(报告加工时间:2024-01-22 -- 2024-01-28)



  • 工业制造信息(20230914)
    湖南省统计局近日发布数据:7 月份全省装备制造业增加值同比增长3.1%,对全省规模工业增长的贡献率达 141.9%。1 至 7 月,装备制造业利润同比增长12.5%,拉动规模工业利润增长 3.9 个百分点。 工业经济平稳运行。7 月份,全省规模工业 39 个大类行业中,16 个行业实现增长,增长面为 41%。重点行业中,有色金属冶炼和压延加工业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业以及汽车制造业的增加值均有增长。
  • 工业制造信息(20230511)
  • 工业制造信息(20230406)
    加快制造业数字化转型不是“选答题”,而是关乎未来高质量发展的“必答题”“加分题”。作为在全国率先布局工业互联网的城市,上海正加快培育“工赋链主”,促进“平台+园区”融合发展,带动上下游中小企业从“要我转”为“我要转”,加快实现到 2025 年全市规模以上制造业企业数字化诊断全覆盖,数字化转型比例不低于 80%。
  • 工业制造信息(20230608)
    “我们最开始以为这是互联网十年不遇的机会,但是越想越觉得这是几百年不遇的、类似发明电的工业革命一样的机遇。”5 月 18 日,在腾讯2023 年股东大会上,腾讯董事会主席兼 CEO 马化腾发出如此感慨。“众所周知,我们人类已经历三次工业革命,每一次工业革命都带来了科技上的新发展,也对社会生产、生活方式产生了深远的影响。”大象机器人董事长、首席技术官(CTO)伍祁林说,现在正处于第四次工业革命,以云计算、物联网、大数据、机器人等为代表,正在推动社会生产、生活方式的变革,尤其近期人工智能(AI)大模型的兴起与迅速发展,更加推动了机器人,尤其是人形机器人的发展浪潮。
  • 工业制造信息(20230316)
    近日,水泥市场逐步回暖,多地水泥价格上涨。数字水泥网监测数据显示,近期多地水泥价格上调 30 元/吨至 50 元/吨。 首都科技发展战略研究院特聘研究员董晓宇表示:“随着国内经济复苏步伐加快,各地加大重点项目建设投资,水泥市场也随之回暖。价格止跌回升出现上涨是需求拉动所致,对行业年内保持增长趋势持乐观态度。


  • 全球智能家居自动化市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Smart home automation refers to the integration of technology into a residential space to control and automate various tasks and functions, often with the goal of enhancing convenience, efficiency, security, and energy conservation. Smart home automation includes smart lighting, thermostats, security cameras, door locks, and several others, which can be remotely monitored and controlled through a central hub or via a mobile device connected to the internet.
  • 全球云存储服务市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Cloud storage services refer to a model for data storage on the Internet through cloud service providers. The service providers manage and operate data storage as a service. The services are delivered to enterprises on demand with a flexible payment structure, which eliminates the need to buy and manage their own data storage infrastructure. Service providers also offer backup and recovery and data collaboration services for enterprises. Cloud storage services offer many advantages to enterprises, such as fast deployment, scalability, agility, reduced CAPEX, mobility enforcement, and uninterrupted business continuity.
  • 全球智能机场市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Smart airports are modern aviation facilities that incorporate advanced technologies and innovative solutions to enhance the overall passenger experience, optimize operations, and improve safety and security. These airports leverage digital, data-driven, and interconnected systems to create a more efficient, convenient, and sustainable travel environment.
  • 全球骨科3D打印设备市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Orthopedic 3D printing devices comprise all the hardware, software, and materials that are used to create detailed patient-specific orthopedic devices or complex internal structures.
  • 全球仿真软件市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Simulation software is designed to imitate real-world processes, systems, or scenarios and allows users to study and understand the behavior, performance, and outcomes of these simulations. Simulation software finds applications in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, healthcare, defense, gaming, and research and development. It offers capabilities to model complex systems, simulate physical phenomena, predict outcomes, optimize processes, and make informed decisions based on the simulation results.
  • 全球游戏市场人工智能报告(2024-2028年)
    Artificial intelligence (AI) in gaming pertains to responsive and adaptive video game environments. NPCs, or non-player characters, are typically the source of these AI-powered interactive experiences. They act intelligently or imaginatively, much like human game players might. AI is the mechanism that determines how an NPC acts in the virtual environment. Apart from NPC, AI in games provides a better user experience and other features such as high-quality graphics and animations.
  • 全球智能乐器市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Smart musical instruments are traditional musical instruments enhanced with digital technology to provide additional features, capabilities, and connectivity options. These innovations are designed to improve the playing experience, offer new creative possibilities, and integrate with modern music production and performance environments.
  • 全球铁路网电缆市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Release coatings are specialized coatings applied to surfaces to prevent sticking or adhesion. They create a barrier between two surfaces, allowing for easy separation without damage or residue. Commonly used in the manufacturing industry, release coatings ensure the smooth release of materials from molds, tools, or other surfaces. Release coatings improve production efficiency, reduce scrap rates, and enhance product quality by preventing surface defects. End-users of release coatings, including automotive, food processing, aerospace, electronics, medical devices, and printing, rely on release coatings these for efficient and precise release of materials and components.
  • 全球商业会计软件市场报告(2024-2028年)
    Business accounting software helps organizations record, process, and track their internal financial transactions. The software takes care of the core financial functions such as accounts receivable, general ledger, accounts payable, payroll, and reporting.


  • 2024年人形机器人产业投资九大要点
    2024 年,人形机器人迎来产业化元年。2022 年 10 月,特斯拉发布 Optimus 人形机器人原型 机,11 月,ChatGPT 问世,AIGC 与人形机器人的融合,给具身 AI 带来无限想象。2023 年, Optimus 技术不断迭代:4 月发布 Gen 1-Demo1 视频,9 月发布 Gen 1-Demo2 视频,12 月 发布 Gen 2 视频,每一次的进步都引发了市场的强烈关注。2024 年,特斯拉计划在工厂部署人形机器人、国内优必选、智元机器人公告将进入工厂产业化验证,新年初始,三花、拓普相继发 布公告,分别投资 50 亿元,在国内建设机器人核心部件制造基地,人形机器人迎来产业化元年。 2024 年,我们坚持“硬件设计创新+中国制造降本”的核心产业逻辑,关注“3+3”核心零部件的产业发展趋势,总结出 2024 年人形机器人产业九大要点,一起迎接人形机器人产业化浪潮。
  • 国产替代加速推进,市场潜在空间广阔
    数据库迈入后关系型数据库阶段。数据库是结构化信息或数据的有序集合,一般以电子形式存储在计算机系统中。作为计算机三大基础软件(操作系统、数据库、中间件)之一,数据库能够充分发挥硬件算力,赋能上层应用需求,是信息系统的关键基础设施。自 20 世纪 60 年代以来,数据库发展主要经历三大阶段:1)前关系型阶段:数据模型主要基于网状模型和层次模型,IDS 和 IMS 为代表性数据库;2)关系型阶段:SQL 成为关系型数据库的主流语言,Oracle、 MySQL 等关系型数据库为主要代表;3)后关系型阶段:由于数据规模增长,非结构数据出现,NoSQL、NewSQL 等非关系型数据库快速发展。

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