(报告加工时间:2017-09-25 -- 2017-10-08)


  • 烽火通信宽带接入整体解决方案
  • 工信部:5G第二阶段主要测试基本完成5G标准将出台
  • 上半年中国TMT私募及创投投资快速增长
    普华永道26日发布的最新报告显示,2017年上半年私募及创投(PE/VC)在中国科技、媒体及通信(TMT)行业的投资数量再创半年度新纪录。私募及创投恢复活跃,体现出投资者对TMT行业的信心。  TMT行业私募投资活跃  普华永道报告显示,2017年上半年,中国TMT行业私募及创投投资达到1582笔,环比增加104笔;投资总额达到307.5亿美元,环比增长22.9%。大额融资方面,2017年上半年过亿美元投资数量达到49起,半年度的大额投资金额环比增长近50%,占同期TMT行业投资总额的70%以上,且出现了2014年以来历史最高的单笔投资金额。  从子行业来看,互联网及移动互联网依旧是TMT行业的领头羊。2017年上半年投资总额为213.06亿美元,并有3笔投资金额超过10亿美元数量级。此外,科技行业投资金额环比增加56%,投资金额一季度高于40亿美元,为历史高位。娱乐传媒行业投资数量在一季度达到了146笔,创其自2014年以来的最高纪录。通信行业上半年投资总额为9.42亿美元,单笔投资金额环比增加了2倍。  普华永道中国北方区私募股权基金业务组主管合伙人张勤指出:“TMT行业投资金额和数量的双增长,再度证明投资者们仍然认为TMT行业是当下中国最具潜力的部分。而大额投资的突出表现,则进一步反映出市场看重行业龙头位置,对业务发展稳健的独角兽企业仍青睐有加。与此同时,上半年单笔"不过亿“的投资超过了1500笔,市场投资者依然在孜孜不倦地寻找下一个潜在的独角兽企业,市场投资两极分化的状态将在一段时间内继续维持。"  IPO仍为退出主渠道  普华永道报告还显示,2017年上半年,TMT行业首轮投资数量占比维持在50%以上。首轮投资的金额占比小幅上涨15%,但从2014年以来的历史数据看,2017年首轮投资在数量和金额上仍处于历史较低水平,一定程度上说明投资者仍然保持谨慎观望的态度。互联网消费领域是中国创业者们的主战场,2017年上半年获得首轮融资的行业中,投资金额和投资数量占比最高的仍是互联网及移动互联网行业,但科技行业上升迅猛,娱乐传媒行业也有抬头之势。随着互联网用户数量增长趋缓,投资者们正在寻找TMT行业的下一个风口。  此外,2017年上半年,首次公开募股(IPO)仍然是TMT行业资本退出的主要渠道,这与当前中国A股市场活跃、IPO审核节奏加快有关。但2017年上半年IPO退出占全部退出案例的比例较2016年下半年有所下降。  普华永道中国审计部合伙人蔡明仁表示:“上半年TMT行业大额投资不断涌现,印证了市场对符合期待的企业抱有极高的投资兴趣。但大额投资的风险仍不容小觑。一方面,行业在经过多轮洗牌之后,被投标的可能存在估值过高的风险;另一方面,由于当前中国大部分独角兽企业都以服务本土市场的互联网消费用户为主,区域性的经济周期对企业带来的影响也更大。"
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  • 行业月度报告-互联网金融201708
    8 月底,银监会发布《网络借贷信息中介机构业务活动信息披露指引》,《信披指引》与监管细则、备案指引、资金存管指引共同组成行业“ 1+3”制度体系。未来,在“ 1+3”制度体系的监管之下,行业发展将更加规范。众筹行业自去年底正常运营平台数量持续减少,但整体交易规模和投资人活跃度今年下半年回升,行业“二八格局”开始显现。


