(报告加工时间:2020-11-23 -- 2020-11-29)



  • 全球工业防护服设备市场展望和预测(2020-2025年)
    Moreover, protective clothing & equipment is an essential element of overall worker safety control strategy, primarily in construction, chemical, mining, oil & gas, healthcare, and other industries. Industrial protective clothing & equipment are classified based on the type and size of infectious particles that they can filter. The global market for industrial protective clothing & equipment is wide, with multiple players delivering a diverse range of protection goods. The market for protective clothing & equipment products is highly competitive, with participants ranging in size from small businesses focusing on a single type of PPE to several large multinational corporations, that produce and supply many types of highly developed protective products.
  • 全球医用礼服市场前景预测(2020-2025年)
    Medical gowns are personal protective equipment used to protect both HCPs and the patients from infection or illness when they come in contact with potentially infectious liquid and solid material in the healthcare settings. These gowns are also used to prevent the wearer from transferring microorganisms that could harm vulnerable patients, such as patients with weakened immune systems. Medical gowns are an essential element of infection-control strategy, primarily in healthcare facilities. The three major types of medical gowns, which are generally used to prevent respiratory infection, include surgical gowns, patient gowns, and nonsurgical gowns. All the types of medical gowns are classified based on the desired level of protection that they can provide.
  • 全球加热织物市场分析与预测 (2019-2025年)
    With the growing number of institutes and universities venturing into the research and development of heating fabrics and smart textiles, the technology development and the fabrics development in the recent years have given rise to several new products to the segment. Carbon fiber-based and polymer-based fabrics have shown an exponential increase in production for multiple applications such as military, sports, and healthcare. For instance, wearable heating system with a controllable e-textile-based thermal panel by Istanbul Technical University has given rise to products such as Loomia’s electronic jacket. There have been several such cases whereby the information provided by the research studies of the universities is based on the product development of a company. Moreover, several companies also collaborate with institutions and universities to do the research on their behalf, thereby reducing the R&D costs.


  • 纺织服装行业:国庆中秋长假释放消费活力,可选消费增速持续复苏
    国庆长假助力消费活力释放,可选消费增速持续复苏。消费线上化趋势延续,头部电商平台双11 继续大幅增长。展望未来,Q4 为传统消费旺季,可选消费复苏有望延续,建议积极关注估值较低的纺织服装龙头森马服饰、波司登、南极电商、罗莱生活、富安娜、健盛集团,继续关注电商推升业绩的国内化妆品公司珀莱雅、上海家化等。
  • 纺织服装行业:平台经济反垄断意见稿出台_RCEP落地,行业面临新机遇
    行情回顾:全周沪深300 指数下跌0.59%,创业板指数下跌0.96%,纺织服装行业指数上涨0.16%,表现强于沪深300 和创业板指数,其中纺织制造板块上涨0.2%,品牌服饰板块上涨0.14%。个股方面,我们覆盖的朗姿股份、探路者和安正时尚等获得了正收益。
  • 纺织服装行业:10月服装终端环比持续恢复,纺企库存周转加快-月报
    品牌服饰:十一黄金周及换季驱动下,10 月纺服社零总额双位数增长1-10 月社会消费品零售总额同比下滑5.9%,降幅环比收窄1.3PCTs;纺服品类零售额同比下滑9.7%,降幅环比收窄2.7PCTs。10 月单月看,在冷冬预期叠加十一黄金周的驱动下,服装增速环比+3.9PCTs 至+12.2%,需求环比持续改善。上市公司层面亦呈现同样趋势,如终端恢复靓眼的太平鸟10 月终端仍延续较高增速,Q3 单季度零售端转正的海澜之家线下预计实现双位数增长。

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