行业由于自身规模大、研发投入多、应用 3D 打印技术时间长等因素,在 3D 打印技术应用中占据重要位置。汽车行业巨大的市场规模为3D 打印技术在汽车领域的应用提供了广阔的市场空间。


  • 全球汽车中冷器市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Internal combustion engines function via a process of air-fuel mixture. OEMs and automotive component manufacturers are consistently focusing and trying to enhance the performance of the vehicle by experimenting with the permutation and combination of the air-fuel mixture. One such way is by enhancing the air density in the combustion chamber, which ensures an efficient air-fuel ratio and burning of the fuel. Thereby, in order to increase the air density, intercoolers are used to ensure the appropriate cooling of the air.
  • 全球重型卡车车载诊断系统市场报告(2015-2019年)
    The current OBD system has evolved into a sophisticated real-time measurement and monitoring system for vehicles. The functionality of the OBD systems can be classified into two categories: Threshold monitoring: This includes various components that help ensure the effective operation and measurement of the emission control equipment of a vehicle. It also provides vehicle emission data that are used in inspection and maintenance programs for reducing in-use emissions and controlling high emissions from vehicles
  • 环球科学仪器市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Scientific instruments are crucial components that are used in measuring, analyzing, and verifying the unproven quantities and properties of an element or material. Most of the scientific instruments are integrated with computers to improve their functionality and features. Parameter adjustments, data sampling, collection, resolution, analysis, storage, retrieval, and other functionalities of scientific instruments can be enhanced by integrating them with computers.
  • 全球光谱市场报告(2015-2019年)
    The spectroscopy technique is used to determine the mass, structure, and composition of the substance under consideration and provide an accurate solution for the same. In 2014, the global spectroscopy market was valued at $7.18 billion and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.87% during the forecast period. In terms of type, atomic and molecular spectroscopy accounted for 49.16% and 50.84%, respectively, of the total revenue in 2014. However, with more applications for molecular spectroscopy in the pharmaceutical industry, it is expected to grow at a higher CAGR of 6.47% compared to 5.24% growth in atomic spectroscopy.
  • 全球青光眼手术设备市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Glaucoma is the damage to the optic nerves of the eye because of excessive ocular pressure. The disease does not have any warning signs and symptoms, except for the gradual loss of eyesight. Individuals with glaucoma often have 20/20 visual acuity as the disease affects peripheral vision first. Regular eye examinations, early detection, and treatment can help control and reduce the severity of the disease. Treatment options such as glaucoma drugs (Xalatan, Timolol, Alphagan P, and Neptazane), laser therapy, canaloplasty, and trabeculectomy help prevent vision loss.
  • 亚太地区测试与测量设备市场报告(2015-2019年)
    The market is growing the fastest in APAC. The commendable growth of the communications, electronics, and semiconductor sectors in Asian countries is responsible for the buoyant growth. Increase in exports of electronics from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and countries in SEA is also contributing to the growth of the market. Other contributing factors include a large population; increase in disposable income; and widespread penetration of advanced mobile devices in Asian countries like South Korea, China, India, and Malaysia. Sectors such as broadband communication, microwave communication, satellite communication, mobile telephony, and the military are the major end-users.
  • 全球晶圆检测设备市场报告(2015-2019年)
    Wafer inspection equipment is used to inspect wafers during semiconductor wafer production to identify defects. This equipment is also used for R&D. The increase in the applications of semiconductor ICs in segments such as consumer electronics, automobiles, and industrial is prompting vendors to raise its production, increasing the demand for wafer inspection equipment. Wafer inspection equipment is used to detect defects on both patterned and unpatterned wafer (before lithography).
  • 全球医疗影像市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Medical imaging is the process of creating visual representations of the interior of a body for clinical analysis and medical intervention. Medical imaging is performed to reveal internal structures hidden by the skin and bones, to examine and diagnose the medical condition. It plays a vital role, not only in the diagnosis but also in the treatment process, since it is taken into consideration during the follow-up of various diseases. Various methods for medical imaging include X-rays, ultrasonography, CT, and MRI. For the diagnosis and treatment of various disease these methods are used individually or in combination for a better understanding of the medical condition.

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