  • 全球机器人系统集成市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Robotics system integration is the process of programming and outfitting of robots so that they can perform automated manufacturing tasks. Robotics system integrators analyze system needs of end-users and provide a plan for automation,along with support for programming, commissioning, maintenance and repair.Systems integrators help in merging robots, peripherals, and manufacturing machinery into a single unit for helping in performing manufacturing tasks.The report provides market sizing in terms of revenue generated for robotics system integration of industrial robots by system integration specialists.For market sizing, the period 2017-2021 has been considered, keeping 2016 as the base year. The report does not include revenues generated by OEMs and robot manufacturers.Based on applications, the market has been segmented into material handling,welding, assembly line, and others.
  • 全球汽车近场通信系统市场报告(2017-2021年)
    NFC is a wireless communication technology that enables data transfer between devices within a distance of 4-10 cm. One of the most popular NFC-enabled devices is the smartphone, which can communicate with another NFC-enabled device at a proximity of 4 cm. The technology also does not require internet or telecom networks for communication, and hence it is unlikely to bear a subscription cost and possibility of a malfunction due to poor or loss of connectivity. The most popular NFC-based connectivity application is the transaction through contactless payment cards (debit and credit cards that have NFC chips embedded in them).
  • 全球汽车软件市场报告(2017-2021年)
    This software is responsible for all interactions between application software and hardware. It provides the basic functionalities of a computer system. It is again divided into operating system and device drivers. The operating system is the heart of any system as it facilitates the interaction of hardware and other software. The device driver is a middleware through which the operating system recognizes any hardware or device.
  • 全球数字电力市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Traditional digital meters and smart power meters are basic utility meters that are often used in the residential segment to identify and understand the consumption of energy at an advanced level. These meters are witnessing heavy demand from both developed and developing regions. The market for traditional analog meters is expected to experience a downfall in its share in the coming years. The digital meter market is forecast to see a high growth owing to the supportive regulatory actions. There is an increase in deployment of these meters as they are connected to the utilities network.
  • 全球纯玩软件测试服务市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Pure play software testing services are provided by vendors that are specialized in the field of software testing solutions. Software testing vendors that offer only software testing and related services are considered as pure play software testing vendors.Pure play software testing services provide a comprehensive and wide range of software testing services that include managed testing, DevOps testing,independent testing, and crowdsourced software testing.
  • 全球在线辅导市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The tutoring service is a part of the shadow education system, which assists students in studies outside of the regular education system. The tutoring industry has emerged after the extensive standardization of the education sector. The standardization includes the provision of examination preparation services to students. This assists students in scoring well in various entrance tests at secondary school level and university level exams.
  • 全球教育部门数字标牌市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Digital signage has enormous applications across industries such as retail, telecommunications, healthcare, and education. It is a very effective way to attract and interact with consumers in the form of customized messages. These messages can target customer interests and thus have the capability to influence buying behavior. The adoption of digital signage has been increasing due to various advantages like zero-paper waste, audience management, dynamic content control, cost-effectiveness, and targeted content display. These advantages make digital signage a reliable alternative to other advertising media such as posters and banners. It has positively impacted sectors, such as banking and transportation, while some of the industries experiencing large-scale impacts of digital signage deployments are retail, hospitability, and healthcare.
  • 全球迷你数据中心市场报告(2017-2021年)
    A mini data center is defined as a self-contained system designed to be from a single rack (micro data center) to up to 40 rack enclosure (containerized and aisle containment solution). The system houses IT infrastructure with integrated support infrastructure, such as power and cooling systems. These data centers can support IT load of up to 250 kW and are suitable as disaster recovery data centers, branch office operations, and for edge computing purposes.
  • 全球航空IoT市场报告(2017-2021年)
    IoT is a network of sensors, physical devices, and machines integrated into everyday objects and connected to the Internet for effective data communications. It creates smart communication environments, for example, a smart airport. It also improves the operational efficiency by enhancing the speed of communications in comparison to the existing infrastructure, thereby augmenting the business productivity in any industrial setup. IoT focuses on improving the process capabilities by enabling real-time business decisions with data storage and computing capacity at a basic sensor level. Therefore, Technavio expects that aviation stakeholders will invest significantly on IoT ecosystems in the coming years.
  • 全球情感分析软件市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Sentiment analysis software is an application that informs business intelligence (BI) processes regarding the meaning of each slang used and multiplicity of the references regarding the product and services.Sentiment analytics when used with social media offers an ability to create structured data from unstructured data and is combined with proprietary onpremises data for understanding the overview of customers, products, and services.It is useful when sentiment analytics is linked to big data as most of the organizations are marketing themselves on social media platform.
  • 全球量子密码市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Quantum cryptography can be defined as the method of manipulating the properties related to quantum mechnanics in order to carry out cryptographic tasks. Quantum cryptography is an approach to securing communications or an unhackable way of communicating information.In this report, we cover the current scenario and growth prospects of the global cryptography market for the period 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, we considered revenue generated from quantum cryptography solutions provided to end-users including large enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs),and governing and regulatory bodies.
  • 全球汽车个人助理系统市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Modern vehicles are equipped with intelligent personal assistant systems to assess the vehicles' condition, avert potential hazards during driving, alert drivers proactively in the case of imminent dangers, estimate drivers' workload and driving patterns, and perform various other tasks. Automotive personal assistant systems perform these tasks based on inputs from multiple electronic components and associated systems deployed in the vehicles.
  • 全球音视频编辑软件市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The demand for proprietary software and free professional software, such as Lightworks, is high in the market. The increased use of video content in social media has accelerated the demand for audio and video editing software. In addition, online video editing software is becoming a viable solution for editing and managing video content. Animoto and WeVideo are some of the prominent players in this industry. Acquisitions of smaller companies take place on a regular basis. For instance, Pinnacle Systems was acquired by Avid in 2005. Corel, a Canadian software company, acquired Pinnacle Systems from Avid in 2012.
  • 全球士兵监测系统市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Soldier monitoring systems is an amalgamation of multiple devices supported by wireless connectivity to track, monitor, and analyze the performance and health condition of an individual soldier deployed on operations or training missions.In this report, we have considered the revenue generated from the unit sales of soldier monitoring systems to defense agencies as there is significant homogeneity between the monitoring systems used in defense with those used by the special forces of law enforcement agencies. We have also included the revenue from sales of wearable health and operation monitoring system used in law enforcement applications.

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