(报告加工时间:2020-05-11 -- 2020-05-17)



  • 全球实验室信息系统市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The global laboratory information system (LIS) market is driven by the rising demand for lab automation and advancements in R&Ds labs, especially in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological laboratories.  Owing to the emergence of evidence-based medicine, the significance of precise diagnostics is increasing. Hence, it results in better patient care, which in turn, is increasing the pressure on laboratories to perform effectively. It is well known that replacing human tasks with technology improves the performance significantly, especially in the area of healthcare, and this factor is responsible for the popularity of lab information systems (LISs). Diagnostic errors are complex, and it is very important to eradicate such errors. As per the report of the National Institute of Health (NIH), urgent change is required to address the diagnostic errors that are affecting the quality of healthcare systems across the world. In order to eliminate diagnostic errors, companies are introducing novel software that can offer accuracy and true results.
  • 全球芯片实验室和微阵列(Biochip)市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    Microarrays are the most popular form of lab-on-a-chip technology, due to the wide range of differentiation and low price of the equipment. Increasing use of personal medical devices and the need for immediate results from diagnostic tests are the major factors driving the demand for microarrays in the lab-on-a-chip and microarrays market. The lab-on-a-chip segment of the market studied is expected to have a positive market growth due to the rise in demand for diagnostics, increasing global population, and technological advancement. Furthermore, the rise in adoption of personalized medicine, and easy accessibility of lab-on-a-chip technology will augment the demand for the same, across the world. The technological advances have increased the throughput of device production, improved rapid prototyping efforts, and enabled researchers to enhance the complexity and sophistication of experiments that can be performed on a microfluidic chip. As a result, microfluidic technology has its immense potential for research in life science and medicine.  In the United States, the usage of high-throughput screening (HTS) technologies increased drastically in academic research. With the rising interest in HTS, the lab-on-chip technology is expected to be widely used in the country, due to its applications in high-throughput screening.
  • 全球昆虫饲料市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    While the largest restraint to any new entrant into the global insect feed market is the regulatory framework, many potential investors are troubled by the legislative hurdles. However, since insect farming for animal feed produces hundreds of times more protein feedstock from a single hectare of land compared to traditional sources, the existent political objections are starting to fade out. This indicates that the threat of new entrants is settling at medium. In regions like Australia, where the livestock industry mainly relies on conventional protein sources, like soybean meal and lupin seeds, the insect feed concept is mostly in the nascent stage. Although in markets like Australia the threat of substitutes is very high, the threat of substitutes in the Sub-Saharan Africa, where the insect feed inculcation into the animal feed is not very nascent, is moderate.


  • 科技行业:新基建将如何影响中国经济-先锋系列报告
    加快 5G 商用步伐,加强人工智能、 工业互联网、物联网等新型基础设施建设,加大城际 交通、物流、市政基础设施等投资力度,补齐农村基础设施和公共服务设施建设短板。
  • 科技行业:G_Suite极简史,生于云端;协同天下-中金看海外比较
    作为办公市场的后进者,Google 通过 G Suite 与微软 Office 实现差异化竞争,成 功引领了云端协同办公市场的发展。G Suite 是如何突破重围在办公市场完成从一 到十的飞跃的?中国云端协同办公市场的空间和赢家将是谁?通过对 G Suite 发 展史的梳理,我们得到结论:G Suite 通过 Gmail 作为杀手级应用积累了海量的办 公人群,同时切入协同式办公的空白领域,专注于云端办公的同时不断扩张产品 内涵和边界,配合自下而上的推广策略成功蚕食了部分微软的市场份额。反观国 内,金山办公旗下的金山文档作为中国版 G Suite 目前也初显锋芒。我们认为金 山文档的发展路径与 G Suite 具有较高的相似性,集微软和 Google 在文档领域之 所长,其有望向约 700 亿元规模的企业文档管理和协同市场进军。
  • 科技行业:疫情影响较小,行业保持强劲增长-云计算资本开支观察(1Q20)
    从 Facebook、Apple、Amazon、Microsoft、Google(FAAMG)北美前五大科技企 业 1Q20 业绩中我们看到:(1)在远程办公、远程教育、视频、社交等应用服务 的驱动下,1Q20 北美云计算市场收入同比增长 37%,资本开支同比增长 31%, 增速和 4Q19 的 31%/2%都呈现明显加速。其中,亚马逊的资本开支(同比+107%) 大超市场预期。
  • 科技行业:Shopify,电商SaaS与服务龙头-先锋系列报告83
    Shopify聚焦电商SaaS及其他服务,面向企业提供电商建站、物流、支付、数据分析等 面向电商全流程的系列服务。

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