(报告加工时间:2024-01-15 -- 2024-01-28)



  • 工业制造信息(20230511)
  • 工业制造信息(20230427)
    4 月 26 日,老板电器发布 2022 年年报。数据显示,报告期内,公司实现营业收入 102.72 亿元,同比增长 1.22%;实现归母净利润 15.72 亿元,同比增长18.07%。尽管老板电器营收净利双增,但 2022 年对于整个厨房电器行业而言并不轻松。据东方财富 Choice 数据统计,6 家厨房电器(按申万行业分类)上市公司中,3家营收净利均有不同程度的下滑。另据奥维云网(AVC)推总数据显示,2022 年厨卫大家电(烟、灶、消、洗、嵌、集、热、净)零售额规模为 1586 亿元,同比下滑9.6%,其中集成灶市场零售额 259 亿元,同比增长 1.2%,但零售量同比下滑4.5%。
  • 工业制造信息(20231026)
    随着经济的逐渐复苏,消费领域休闲食品行业景气度高企,多家上市公司三季报报喜。10 月 25 日晚,绝味食品三季报出炉,今年前三季度该公司实现营收56.31亿元,同比增长 10%,净利润 3.9 亿元,同比增长 78%,经营现金流2.45 亿元,同比下降 72%。 其中第三季度,该公司营收 19.32 亿元,同比增长 8.26%,净利润1.48 亿元,同比增长 22%。 绝味食品三季报显示,经营现金流下降主要系原材料采购量增加及采购成本环比下降但同比仍处高位所致。第三季度,该公司营业成本同比增长13.46%,绝味食品表示,与营业收入同步增长,同时原材料成本上涨。
  • 工业制造信息(20230323)
    作为啤酒上市公司领域的龙头之一,青岛啤酒率先发布了2022 年成绩单。3 月 22 日晚间,青岛啤酒发布 2022 年年报,2022 年,该公司实现营业收入321.7 亿元,同比增长 6.65%,归母净利润 37.1 亿元,同比增长17.59%;扣非净利润32.1 亿元,同比增长 45.43%;基本每股收益 2.736 元,同比增长17.53%。
  • 工业制造信息(20230420)
    4 月 19 日晚间,恒逸石化披露 2022 年年报。2022 年面对加快演变的世界变局、新冠肺炎疫情冲击等考验,恒逸石化经营环境发生多重不利因素叠加影响,下游终端消费需求疲软,能源、运输、辅料等生产成本明显抬升,原油及产业链相关产品价格剧烈波动。多重压力下,恒逸石化实现营业收入 1520.50 亿元,同比增长17.26%。
  • 工业制造信息(20230928)
    一些企业转移到东南亚或中美洲,主要是考虑比较利益和接近市场。凭借完善的供应链、低人工成本以及成熟的生产工艺优势,我国家居出口行业自改革开放以来迅速成长。时至今日,我国已成为全球领先的家居生产国和出口国,期间诞生了不少以出口为主要业务的家居企业,沙发、床垫、办公家居等为出口核心品类。 2019 年,美国对 2000 亿美元中国输美商品加征 25%关税,涉及诸多家居产品。受此影响,家居企业开启了从产品出海到产能出海的转变,以供应链外迁应对高关税。


  • 全球煎饼粉市场报告(2024-2028年)
    A pancake mix is a type of baking mix that contains flour and other ingredients used for making pancakes. Pancake mix is prepared by mixing sugar, baking powder, milk, and eggs in a specific proportion. The pancake mix is used to prepare pancakes, waffles, and biscuits.
  • 全球猪肉市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Pork meat, commonly known as pork, is the meat obtained from domestic pigs. It is a popular source of animal protein worldwide. Pork comes in various cuts and forms, such as pork chops, bacon, ham, and ground pork. It is known for its versatility in cooking, with a range of flavors and textures, making it a staple in many culinary traditions across the globe.
  • 全球包装羊角面包市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Packaged croissants, also known as croissants, are a type of pre-packaged French pastry typically found in grocery stores and convenience stores. These pre-packaged croissants are characterized by their buttery and flaky texture and crescent shape and are typically produced on a large scale. They are packaged in protective materials to maintain their freshness and extend their shelf life and are intended for easy consumption, providing a convenient and ready-to-eat option for consumers around the world.
  • 全球大豆和牛奶蛋白原料市场报告(2023-2027年)
    Soy protein is derived from soybeans and is a plant-based protein source with a protein content of around 90%-95%. It is used in products like plant-based meats, dairy alternatives, and protein bars. On the other hand, milk Protein comes from cow's milk and contains casein and whey proteins, which are rich in essential amino acids. It is used in dairy products, infant formula, and various types of food products, contributing to texture and nutrition.
  • 全球年糕市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Rice cakes, which are perceived as healthy snack items, are usually made from brown rice. These cakes are usually fat-free and low in calories. The market size includes the revenue generated from the sales of rice cakes to individual consumers. The market size excludes the revenue generated from the sales of rice cakes by street vendors or homemade rice cakes, and it also excludes food items such as sandwiches made of rice cakes.
  • 全球无水乳脂(黄油)市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Anhydrous milk fat (butter oil) is a dairy product made from butter that has been drained of its moisture content and non-fat particles to reveal a concentrated, pure form of milk fat. Given its rich, creamy texture and buttery flavor, it is frequently utilized in the food industry. Applications include giving a unique taste and texture to dairy, confectionery, and baked goods. Due to its emollient and moisturizing qualities, it is also used in cosmetics and personal hygiene products.
  • 全球海鲜市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Seafood refers to any type of sea life that human beings consider edible, most notably fish and shellfish. Shellfish are mollusks of diverse species. Seafood includes edible aquatic species that include both freshwater and ocean creatures.
  • 全球肉汤市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Bouillon is a clear, rich broth that is obtained by simmering meat, bone marrow, or vegetables in water. Bouillon is commonly used as a foundation for soups, sauces, or goulash or consumed as a hot drink. Its flavor is enhanced by the addition of salt, herbs, and spices.
  • 全球罗谢尔盐市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Rochelle salt is a type of crystalline compound known scientifically as potassium sodium tartrate. Rochelle salt has a variety of applications due to its unique properties. It is highly soluble in water, and its crystals have piezoelectric properties, which means that they can generate an electric charge when subjected to mechanical stress. This property makes Rochelle salt valuable in the production of certain types of transducers and electromechanical devices, such as microphones and crystal oscillators. Additionally, Rochelle salt is used in the field of medicine as a laxative and in the production of certain pharmaceuticals.


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